DHL Active Tracing

Courier service


DHL Active Tracing Tracking

Our service allows you to track the parcel of DHL Active Tracing or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

DHL Active Tracing statuses

Status Translation into en
Delivered Delivered
Arrival at Destination Arrival at Destination
Out for Delivery Out for Delivery
Customs Cleared Customs Cleared
Collected Collected
Received at terminal Received at terminal
Shipped from terminal Shipped from terminal
Consignment created Consignment created
Received by consignee Received by consignee
Delayed during transport. - Shipment will be forwarded as soon as possible Delayed during transport. - Shipment will be forwarded as soon as possible
Shipment in warehouse - delivery only on appointment Shipment in warehouse - delivery only on appointment
Attempted DHL delivery - consignee closed -
Collection arranged - OK -
Out for Collection Out for Collection
Delayed during transport - missing package -
Shipment in warehouse - Awaiting delivery appointment -
Shipment in warehouse - Delivery appointment booked -
Direct delivery Direct delivery
Shipment in warehouse – Delivery appointment booked Shipment in warehouse – Delivery appointment booked
Attempted DHL delivery - consignee not met -
New shipping instruction - consignment cancelled by sender - In case of more information is needed please contact your local DHL Freight representative -
Not Collected - other reasons -
Contact consignee -
On hold - in customs clearance -
Shipment in warehouse – Awaiting delivery appointment Shipment in warehouse – Awaiting delivery appointment
Shipment delivered with exception. - In case of more information is needed please contact your local DHL Freight representative -
Attempted DHL delivery - refused by consignee. - In case of more information is needed please contact your local DHL Freight representative -
Not Collected - customer not ready -
Shipment in warehouse - delivery next day as requested -
Shipment in warehouse - ready for self collection by consignee -
Shipment delivered with exception - partly delivered - In case of more information is needed please contact your local DHL Freight representative -
New shipping instruction - shipment returned. - In case of more information is needed please contact your local DHL Freight representative -
Delayed during transport - bank holiday. - Shipment will be forwarded as soon as possible -
Not Collected - time issue -
Attempted DHL delivery - refused by consignee, wrong goods -
Attempted DHL delivery - refused by consignee, order canceled. - In case of more information is needed please contact your local DHL Freight representative -
Attempted DHL delivery - wrong consignee address -