Courier service



YDH Tracking

Our service allows you to track the parcel of YDH or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

YDH statuses

Status Translation into en
Delivered Delivered
已交承运商运输 Delivered to the carrier for transportation
Shipment information received Shipment information received
Import clearance start Import clearance start
航空公司接收 Airline receiving
飞机进港 Plane arrives
Received by local delivery company Received by local delivery company
Shipment Information Received Shipment Information Received
已完成寄达地清关 Customs clearance at the destination has been completed
Import customs clearance complete Import customs clearance complete
Arrive attransit country or district Arrive attransit country or district
Received by local delivery company Received by local delivery company
Parcel outbound from transit facility Parcel outbound from transit facility
Depart from transit country or district Depart from transit country or district
In lavorazione presso il Centro Operativo Postale Work in progress at the Postal Operations Center
Shipment in transit Shipment in transit
Arrived at customs Arrived at customs
Out for delivery Out for delivery
Out for Delivery Out for Delivery
Leaving customs Leaving customs
送交出口海关 Send to export customs
出口海关/放行 Export customs/release
First parcel scan along Poste Italiane’s logistic network First parcel scan along Poste Italiane’s logistic network
送交进口海关 Send to import customs
Votre envoi est sur le site qui dessert votre adresse. Nous préparons sa distribution Your shipment is on the site that serves your address. We are preparing its distribution
Released from customs Released from customs
Votre envoi vient d'arriver en France Your shipment has just arrived in France
In Transit In Transit
Package arrived at facility of the local delivery company Package arrived at facility of the local delivery company
出口海关/留存待验 Export customs/retention pending
离开【上海国际邮件处理中心】,下一站【上海国际邮件交换站】(经转) 离开【上海国际邮件处理中心】,下一站【上海国际邮件交换站】(经转)
Your item has just arrived in France Your Item Has Just Arrived in France
离开【寄递事业部国际小包业务处理中心】,下一站【上海国际】 离开【寄递事业部国际小包业务处理中心】,下一站【上海国际】
离开境外出口互换局(尚未抵达中国邮政) Leaving the overseas export exchange office (not yet arriving at China Post)
到达【上海国际邮件处理中心】(经转) 到达【上海国际邮件处理中心】(经转)
Your item is transiting through our logistics platforms to be delivered to you as quickly as possible Your item is transiting through on logistics platforms to be delivered to you as quickly as possible
We're processing your parcel at our hub We're processing your parcel at our hub
At the customers local depot At the customers local depot
At the national sorting hub At the national sorting hub
Votre colis est en transit sur nos plateformes logistiques Your package is in transit on our logistics platforms
L'operatore logistico mittente ci ha comunicato che la spedizione è in lavorazione The sending logistics operator has informed us that the shipment is being processed
Votre envoi est en transit sur nos plateformes logistiques Your shipment is in transit on our logistics platforms
Votre colis est en cours de préparation par votre webmarchand. Il nous sera confié prochainement Your package is being prepared by your webmarchand. It will be entrusted to us soon
Transport delay Transport delay
到达【梅陇邮政支局】 到达【梅陇邮政支局】
【梅陇邮政支局】安排投递,投递员:李竹青,电话:15821535963,揽投部电话:021-64530756 【梅陇邮政支局】安排投递,投递员:李竹青,电话:15821535963,揽投部电话:021-64530756
Votre colis est arrivé sur notre agence régionale de distribution Your package has arrived on our regional distribution agency
【寄递事业部国际小包业务处理中心】已收寄,揽投员:p李俊 【寄递事业部国际小包业务处理中心】已收寄,揽投员:p李俊
到达【上海王港邮件处理中心】(经转) 到达【上海王港邮件处理中心】(经转)
Shipment departed from airport Shipment departed from airport
Delivery delay Delivery delay
到达【北京国际邮件处理中心】(经转) 到达【北京国际邮件处理中心】(经转)
Shipment arrived at facility Shipment arrived at facility
Shipment departed from facility Shipment departed from facility
Shipment arrived at airport Shipment arrived at airport
离开【国际公司直属速递大宗营业部】,下一站【上海国际】 离开【国际公司直属速递大宗营业部】,下一站【上海国际】
Returned to Shipper Returned to Shipper
Customs inspection Customs inspection
Returned to shipper Returned to shipper
The parcel has been received at the depot The parcel has been received at the depot
The parcel has been sorted at the sorting center The parcel has been sorted at the sorting center
【上海市国际互换局】已出口直封 【上海市国际互换局】已出口直封
离开【北京行邮黄村站】,下一站【上海王港邮件处理中心】(经转) 离开【北京行邮黄村站】,下一站【上海王港邮件处理中心】(经转)
到达【上海市国际互换局】 到达【上海市国际互换局】
离开【上海市国际互换局】,下一站【上海市国际交换站】 离开【上海市国际互换局】,下一站【上海市国际交换站】
Votre colis est arrivé sur son site de distribution Your package has arrived at its distribution site
Flight delay Flight delay
Transport delay-The airline off-loaded Shipments causing delay Transport delay-The airline off-loaded Shipments causing delay
Arrive at nearby hub Arrive at nearby hub
离开【墨西哥】处理中心 离开【墨西哥】处理中心
Export customs inspection Export customs inspection
Shipment waiting to arrange flight Shipment waiting to arrange flight
We got it We got it
Shipment are waiting for scanning Shipment are waiting for scanning
We're sorry we've had to reschedule your delivery. Your local courier will now deliver between 13:30 and 15:30 today We're sorry we've had to reschedule your delivery. Your local courier will now deliver between 13:30 and 15:30 today
离开【沪太路报刊处理分中心】,下一站【梅陇邮政支局】(经转) 离开【沪太路报刊处理分中心】,下一站【梅陇邮政支局】(经转)
Delivery delay-Recipient not at home Delivery delay-Recipient not at home
Flight Delay Flight Delay
At Post Office At Post Office
First parcel scan along Posteitaliane First parcel scan along Posteitaliane
【墨西哥】安排投递 -
In transit to Hermes In transit to Hermes
Votre colis est en transit vers Colis Privé Your package is in transit to private parcel
Awaiting pick up by recipient as requested Awaiting pick up by recipient as requested
Transport delay-Due to public holiday Transport delay-Due to public holiday
Votre colis est arrivé chez le partenaire d expédition Your package has arrived at the shipping partner
Transport delay-A flight was canceled and caused delay -
Delivery delay-Incorrect/incomplete address -
Parcel ready for delivery Parcel ready for delivery
The parcel has been redirected to a parcelshop, recipient's request The parcel has been redirected to a parcelshop, recipient's request
离开【墨西哥城SAL】处理中心 -
We've not got it We've not got it
【国际公司直属速递大宗营业部】已收寄,揽投员:姜宏芳,电话:13774373651 [International Company directly under the Express Dragon Sales Department] Has been collected, and investors: Jiang Hongfang, Tel: 13774373651
Domestic Return -Abnormal Shipment -
Transport delay-A flight delay occurred due to mechanical reasons -