
Courier service


Aramex Tracking

Our service allows you to track the parcel of Aramex or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

Aramex statuses

Status Translation into en
Out for Delivery Out for Delivery
Arrival Arrival
Departure Departure
Shipment is out for delivery Shipment is out for delivery
Picked up Picked up
Data received Data received
Shipment picked up Shipment picked up
Shipment created Shipment created
Shipment delivered Shipment delivered
Shipment Picked Up Shipment Picked Up
Shipment Created Shipment Created
Shipment departed origin country - in flight to destination Shipment departed origin country - in flight to destination
Shipment arrived at Aramex destination facility - will be updated once ready for collection/delivery Shipment arrived at Aramex destination facility - will be updated once ready for collection/delivery
Shipment received at Aramex origin sorting facility Shipment received at Aramex origin sorting facility
Held by customs Held by customs
Customs Cleared Customs Cleared
Shipment on hold Shipment on hold
Shipment still not received by Aramex Shipment still not received by Aramex
Shipment arrived at Aramex sorting hub - in transit - will keep moving to reach its final destination country Shipment arrived at Aramex sorting hub - in transit - will keep moving to reach its final destination country
Shipment departed Aramex sorting hub - moving on its way to destination country Shipment departed Aramex sorting hub - moving on its way to destination country
تم استلام الشحنة في مركز أرامكس للفرز في بلد المنشأ The shipment was received at the Aramex sorting center in the country of origin
Under processing at operations facility Under processing at operations facility
تمت مغادرة الشحنة من مركز أرامكس في المنشأ - في الرحلة الجوية إلى الوجهة النهائية The shipment has departed from the Aramex center at the origin - on the flight to the final destination
Shipment collected from shipper Shipment collected from shipper
Departed Operations facility – In Transit Departed Operations facility – In Transit
تم وصول الشحنة إلى مكتب أرامكس في الوجهة - سيتم رفع تحديث حال جاهزيتها للاستلام أو التوصيل The shipment has arrived at the Aramex office at the destination - an update will be uploaded when it is ready for pickup or delivery
لم يتم استلام الشحنة من قبل ارامكس The shipment was not received by Aramex
Colis ayant quitté le centre de tri d'Aramex - en route vers son pays de destination Parcels that have left the Aramex sorting center - on their way to their country of destination
Shipment is on its way to final destination sorting facility and will be updated once ready for collection/delivery Shipment is on its way to final destination sorting facility and will be updated once ready for collection/delivery
الشحنة في الطريق للمستلم The shipment is on the way to the recipient
Attempted delivery Attempted delivery
Colis reçu au centre de tri Aramex d'origine Parcel received at the original Aramex sorting center
Zending land van herkomst verlaten - onderweg naar bestemming Shipment leaving country of origin - en route to destination
Colis arrivé au centre Aramex de destination - le statut sera mis à jour une fois qu'il sera prêt à être livré/ramassé Parcel arrived at the destination Aramex center - status will be updated once it is ready to be delivered / picked up
Zending aangekomen op bestemmingsfaciliteit van Aramex - Wordt bijgewerkt zodra klaar voor ophalen/levering Shipment arrived at Aramex destination facility - Updated when ready for pick up/delivery
Zending ontvangen bij sorteerfaciliteit van herkomst van Aramex Shipment received at Aramex origin sorting facility
Shipment Out for Delivery Shipment Out for Delivery
Informations colis reçues Information colised information received
Colis en cours de livraison package in course of delivery
Received at Origin Facility Received at Origin Facility
Shipment x-ray scanned at Aramex origin facility Shipment x-ray scanned at Aramex origin facility
Customer ID received Customer ID received
تمت مغادرة الشحنة من مركز أرامكس للفرز - في طريقها إلى بلد الوجهة النهائي The shipment has left from the Aramex sorting center - on its way to the final destination country
تم وصول الشحنة إلى مركز أرامكس للفرز - عملية النقل جارية إلى بلد التلسيم The shipment has arrived at the Aramex sorting center - transportation is in progress to the country of delivery
Zending aangekomen op sorteerhub van Aramex - In Transit / gaat verder om het land van bestemming te bereiken Shipment Arrived At Aramex Sorting Hub - In Transit / Continues To Reach Destination Country
Zending wordt geleverd Shipment is supplied
Shipment charges paid Shipment charges paid
Gönderi, Aramex ayırma merkezinden ayrıldı - varış ülkesine taşınıyor The shipment leaves the Aramex sorting center - moving to the country of destination
Verzendinformatie ontvangen Receive shipping information
Shipment Cleared – On its way to Aramex Destination Facility Shipment Cleared – On its way to Aramex Destination Facility
Gönderi, çıkış noktasındaki Aramex ayırma tesisi tarafından alındı Shipment received by the Aramex sorting facility at the point of origin
Record Created Record Created
Colis arrivé au centre Aramex de destination - en transit - poursuivra sa route jusqu'au pays de destination finale Parcel arrived at the destination Aramex center - in transit - will continue to the country of final destination
Colis a quitté le centre de tri d'Aramex - en route vers le centre de tri de destination Parcel left the Aramex sorting center - en route to the destination sorting center
Zending heeft sorteerhub van Aramex verlaten - Onderweg naar land van bestemming Shipment has left Aramex sorting hub - En route to destination country
Gönderi, Aramex varış tesisine ulaştı - teslim almaya - teslimata hazır olduğunda güncellenecek The shipment has arrived at the Aramex destination facility - to receive - will be updated when ready for delivery
الشحنة في طريقها إلى مركز الفرز في الوجهة النهائية - سيتم رفع تحديث بمجرد تجهيزها للاستلام أو التوصيل The shipment is on its way to the sorting center at the final destination - an update will be uploaded once it is ready for pickup or delivery
Gönderi bilgileri alındı Shipment information received
Shipment is under customs inspection process Shipment is under customs inspection process
تم دفع مصاريف الشحن Shipping costs paid
货物已接收至 Aramex 始发地分拣中心 The goods have been received to the sorting center of Aramex origin
Booked Booked
Gönderi, teslimat için yola çıktı The shipment is on its way for delivery
货物离开 Aramex 分拣中心 - 正在送往目的地国家/地区 The goods leave the Aramex sorting center-being sent to the destination country
Перевозка оплачена carriage paid
تمت عملية التخليص بنجاح - في طريقها إلى مكتب أرامكس في بلد التسليم Clearance completed successfully - on its way to the Aramex office in the country of delivery
Colis en route vers le centre de tri de la destination finale. Son statut sera mis à jour une fois qu'il sera prêt pour ramassage/livraison Parcels en route to the sorting center of the final destination. Its status will be updated once it is ready for pickup/delivery
Gönderi, Aramex ayırma merkezine ulaştı - transit halinde - nihai varış ülkesine doğru taşınmaya devam edecek The shipment has arrived at the Aramex sorting center - in transit - will continue to be transported towards the final destination country
货物已抵达目的地 Aramex仓库 - 将在准备好取件 - 派送时更新 The goods have arrived at the destination Aramex warehouse-will be ready for pickup-updated when dispatched
تم فحص الشحنة بالأشعة السينية في مركز أرامكس للفرز في بلد المنشأ The shipment was x-rayed at the Aramex sorting center in the country of origin
الشُّحنة تحت اجراءات المعاينه الجمركية The shipment is under customs inspection procedures
Отправление удерживается для таможенной очистки Shipment is withheld for customs clearance
تم توصيل الشحنة بنجاح Shipment has been delivered successfully
Record created Record created
SMS sent to consignee SMS sent to consignee
Shipment Ready For Customer Pickup Shipment Ready For Customer Pickup
Отправление прошло таможенную очистку — Перевозится в пункт назначения Aramex Shipment Cleared through Customs - In transit to destination Aramex
Zending is onderweg naar de sorteerfaciliteit voor de eindbestemming en zal worden bijgewerkt zodra deze klaar is voor ophaling/levering Shipment is on its way to the final destination sorting facility and will be updated as soon as it is ready for collection/delivery
Gönderi, Aramex ayırma merkezinden ayrıldı - varış noktasındaki ayırma tesisine taşınıyor Shipment leaves the Aramex sorting center - moves to the sorting facility at the destination
货物信息已收到 The goods have been received
Returned to Shipper Returned to Shipper
تم استلام الشحنة من المرسل Shipment received from sender
货物正在派送途中 The goods are being delivered
Colis retenu pour dédouanement Parcel retained for customs clearance
Frais d'expédition payés Paid shipping costs
تم استلام معلومات الهَويَّة ID information was received
Cleared from Customs Cleared from Customs
Attempted delivery - customer not available - delivery rescheduled Attempted delivery - customer not available - delivery rescheduled
Shipment departed origin sorting facility - in transit to destination Shipment departed origin sorting facility - in transit to destination
Colis dédouané – en route vers le centre Aramex Customs cleared parcel - on the way to the Aramex center
Zending vastgehouden voor douane-inklaring Shipment retained for customs clearance
货物送达 Aramex 分拣中心 - 运输中 - 将继续送往其最终目的地国家/地区 The goods arrive at the Aramex sorting center-in transit-will continue to be sent to their final destination country/region
货物离开 Aramex 分拣中心 - 正在送往目的地分拣中心 The goods leave the Aramex sorting center-are being sent to the destination sorting center
Courier Called Customer – Responded Courier Called Customer – Responded
Shipment Held for Customs Clearance Shipment Held for Customs Clearance
Gönderi, nihai varış noktasındaki ayırma tesisine doğru yola çıktı, teslim almaya / teslimata hazır olduğunda güncellenecek The shipment is on its way to the sorting facility at the final destination, will be updated when ready for pick-up / delivery
Verzendkosten betaald Shipping costs paid
Shipment update: Clearance Process Underway in South Africa Shipment update: Clearance Process Underway in South Africa
Zending ingeklaard – Onderweg naar bestemmingsfaciliteit van Aramex Shipment Cleared – En route to Aramex destination facility
Customer could not be reached - contact details required from customer Customer could not be reached - contact details required from customer