UPS: United Parcel Service

Courier service


UPS: United Parcel Service Tracking

Our service allows you to track the parcel of UPS: United Parcel Service or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

UPS: United Parcel Service statuses

Status Translation into en
Delivered Delivered
Arrived at Facility Arrived at Facility
In transit In transit
Out for delivery Out for delivery
Out for Delivery Out for Delivery
Arrived at Post Office Arrived at Post Office
Departed from Facility Departed from Facility
Departure Departure
Arrived at USPS Facility Arrived at USPS Facility
Shipper created a label, UPS has not received the package yet Shipper created a label, UPS has not received the package yet
In Transit In Transit
Departed USPS Facility Departed USPS Facility
Origin Scan Origin Scan
Processing at UPS Facility Processing at UPS Facility
Warehouse Scan Warehouse Scan
Available for Pickup Available for Pickup
Import Scan Import Scan
Shipment Received, Package Acceptance Pending Shipment Received, Package Acceptance Pending
Out For Delivery Today Out For Delivery Today
Out For Delivery Out For Delivery
Export Scan Export Scan
Arrival Scan Arrival Scan
Warehouse scan Warehouse scan
Accepted at USPS Destination Sort Facility Accepted at USPS Destination Sort Facility
Departure Scan Departure Scan
Pickup Scan Pickup Scan
Destination Scan Destination Scan
Loaded on Delivery Vehicle Loaded on Delivery Vehicle
UPS initiated contact with receiver or importer for clearance information. Once received, UPS will submit for clearance UPS initiated contact with receiver or importer for clearance information. Once received, UPS will submit for clearance
Returned to sender Returned to sender
Arrived at Destination Country Arrived at Destination Country
Shipment on hold Shipment on hold
Pickup scan Pickup scan
Your package is pending release from a Government Agency. Once they release it, your package will be on its way Your package is pending release from a Government Agency. Once they release it, your package will be on its way
Your package is in transit. We're updating plans to schedule your delivery. / The package will be forwarded to a UPS facility in the destination city Your package is in transit. We're updating plans to schedule your delivery. / The package will be forwarded to a UPS facility in the destination city
Drop-Off Drop-Off
Your package is in transit. We're updating plans to schedule your delivery Your package is in transit. We're updating plans to schedule your delivery
Your package has been released by the government agency Your package has been released by the government agency
Your package is on the way Your package is on the way
Cleared Customs Cleared Customs
Package transferred to post office Package transferred to post office
The package is at the clearing agency awaiting final release The package is at the clearing agency awaiting final release
No Such Number No Such Number
UPS Access Point™ possession UPS Access Point™ possession
Package is in transit to a UPS facility Package is in transit to a UPS facility
Your package is pending release from a government agency. Release of the package to UPS may take up to 10 days Your package is pending release from a government agency. Release of the package to UPS may take up to 10 days
Insufficient Address Insufficient Address
Your package is currently at the UPS Access Point™ and is scheduled to be tendered to UPS Your package is currently at the UPS Access Point™ and is scheduled to be tendered to UPS
UPS has received the information needed to submit your package for clearance UPS has received the information needed to submit your package for clearance
UPS is preparing your package for clearance. We will notify you if additional information is needed UPS is preparing your package for clearance. We will notify you if additional information is needed
Order information received Order information received
Processing Exception, Other Delay Processing Exception, Other Delay
Your package has cleared customs and is on the way Your package has cleared customs and is on the way
UPS initiated contact with the sender to obtain clearance information. Once received, UPS will submit for clearance UPS initiated contact with the sender to obtain clearance information. Once received, UPS will submit for clearance
Package processed by international carrier Package processed by international carrier
Package arrived at international carrier Package arrived at international carrier
Duties or taxes are due on this package Duties or taxes are due on this package
Import charges are due for this package. Select Pay Now (where available) or pay at delivery Import charges are due for this package. Select Pay Now (where available) or pay at delivery
Package is delayed in transit. Delivery will be rescheduled. Check back or signup for UPS My Choice® to receive updates Package is delayed in transit. Delivery will be rescheduled. Check back or signup for UPS My Choice® to receive updates
Package received for processing Package received for processing
Package processed Package processed
The receiver was not available for delivery. We'll make a second attempt the next business day The receiver was not available for delivery. We'll make a second attempt the next business day
Signature obtained Signature obtained
Your package is prepared for clearance Your package is prepared for clearance
Your package was processed at our facility Your package was processed at our facility
Package delivered by post office Package delivered by post office
Delivered to UPS Access Point™ Delivered to UPS Access Point™
Customer was not available when UPS attempted delivery. Will deliver to a nearby UPS Access Point™ for customer pick up Customer was not available when UPS attempted delivery. Will deliver to a nearby UPS Access Point™ for customer pick up
Package delivered by local post office Package delivered by local post office
Due to operating conditions, your package may be delayed Due to operating conditions, your package may be delayed
Package departed international carrier facility Package departed international carrier facility
Import C.O.D. (ICOD) charges have been paid or billed Import C.O.D. (ICOD) charges have been paid or billed
Shipment Delivered to USPS, Package Acceptance Pending Shipment Delivered to USPS, Package Acceptance Pending
This package is being held for a future delivery date This package is being held for a future delivery date
Your package is currently at the UPS Access Point™ and ready to be returned to UPS Your package is currently at the UPS Access Point™ and ready to be returned to UPS
Received by the local post office Received by the local post office
Delivery will be delayed by one business day Delivery will be delayed by one business day
UPS will be in your area and will deliver your package a day early UPS will be in your area and will deliver your package a day early
The street number is incorrect. This may delay delivery. We're attempting to update the address The street number is incorrect. This may delay delivery. We're attempting to update the address
Your package is in transit. We're updating plans to schedule your delivery Your package is in transit. We're updating plans to schedule your delivery
Your package is pending release from a non-UPS broker. Contact the non-UPS broker for additional information Your package is pending release from a non-UPS broker. Contact the non-UPS broker for additional information
Your package was released for delivery by the clearing agency Your package was released for delivery by the clearing agency
Your package is on the way. Check back later for delivery updates Your package is on the way. Check back later for delivery updates
The package has been rescheduled for a future delivery date The package has been rescheduled for a future delivery date
UPS initiated contact with receiver or importer for clearance information. Once received, UPS will submit for clearance. / We'll contact the sender or receiver about this delivery UPS initiated contact with receiver or importer for clearance information. Once received, UPS will submit for clearance. / We'll contact the sender or receiver about this delivery
Package was driver released Package was driver released
Electronic Shipment Information Received for Package by international carrier Electronic Shipment Information Received for Package by international carrier
Severe weather conditions have delayed delivery Severe weather conditions have delayed delivery
The receiver does not want the product and refused the delivery The receiver does not want the product and refused the delivery
A late flight has caused a delay. We will update the delivery date as soon as possible A late flight has caused a delay. We will update the delivery date as soon as possible
We tried to deliver the package, but were unable to receive payment. A second attempt will be made the next business day We tried to deliver the package, but were unable to receive payment. A second attempt will be made the next business day
UPS initiated contact with receiver or importer for clearance information. Once received, UPS will submit for clearance. / We've contacted the receiver UPS initiated contact with receiver or importer for clearance information. Once received, UPS will submit for clearance. / We've contacted the receiver
The company or receiver name is incorrect. This will delay delivery. We're attempting to update this information The company or receiver name is incorrect. This will delay delivery. We're attempting to update this information
We received a request from the receiver to reschedule the delivery We received a request from the receiver to reschedule the delivery
This delivery address is in a remote area where deliveries are not made daily This delivery address is in a remote area where deliveries are not made daily
Some additional transit time is required since the receiver is located in a remote area Some additional transit time is required since the receiver is located in a remote area
Returned to Shipper Returned to Shipper
Order Processed: In Transit to UPS Order Processed: In Transit to UPS