Poland Post

National Postal Service



Poland Post Tracking

Our service allows you to track the parcel of Poland Post or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

Poland Post statuses

Status Translation into en
Item delivered Item delivered
Wysłanie przesyłki sending package
Nadejście Advent
Nadanie Shipment
Przekazano do doręczenia Forwarded for delivery
Przygotowano do doręczenia Prepared for delivery
Wysłano powiadomienie sms SMS notification sent
Released from customs Released from customs
Package sent Package sent
Item arrived Item arrived
Otrzymano dane elektroniczne przesyłki Otrzymano dane elektroniczne przesyłki
SMS notification sent SMS notification sent
Doręczono Delivered
Przyjęto w Polsce Adopted in Poland
Doreczono Advised
Posted Posted
Processing for delivery Processing for delivery
Handed over for delivery Handed over for delivery
Electronic shipment data received Electronic shipment data received
Etap przed zgłoszeniem celnym Stage before customs declaration
Customs Clearance Customs Clearance
Przesyłka w transporcie Shipment in transit
Wysłano powiadomienie e-mail An e-mail notification has been sent
Awizo - przesyłka do odbioru w placówce Advice advice - a parcel to be collected at the facility
Do odbioru w placówce To be picked up at the facility
Nadanie przesyłki Nadanie przesyłki
Wysłano z Polski Sent from Poland
Zwolnienie przesyłki do doręczenia Shipment release for delivery
Odebrano w placówce Collected at the facility
Kontrola celna Customs control
Rozliczenie celne przesyłki Customs settlement of the shipment
Held by customs Held by customs
Returned to sender Returned to sender
Przyjęto w kraju przeznaczenia Received at destination country
Accepted in Poland Accepted in Poland
Package in transportation Package in transportation
Zarejestrowano Registered
Postal notice - item can be collected at the post office Postal notice - item can be collected at the post office
Can be collected at the post office Can be collected at the post office
Przekazanie do lokalnego urzędu pocztowo-celnego Handover to the local post and customs office
Próba doręczenia Delivery attempt
Collected at the post office Collected at the post office
Sent from Poland Sent from Poland
Decyzja o zwrocie przesyłki Decision to return the parcel
Item posting Item posting
Accepted in the destination country Accepted in the destination country
Zwolniono po kontroli celnej Released after customs inspection
Powtórne awizo - przesyłka do odbioru w placówce Repeat advice note - shipment to be picked up at the facility
Missed delivery Missed delivery
E-mail notification sent E-mail notification sent
Dostarczono do punktu odbioru Delivered to the pickup point
Odebrano w punkcie odbioru Picked up at the pickup point
Przesylka w transporcie Transport shipment
Send to Remote Customs Send to Remote Customs
Zwrot do nadawcy Return to the sender
Missed delivery - returned to sender Missed delivery - returned to sender
Second postal notice - item can be collected at the post office Second postal notice - item can be collected at the post office
Próba doręczenia - dosłanie Delivery attempt - sending
Item arrived to the delivery point Item arrived to the delivery point
Collected at the delivery point Collected at the delivery point
Oczekuje na odbiór Is waiting for pickup
Awizo do ponownego doręczenia Notation for re -delivery
Item registered -
Second attempt of delivery notification -
Missed delivery - redirected -
Pozytywna weryfikacja przesyłki proceduralnej w jedn. oddawczej Positive verification of procedural parcel in unit passing
Przechowywana w magazynie -
Package acceptance Package acceptance
Awizo - korekta wpisu -
Doręczenie na życzenie - doręczono -
Nieudana próba kontaktu z adresatem przed doręczeniem Failed attempt to contact the addressee before delivery
Processing of item for delivery -
Nadejście przesyłki -
Package released by the customs office -
Stored in a warehouse -
Package registration -
Doręczenie ZPO ZPO delivery
Item arrived to the delivery office -
Item collection at the post office -