Portugal Post

National Postal Service



Portugal Post Tracking

Our service allows you to track the parcel of Portugal Post or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

Portugal Post statuses

Status Translation into en
Departure from outward office of exchange Departure from outward office of exchange
Arrival at inward office of exchange Arrival at inward office of exchange
O envio foi aceite. O processo de envio foi iniciado The submission has been accepted. The submission process has started
Chegou ao centro operacional Arrived at the operational center
O envio foi encaminhado para o país de destino The shipment was forwarded to the destination country
Item presented to import Customs Item presented to import Customs
Chegou ao país de destino Arrived in destination country
O envio saiu para entrega. Será entregue durante o dia The shipment went out for delivery. Will be delivered during the day
O envio foi entregue. O processo de envio terminou The shipment has been delivered. The submission process has ended
Saiu do centro operacional Left the operational center
A informação sobre o envio foi recebida Shipping information has been received.
Aceitação Acceptance
Item returned from import Customs Item returned from import Customs
Arrival at transit office of exchange Arrival at transit office of exchange
Item out for physical delivery Item out for physical delivery
Foi enviada notificação ao destinatário. O envio está em processo aduaneiro Notification has been sent to recipient. The shipment is in customs process
O envio está em Procedimentos Declarativos The submission is in Declarative Procedures
Em distribuição In distribution
Entregue Delivered
Expedição internacional International expedition
Receção Reception
Receção internacional International reception
Item delivered. The delivery process is concluded Item delivered. The delivery process is concluded
Arrival at operations centre Arrival at operations centre
Information about the item received Information about the item received
A entrega do envio não foi conseguida Delivery delivery was not successful
Item accepted. The shipping process was initiated Item accepted. The shipping process was initiated
Item presented to export Customs/Security Item presented to export Customs/Security
Item returned from export Customs/Security Item returned from export Customs/Security
Expedição Nacional National Expedition
Suspensão da Importação Import Suspension
Envio criado. Aguarda processamento Submission created. Awaiting processing
Departure from operations centre Departure from operations centre
O processo aduaneiro do envio foi concluido The shipping customs process has been completed
O envio está disponível para levantamento no Ponto de Entrega The shipment is available for pick up at the Delivery Point
Não Entregue Do Not Deliver
Export cancellation Export cancellation
Foi enviada notificação ao destinatário. O envio está em desalfandegamento Notification has been sent to recipient. The shipment is under customs clearance
O envio foi retido no país de destino The shipment was held in the destination country
Aguarda Procedimentos Declarativos Awaits Declarative Procedures
Attempted/Unsuccessful (physical) delivery Attempted/Unsuccessful (physical) delivery
Foi enviada notificação ao destinatário. O envio está em processo aduaneiro Clique para ver detalhe Notification has been sent to recipient. The shipment is in customs process Click to see details
Disponível para levantamento Available for survey
A exportação do envio não foi autorizada Shipment export not authorized
Objecto desalfandegado Customs clearance
Foi encaminhado para o destino Was forwarded to destination
O envio encontra-se em espera The shipment is on hold
O envio foi apresentado à Alfândega ou autoridades de segurança do país de origem -
Item arrival at collection point for pick-up (by recipient) Item arrival at collection point for pick-up (by recipient)
O envio foi desalfandegado The shipment has cleared customs
O envio foi recebido num país intermédio em direção ao destino final The shipment was received in an intermediate country towards the final destination
A exportação do envio foi autorizada pela Alfândega ou autoridades de segurança do país de origem -
Aguarda procedimentos declarativos Waiting for declarative procedures
Envio de notificação ao cliente Clique para ver detalhe Sending notification to the customer Click for details
Awaiting for declarative procedures Awaiting for declarative procedures
Item held at operations centre Item held at operations centre
Item held by export Customs/Security Item held by export Customs/Security
Foi enviada notificação ao destinatário. O envio está em desalfandegamento Clique para ver detalhe Notification has been sent to recipient. The shipment is under customs clearance Click to see details
Departure from transit office of exchange Departure from transit office of exchange
Envio de notificação ao cliente Sending notification to the customer
Item cleared Item cleared
Na Alfândega de Exportação At Export Customs
Saída de Alfândega para Exportação Customs Exit for Export
Reception by delivery station Reception by delivery station
Objeto Desalfandegado Customs Clearance
Receção no local de entrega Reception at the place of delivery
O envio foi retido no país de origem -
Em reexpedição On reshipment
O envio foi recolhido The shipment has been collected
Em Espera I'm waiting
Import cancellation Import cancellation
Notification sent to the addressee. Item held by import Customs Notification sent to the addressee. Item held by import Customs
Item held at outward office of exchange Item held at outward office of exchange
O envio chegou ao Ponto de Entrega The shipment arrived at the Delivery Point
Notification sent to the addressee. Item held by import Customs. Click to view the detail Notification sent to the addressee. Item held by import Customs. Click to view the detail
Os dados de envio foram alterados -
O envio está em devolução -
Reception Reception
O envio foi entregue ao remetente. Processo de devolução terminado -
O envio saiu do país intermédio em direção ao destino final The shipment left the intermediate country towards the final destination
Item collected Item collected
Retido por motivos de segurança área Retained for area security reasons
Item returned to the sender. The return process is concluded Item returned to the sender. The return process is concluded
Item forwarded/redirected Item forwarded/redirected
Expedição Expedition
Partida do Trânsito Internacional Departure of International Transit
O envio foi retido pela Alfândega ou autoridades de segurança do país de origem -
Item to be returned to the sender Item to be returned to the sender
Recolha -
Devolução -
Chegada ao Ponto de Entrega Arrival at Delivery Point
Retenção na Alfândega de Exportação Export Customs Retention
Retenção na Expedição Internacional -
Held at inward office of exchange Held at inward office of exchange
Chegada ao Trânsito Internacional Arrival to International Transit
Devolução ao remetente -
Delivery information changed by request -
Alteração de Dados da Encomenda -