Bpost International

Empresa de mensajería



Seguimiento de envio Bpost International

Our service allows you to track the parcel of Bpost International or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

Estados Bpost International

Estado Traducción al es
Delivered Entregado
Item is ready for transport El artículo está listo para ser transportado
Arrival at export hub Llegada al centro de exportación
Departure to country of destination Salida al país de destino
Parcel is handled El paquete se maneja
Item is announced / bpost received the information El artículo es anunciado / bpost recibió la información
Item delivered Objeto entregado
Your shipment has been delivered to the postal operator of the country of destination and will be delivered in the coming days Su envío ha sido entregado al operador postal del país de destino y será entregado en los próximos días
Your shipment has arrived at the postal operator of the country of destination and will be delivered in the coming days Su envío ha llegado al operador postal del país de destino y será entregado en los próximos días
Posting/Collection Publicación / Colección
Departure Partida
bpost has received the item bpost ha recibido el artículo
Accepted Aceptado
Arrival from abroad Llegada del extranjero
Departure to distribution network Salida hacia la red de distribución
Your item has been assigned to the postman delivery round in the distribution center Su artículo ha sido asignado a la ronda de entrega de Postman en el centro de distribución
Not Delivered - Addressee not present- Message left -
The postman's delivery round for your item has started La ronda de entrega del postman para su artículo ha comenzado
Arrival distribution office Oficina de distribución de llegadas
Handled Manejado
Item arrived at the collection point - waiting for your collect El artículo llegó al punto de recogida, esperando su recogida
Item presented at the Customs Artículo presentado en la Aduana
Routed Enrutado
Awaiting presentation to Customs Esperando presentación a Aduana
Customs cleared : authorized Despacho de aduana: autorizado
Item arrived at the distribution center - Item can't be assigned to a delivery round - missing information -
customs costumbres
Distribution Distribución
The customer is notified, the item is available for collection Se notifica al cliente, el artículo está disponible para la recolección
Announced Anunciado
Item sorted at sorting center Artículo clasificado en el centro de clasificación
Customs Costumbres
Was out for delivery attempt - Addressee not at address indicated - Addressee's office closed Estaba fuera para intento de entrega - Destinatario no en la dirección indicada - Oficina del destinatario cerrada
Return arrived at Postal Box Regreso llegó a la caja postal
Retained at customs: awaiting missing documents -
Presented Presentado
Customs cleared : awaiting payment -
Returned to sender - Not Collected -
Departure t Salida t
created by client / bpost has not yet received the item creado por el cliente / bpost aún no ha recibido el artículo
Item has been sorted El artículo ha sido ordenado
Retained at distribution office : addressee unreachable - no further action -
bpost label printed by client / bpost has not yet received the item bpost etiqueta impresa por el cliente / bpost aún no ha recibido el artículo
Returned to sender - Item refused by addressee Devuelto al remitente: artículo rechazado por el destinatario
Held by Customs - Invoice missing En poder de la Aduana - Falta factura
Return On Palette -
Held by Customs - Unspecified reason -
Customs cleared : for forwarding for clearance in a remote customs office -
Returned to sender - Incorrect / illegible / incomplete address -
Rejected -
Enters bpost customs clearance Ingresa al despacho de aduanas de bpost
Item forwarded/ redirected - Item missorted -
Item presented - Addressee is absent - message in letterbox Artículo presentado - Destinatario ausente - mensaje en el buzón
BackToSender -
Held by Customs - In process Sostenido por Aduanas - En proceso
Irregularity item : problem address Elemento de irregularidad: dirección del problema
Not Delivered - Several reasons - Scheduled for further action No entregado, varias razones, programadas para más acciones
Customs cleared : no taxes or duties to be paid Despacho de aduana: sin impuestos ni derechos a pagar
Item not delivered - Incorrect/ illegible/ incomplete address Artículo no entregado - Dirección incorrecta / ilegible / incompleta
Force Majeure - Item not delivered - Further delivery attempt next business day -
Departure to -
Item was delivered at safeplace -
Not Delivered - Later delivery possible on request of addressee -
Delivered after activation of return status Entregado después de la activación del estado de devolución
Retained at distribution office : awaiting payment - addressee contacted Retenido en la oficina de distribución: pendiente de pago - destinatario contactado
Scheduled for delivery but not completed - To be handeled -
Sent to origin -
Disposed Dispuesto
Item forwarded/ redirected - Incorrect address Elemento reenviado / redirigido: dirección incorrecta
Was out for delivery attempt - Unsuccessful No se pudo realizar el intento de entrega: no se realizó correctamente.
Item delivered at safeplace -
Special treatment: Remain distribution Trato especial: Permanecer distribución
Item -
Item forwarded/ redirected - Addressee moved -
Departure towards sorting center -
Returned to sender - Addressee not at address indicated - Addressee's office closed -
Item delivered at one of the neighbours -
Items handeld by Customs Artículos a mano por aduana
Force Majeure Fuerza mayor
Returned to sender - Addressee not available -
Documents received for clearance -
Returned to sender - Force Majeure - Item not delivered -
Irregularity: Trace lost -
Retained at distribution office : -
Unsuccessful delivery: Item forwarded/redirected: At addressee's request -
Retained at distribution office : addressee has a P.O. box - sender notified -
Stopped by customs -Prohibited content -
Item missorted - Delivery attempt next business day -
Delivery has failed - customer notified -
Item arrived at the sorting center - Item can't be sorted - missing / wrong information -
Import refused -
Item delivered at neighbours -
Was out for delivery attempt - Incorrect address -
Item held for processing - Item damaged -
Item is El artículo es
Held by Customs - High value goods - "Customs Declaration" required -
Held by Customs - Customs documents missing -
Parcel is Rejected -
Item held at delivery depot: Addressee's address being verified: Incorrect/illegible/incomplete address Artículo retenido en el depósito de entrega: dirección del destinatario que se está verificando: dirección incorrecta / ilegible / incompleta
Destroyed according transport conditions: transfer cancelled - item refused by addressee -