Austrian Post

National Postal Service


Austrian Post Tracking

Our service allows you to track the parcel of Austrian Post or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

Austrian Post statuses

Status Translation into en
Delivered Delivered
Item delivered Item delivered
Returned Returned
Picked up Picked up
Item Forwarded to Destination Country Item Forwarded to Destination Country
delivered delivered
Unsuccessful delivery Unsuccessful delivery
Posted Posted
Item posted abroad Item posted abroad
Item ready for international transport Item ready for international transport
Item is out for delivery Item is out for delivery
Item being processed in country of origin Item being processed in country of origin
Item arrived in Austria Item arrived in Austria
Item forwarded to destination country Item forwarded to destination country
Item accepted Item accepted
Customs declaration completed Customs declaration completed
Item distributed Item distributed
Item customs cleared Item customs cleared
Item in customs declaration process Item in customs declaration process
The sender has provided electronic shipment information The sender has provided electronic shipment information
posted posted
ready for pick up ready for pick up
Item arrived in country of destination Item arrived in country of destination
Item accepted abroad Item accepted abroad
Item handed over at the airport Item handed over at the airport
Item presented to customs/security Item presented to customs/security
Item passed customs-/security check Item passed customs-/security check
Item being processed in Austria Item being processed in Austria
Transit Transit
Item at depot Item at depot
Item posted Item posted
delivered in postbox delivered in postbox
Item returned to sender Item returned to sender
Item on international transport Item on international transport
Item ready for pick up Item ready for pick up
Item in warehouse - obstacle to customs declaration Item in warehouse - obstacle to customs declaration
Transit unit deconsolidation Transit unit deconsolidation
Item received by postal operator in country of destination Item received by postal operator in country of destination
returned returned
Item handed over to subcontractor Item handed over to subcontractor
Customs declaration delay - implausible value of goods Customs declaration delay - implausible value of goods
Item arrived at country of destination Item arrived at country of destination
Item delivered to consignee Item delivered to consignee
Consignee not available at time of delivery - carded Consignee not available at time of delivery - carded
Item being processed in country of destination Item being processed in country of destination
picked up picked up
Item leaving warehouse for customs declaration/processing Item leaving warehouse for customs declaration/processing
Item has been cleared customs-free Item has been cleared customs-free
Customs declaration delay Customs declaration delay
Item Picked up Item Picked up
Item ready for pick up at postal service point Item ready for pick up at postal service point
Item pre-advised Item pre-advised
Customs declaration delay - missing proof of value Customs declaration delay - missing proof of value
unsuccessful delivery unsuccessful delivery
Item in process of delivery Item in process of delivery
Address subsequent entry Address subsequent entry
Customs clearance impossible - return Customs clearance impossible - return
e-Notification sent e-Notification sent
Item delivered acc. to consignees instruction -
Obstacle to customs declaration - Feedback received from consignee Obstacle to customs declaration - Feedback received from consignee
Clarification -
Item will be delivered again Item will be delivered again
Item could not be delivered - return Item could not be delivered - return
Item accepted at sendbox -
Item picked up Item picked up
Customs documents/invoice missing -
Delay - Item could not be delivered Delay - Item could not be delivered
Item carded -
Item handed over to customs Item handed over to customs
No response from consignee -
Item delivered to flat mate Item delivered to flat mate
Item refused Item refused
Item misrouted Item misrouted
Item arrived at Pick-Up Station Item arrived at Pick-Up Station
Consignee address incomplete Consignee address incomplete
Post Pick-Up Box - Item picked up -
Item arrived at Post Pick-Up Box -
Customs declaration delay - missing import licence -
Address incorrect / incomplete Address incorrect / incomplete
Consignee unknown/has moved -
Item picked up at Pick-Up Station Item picked up at Pick-Up Station
Transit unit consolidation -
Item not picked up - return -
unsuccessful delivery – customer notified -
Item arrived at postal service point Item arrived at postal service point
Delay due to damage - content checked Delay due to damage - content checked
Retained by customs for unspecified reason Retained by customs for unspecified reason
Item delivered to employee/colleague -
Item refused by consignee - return -
handed over for digitisation handed over for digitisation
Item will be delivered on appointment -
Delay - Clarification -
Item delivered to authorized representative -
Item returned to sender - address incomplete Item returned to sender - address incomplete
Item at Hermes Shop -
Obstacle to customs declaration - Feedback from the consignee with refusal of acceptance -
Item could not be delivered – further delivery attempt -
Item accepted at Pick-Up Station -
Item could not be delivered - consignee notified -
Item handed over to delivery partner -