PostNord Sweden

National Postal Service


PostNord Sweden Tracking

Our service allows you to track the parcel of PostNord Sweden or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

PostNord Sweden statuses

Status Translation into en
Försändelsen har ankommit mottagarlandet The shipment has arrived in the recipient country
Försändelsen tullklareras av oss The shipment is cleared through customs by us
Försändelsen har lämnat avsändarlandet The shipment has left the country of dispatch
Försändelsen har levererats the package has been delivered
The shipment item has arrived at the country of destination The shipment item has arrived at the country of destination
The shipment item has left the country of the sender The shipment item has left the country of the sender
Försändelsen är på väg The shipment is on its way
The shipment item is under transportation The shipment item is under transportation
Misslyckat leveransförsök Unsuccessful delivery attempt
The shipment item is being customs cleared by us The shipment item is being customs cleared by us
The shipment item has been delivered The shipment item has been delivered
The delivery of the shipment item is in progress The delivery of the shipment item is in progress
The transport of the shipment item has started in the country of the sender The transport of the shipment item has started in the country of the sender
Transport av försändelsen har påbörjats Transport of the shipment has begun
Vi har fått en beställning på en leverans till dig. Spårningsinformationen uppdateras när försändelsen har ankommit till PostNord We have received an order for a delivery to you. The tracking information is updated when the shipment has arrived at PostNord
The shipment item has been cleared by customs The shipment item has been cleared by customs
Transport av försändelsen har påbörjats i avsändarlandet Transport of the shipment has begun in the country of dispatch
The shipment item has been dropped off by sender The shipment item has been dropped off by sender
The shipment item has been delivered to the recipient's mailbox The shipment item has been delivered to the recipient's mailbox
We have received a notification from your shipper that they are preparing an item for you. The tracking information will be updated when the parcel is handed over to PostNord We have received a notification from your shipper that they are preparing an item for you. The tracking information will be updated when the parcel is handed over to PostNord
The transport of the shipment item has started The transport of the shipment item has started
Unsuccessful delivery attempt Unsuccessful delivery attempt
The shipment item has been delivered to a service point The shipment item has been delivered to a service point
Försändelsen har levererats till ett serviceställe The shipment has been delivered to a service center
The item has been returned. The recipient has refused to accept the item The Item has been returned. The Recipient Has Refused to Accept the Item
Försändelsen har levererats till mottagarens postlåda The shipment has been delivered to the recipient's mailbox
The item has been consigned to the recipient The Item Has Been Consigned to the Recipient
The shipment item has been delivered with Power Of Attorney The shipment item has been delivered with Power Of Attorney
Försändelsen har lämnats av avsändaren The shipment has been provided by the sender
Mottagaren har aviserats per brev The recipient has been notified by letter
Försändelsen har ankommit distributionsterminal The shipment has arrived distribution terminal
Försändelsen har lastats The shipment has been loaded
The shipment item has been loaded The shipment item has been loaded
Delivery was not possible. The recipient will get a notification with information on where the shipment item will be available for collection Delivery was not possible. The recipient will get a notification with information on where the shipment item will be available for collection
The shipment item has arrived at the distribution terminal The shipment item has arrived at the distribution terminal
Försändelsen returneras The shipment is returned
Försändelsen har klarerats och släppts av tullen The shipment has been cleared and released by customs
E-mail notification has been sent to the recipient E-mail notification has been late to the recipient
En avi har skickats till mottagaren A notice has been sent to the recipient
Arrived at pick-up point, the recipient is notified Arived at Pick-Up Point, The Recipient Is Notified
A letter notification has been sent to the recipient A letter notification has been sent to the recipient
Försändelsen har lämnats in efter sista inlämningstid The consignment has been handed in after the last delivery time
Det gick inte att leverera. Mottagaren kommer att få ett meddelande om var försändelsen kan hämtas Unable to deliver. The recipient will be notified where the shipment can be picked up
The shipment item will be returned The shipment item will be returned
Mottagaren har aviserats via sms The recipient has been notified via text message
A text message notification has been delivered to the recipient A text message notification has been delivered to the recipient
EORI number coplete - Item released Eori Number Coplete - Item Released
The delivery of the shipment item has been delayed with one workday The delivery of the shipment item has been delayed with one workday
The shipment item has been dropped off after latest drop-off time The Shipment Item Has Been Dropped Off After Latest Drop-Off Time
Waiting for payment of taxes and duties Waiting for Payment of Taxes and Duties
Lastad på bil, utkörning påbörjad Loaded on car, driving started
Legitimerad eID Credited eID
PostNord har hämtat försändelsen och den är på väg PostNord has picked up the shipment and it is on its way
Mottagaren har aviserats via e-post The recipient has been notified by e-mail
Försändelsen har felsorterats The shipment has been incorrectly sorted
A notification has been sent to the recipient A Notification has been late to the recipient
A text message notification has been sent to the recipient A text message notification has been late to the recipient
The address is incorrect -
The shipment item has been incorrectly sorted The shipment item has been incorrectly sorted
Recipient identified via eID Recipient Identified via EID
Försenad transport Delayed transport
Försenad transport Delayed transport
Försändelsen är överlämnad till lantbrevbäring för leverans nästa vardag The consignment is handed over to the rural letter carrier for delivery the next weekday
The shipment item has been delivered at the recipient's door The Shipment Item Has Been Delivered at The Recipient's Door
Leverans kunde inte ske eftersom porten var låst och mottagaren ej gick att nå. Mottagaren kommer att få ett meddelande om var försändelsen kan hämtas -
The shipment item is ready for transportation The Shipment Item is Ready for Transportation
Customs clearance refused Customs Clearance Refused
Delayed operation Delayed operation
The item has arrived from abroad to Posten´s international terminal for sorting The Item has Arived from Abroad to Posten´s International Terminal for Sorting
Suggested delivery time Suggested Delivery Time
Försändelsen har ett felaktigt postnummer -
Försändelsen hämtas hos ombud, enligt mottagarens val The consignment is picked up by a representative, according to the recipient's choice
Leverans kunde inte ske då mottagaren är okänd. Försändelsen skickas tillbaka till avsändaren Delivery could not take place as the recipient is unknown. The shipment is sent back to the sender
The shipment item is being held at a distribution terminal awaiting the booked delivery date, or awaiting an agreement of delivery with the recipient -
Pick-up at servicepoint, selected by the receiver Pick-up at ServicePoint, Selected by the Receiver
The item has been redirected within PostNord to a sorting terminal The Item has been redirected within postnord to a sorting terminal
Unable to notify the recipient via SMS -
Hämtas hos PostNord, valt av mottagaren Picked up at PostNord, selected by the recipient
Försändelsen förbereds för leverans The shipment is prepared for delivery