Bpost International

Courier service



Bpost International Tracking

Our service allows you to track the parcel of Bpost International or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

Bpost International statuses

Status Translation into en
Delivered Delivered
Item is ready for transport Item is ready for transport
Arrival at export hub Arrival at export hub
Departure to country of destination Departure to country of destination
Parcel is handled Parcel is handled
Item is announced / bpost received the information Item is announced / bpost received the information
Item delivered Item delivered
Your shipment has been delivered to the postal operator of the country of destination and will be delivered in the coming days Your shipment has been delivered to the postal operator of the country of destination and will be delivered in the coming days
Your shipment has arrived at the postal operator of the country of destination and will be delivered in the coming days Your shipment has arrived at the postal operator of the country of destination and will be delivered in the coming days
Posting/Collection Posting/Collection
Departure Departure
bpost has received the item bpost has received the item
Accepted Accepted
Arrival from abroad Arrival from abroad
Departure to distribution network Departure to distribution network
Your item has been assigned to the postman delivery round in the distribution center Your item has been assigned to the postman delivery round in the distribution center
Not Delivered - Addressee not present- Message left Not Delivered - Addressee not present- Message left
The postman's delivery round for your item has started The postman's delivery round for your item has started
Arrival distribution office Arrival distribution office
Handled Handled
Item arrived at the collection point - waiting for your collect Item arrived at the collection point - waiting for your collect
Item presented at the Customs Item presented at the Customs
Routed Routed
Awaiting presentation to Customs Awaiting presentation to Customs
Customs cleared : authorized Customs cleared : authorized
Item arrived at the distribution center - Item can't be assigned to a delivery round - missing information Item arrived at the distribution center - Item can't be assigned to a delivery round - missing information
customs customs
Distribution Distribution
The customer is notified, the item is available for collection The customer is notified, the item is available for collection
Announced Announced
Item sorted at sorting center Item sorted at sorting center
Customs Customs
Was out for delivery attempt - Addressee not at address indicated - Addressee's office closed Was out for delivery attempt - Addressee not at address indicated - Addressee's office closed
Return arrived at Postal Box Return arrived at Postal Box
Retained at customs: awaiting missing documents Retained at customs: awaiting missing documents
Presented Presented
Customs cleared : awaiting payment Customs cleared : awaiting payment
Returned to sender - Not Collected Returned to sender - Not Collected
Departure t Departure t
created by client / bpost has not yet received the item created by client / bpost has not yet received the item
Item has been sorted Item has been sorted
Retained at distribution office : addressee unreachable - no further action Retained at distribution office : addressee unreachable - no further action
bpost label printed by client / bpost has not yet received the item bpost label printed by client / bpost has not yet received the item
Returned to sender - Item refused by addressee Returned to sender - Item refused by addressee
Held by Customs - Invoice missing Held by Customs - Invoice missing
Return On Palette Return On Palette
Held by Customs - Unspecified reason Held by Customs - Unspecified reason
Customs cleared : for forwarding for clearance in a remote customs office Customs cleared : for forwarding for clearance in a remote customs office
Returned to sender - Incorrect / illegible / incomplete address Returned to sender - Incorrect / illegible / incomplete address
Rejected Rejected
Enters bpost customs clearance Enters bpost customs clearance
Item forwarded/ redirected - Item missorted Item forwarded/ redirected - Item missorted
Item presented - Addressee is absent - message in letterbox Item presented - Addressee is absent - message in letterbox
BackToSender BackToSender
Held by Customs - In process Held by Customs - In process
Irregularity item : problem address Irregularity item : problem address
Not Delivered - Several reasons - Scheduled for further action Not Delivered - Several reasons - Scheduled for further action
Customs cleared : no taxes or duties to be paid Customs cleared : no taxes or duties to be paid
Item not delivered - Incorrect/ illegible/ incomplete address Item not delivered - Incorrect/ illegible/ incomplete address
Force Majeure - Item not delivered - Further delivery attempt next business day Force Majeure - Item not delivered - Further delivery attempt next business day
Departure to Departure to
Item was delivered at safeplace Item was delivered at safeplace
Not Delivered - Later delivery possible on request of addressee Not Delivered - Later delivery possible on request of addressee
Delivered after activation of return status -
Retained at distribution office : awaiting payment - addressee contacted Retained at distribution office : awaiting payment - addressee contacted
Scheduled for delivery but not completed - To be handeled Scheduled for delivery but not completed - To be handeled
Sent to origin -
Disposed Disposed
Item forwarded/ redirected - Incorrect address Item forwarded/ redirected - Incorrect address
Was out for delivery attempt - Unsuccessful Was out for delivery attempt - Unsuccessful
Item delivered at safeplace Item delivered at safeplace
Special treatment: Remain distribution Special treatment: Remain distribution
Item Item
Item forwarded/ redirected - Addressee moved Item forwarded/ redirected - Addressee moved
Departure towards sorting center -
Returned to sender - Addressee not at address indicated - Addressee's office closed Returned to sender - Addressee not at address indicated - Addressee's office closed
Item delivered at one of the neighbours Item delivered at one of the neighbours
Items handeld by Customs Items handeld by Customs
Force Majeure Force Majeure
Returned to sender - Addressee not available -
Documents received for clearance Documents received for clearance
Returned to sender - Force Majeure - Item not delivered -
Irregularity: Trace lost -
Retained at distribution office : Retained at distribution office :
Unsuccessful delivery: Item forwarded/redirected: At addressee's request Unsuccessful delivery: Item forwarded/redirected: At addressee's request
Retained at distribution office : addressee has a P.O. box - sender notified Retained at distribution office : addressee has a P.O. box - sender notified
Stopped by customs -Prohibited content Stopped by customs -Prohibited content
Item missorted - Delivery attempt next business day -
Delivery has failed - customer notified Delivery has failed - customer notified
Item arrived at the sorting center - Item can't be sorted - missing / wrong information Item arrived at the sorting center - Item can't be sorted - missing / wrong information
Import refused Import refused
Item delivered at neighbours Item delivered at neighbours
Was out for delivery attempt - Incorrect address Was out for delivery attempt - Incorrect address
Item held for processing - Item damaged Item held for processing - Item damaged
Item is Item is
Held by Customs - High value goods - "Customs Declaration" required -
Held by Customs - Customs documents missing Held by Customs - Customs documents missing
Parcel is Rejected -
Item held at delivery depot: Addressee's address being verified: Incorrect/illegible/incomplete address -
Destroyed according transport conditions: transfer cancelled - item refused by addressee -