Vova Logistics

Courier service



Vova Logistics Tracking

Our service allows you to track the parcel of Vova Logistics or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

Vova Logistics statuses

Status Translation into en
Delivered Delivered
已交承运商运输 Delivered to the carrier for transportation
Shipment information received Shipment information received
航空公司接收 Airline receiving
飞机进港 Plane arrives
到达寄达地处理中心 Arrive at the delivery center
Shipment Information Received Shipment Information Received
Arrive at destination Arrive at destination
Flight Departure Flight Departure
In transit In transit
中转站转运中 Transit in transit station
Out for delivery Out for delivery
Out for Delivery Out for Delivery
Arrived at USPS Regional Facility Arrived at USPS Regional Facility
航班起飞 Flight departure
The item has arrived in the country of destination The item has arrived in the country of destination
Departed USPS Regional Facility Departed USPS Regional Facility
Entregado delivered
Arrived at Post Office Arrived at Post Office
Departed from Facility Departed from Facility
Arrived Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item Arrived Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item
Customs Clearance Completed Customs Clearance Completed
Your parcel is at the delivery site that serves your address. We are preparing it for delivery Your parcel is at the delivery site that serves your address. We are preparing it for delivery
The shipment has been loaded onto the delivery vehicle The shipment has been loaded onto the delivery vehicle
The shipment has been successfully delivered The shipment has been successfully delivered
First parcel scan along Poste Italiane’s logistic network First parcel scan along Poste Italiane’s logistic network
送交进口海关 Send to import customs
Picked up Picked up
Delivered by post man Delivered by post man
In transito In transit
Your parcel has been delivered Your parcel has been delivered
delivered delivered
Delivered, In/At Mailbox Delivered, In/At Mailbox
Released from customs Released from customs
Votre courrier est en cours d'acheminement vers sa destination Your mail is being routed to its destination
Order has been created Order has been created
Shipping Label Created Shipping Label Created
境外进口取消 Cancellation of overseas imports
Your parcel has been delivered to your letter box Your parcel has been delivered to your letter box
Votre courrier est arrivé dans le site en vue de sa distribution Your mail has arrived on the site for distribution
En tránsito In transit
The parcel has been received The parcel has been received
delivery to local courier delivery to local courier
Order information has been transmitted to DPD Order information has been transmitted to DPD
Departed Facility In processing center Departed Facility In processing center
Arrive at international airport to abroad Arrive at international airport to abroad
Custom clearance completed Custom clearance completed
Departed from AIRPORT of Origin Departed from AIRPORT of Origin
en agencia en agencia
At parcel delivery centre At parcel delivery centre
Arrived at Sort Facility Arrived at Sort Facility
The parcel has left the operation center The parcel has left the operation center
Arrived at AIRPORT of Destination Arrived at AIRPORT of Destination
Arrived at destination facility Arrived at destination facility
shipment information received shipment information received
package processed in operation hub package processed in operation hub
departed from airport departed from airport
Votre courrier a été distribué à l'adresse (au destinataire, ou directement dans sa boîte à lettres, au gardien) Your mail has been delivered to the address (to the recipient, or directly to their mailbox, to the custodian)
arrived at airport arrived at airport
package handover to air transport package handover to air transport
Shipment created Shipment created
transfer in destination country transfer in destination country
out for delivery out for delivery
in customs clearance in customs clearance
handover to lastmile handover to lastmile
package arrived at delivery office package arrived at delivery office
Your parcel has arrived at its delivery location Your parcel has arrived at its delivery location
Arrived at Sort Facility SHENZHEN Arrived at Sort Facility SHENZHEN
Item posted at post office Item posted at post office
Shipment delivered Shipment delivered
customs clearance completed customs clearance completed
in transit in transit
Departed Facility in SHENZHEN Departed Facility in SHENZHEN
Your parcel was delivered Your parcel was delivered
transfer in recipient's country transfer in recipient's country
Shipment Created Shipment Created
Arrived at sort facility Arrived at sort facility
Accepted at USPS Regional Facility Accepted at USPS Regional Facility
arrived at airport of destination arrived at airport of destination
Partita dalla sede mittente. In transito Departure from the sender's office. In transit
Shipment in transit. Thanks for your waiting Shipment in transit. Thanks for your waiting
Waiting for a flight Waiting for a flight
Arrivata nella Sede GLS locale Arrived in the local GLS office
Consegna prevista nel corso della giornata odierna Consegna prevista nel corso della giornata odierna
Parcel Infomation Received Parcel Infomation Received
Departed Facility in DONGGUAN Departed Facility in DONGGUAN
Departed from the first mile sorting center Departed from the first mile sorting center
Spedizione registrata nei nostri sistemi ma non ancora partita Shipment registered in our systems but not yet shipped
Released From Import Customs Released From Import Customs
Delivered. Signed by . Thank you for using SF Express. Looking forward to serving you again Delivered. Signed by . Thank you for using SF Express. Looking forward to serving you again
Released From Export Customs Released From Export Customs
Arrived at Sort Facility DONGGUAN Arrived at Sort Facility DONGGUAN
Shipment Depart From Original Country Shipment Depart From Original Country