PTT Posta
National Postal Service
Our service allows you to track the parcel of PTT Posta or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.
Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.
Status | Translation into en |
Objeto recebido pelos Correios do Brasil | Object received by the Brazilian Post |
Objeto saiu para entrega ao destinatário | Object left for delivery to recipient |
Objeto entregue ao destinatário | Object delivered to recipient |
Item arrived to destination country | Item arrived to destination country |
Item departed from origin | Item departed from origin |
Item is at agent warehouse | Item is at agent warehouse |
Item Is Ready for Ship | Item Is Ready for Ship |
Item arrived to Istanbul | Item arrived to Istanbul |
Item was uplifted to flight to destination country | Item was uplifted to flight to destination country |
Objeto aguardando retirada no endereço indicado | Object awaiting pickup at the address indicated |
Gonderi teslim merkezinde alindi (Gelen) Receive item at delivery office (Inb) | The shipment is received at the delivery center (Inbound) Receive item at delivery office (Inb) |
Gonderi yurt disina sevk edildi (Giden) The item was forwarded to the destination country (Otb) | The shipment was shipped abroad (Outbound) The item was forwarded to the destination country (Otb) |
Gönderi Yurtdışına Sevk Edildi/Item Forwarded to Destination Country | Post Shipped Abroad / Item Forwarded to Destination Country |
Gonderi (Gelen) alip verme merkezinde alindi Receive item at office of exchange (Inb) | Received at the delivery center. Receive item at office of exchange (Inb) |
Gönderi Yurt Içi Merkezine Sevk Edildi Send item to domestic location (Inb) | Post Shipped to Domestic Center Send item to domestic location (Inb) |
Pagamento confirmado | Payment confirmed |
TRANSFER SÜRECİNDE | In the transfer process |
PTT İşyerine Geldi | PTT Came to Workplace |
Gonderi teslim edildi (Gelen) Deliver item (Inb) | Shipping delivered (Inbound) Deliver item (Inb) |
Yurtdışı Kabul Geliş Kaydı Yapıldı Receive item at office of exchange (Inb) | Receive item at office of exchange (Inb) |
Teslim girisiminde bulunuldu veya Teslim edilemedi (Gelen) Unsuccessful item delivery attempt (Inb) | Delivery attempt was made or Not Delivered (Inbound) Unsuccessful item delivery attempt (Inb) |
PTT İşyerine Girdi Posta Teslim Bordrosu Mübadele Servisine Geldi | PTT Entered the Workplace Mail Delivery Payroll Arrived at the Exchange Service |
PTT İşyerinden Çıktı PTT İşyerine Sevk Edildi | PTT Out of Workplace PTT Shipped to Workplace |
Torbaya Eklendi Send item to domestic location (Inb) | Added to Bag Send item to domestic location (Inb) |
Kabul Edildi | Accepted |
PTT İşyerine Sevk Edildi | Sent to PTT Workplace |
İL İÇİ AKTARMADA | In the provincial transmission |
PTT İşyerine Girdi Yurtdışı Kabul Geliş Kaydı Yapıldı | PTT Entered the Workplace Abroad Acceptance and Arrival Record Done |
Torba Geliş Kaydı Yapıldı | Bag Arrival Recorded |
Teslim Edildi | Was delivered |
Gümrükten Çıktı | Out of Customs |
Send item out for physical delivery (Inb) | Send item out for physical delivery (Inb) |
Torba Kapandı | Bag Closed |
Torbaya Eklendi | Added to Bag |
Gümrüğe Sevk Edildi Send item to customs (Inb) | Shipped to Customs Send item to customs (Inb) |
Teslim edildi (Inb) Deliver item (Inb) | Delivered (Inb) Deliver item (Inb) |
Gonderi yurtdisina sevk edildi Send item abroad (EDI-received) | The shipment is shipped abroad Send item abroad (EDI-received) |
Gümrükten Çıktı Return item from customs (Inb) | Out of Customs Return item from customs (Inb) |
Gonderi gumruge sevk edildi (Gelen) Send item to customs (Inb) | Ship shipped to customs (Inbound) Send item to customs (Inb) |
DAĞITIMDA | In distribution |
Aguardando pagamento do despacho postal | Awaiting payment for postal order |
Liberado sem tributação | Released without tax |
Gonderi gumrukten çıktı (Gelen) Return item from customs (Inb) | The shipment is out of the customs (Inbound) Return item from customs (Inb) |
Receive item at collection point for pick-up (Inb) | Receive item at collection point for pick-up (Inb) |
PTT İşyerinde Bekliyor | PTT is Waiting at Workplace |
Alıcı Merkez Torbayı Açtı | Buyer Opens Center Bag |
Gonderi (Giden) alip verme merkezinde alindi Receive item at office of exchange (Otb) | Received at the dispatch center Receive item at office of exchange (Otb) |
Dağıtıcıya Verildi | Given to Distributor |
Zimmet Alındı | Embezzlement Received |
Receive item at sorting centre (Inb) | Receive item at sorting center (Inb) |
Delivered to addressee | Delivered to addressee |
Zimmet Edildi | Embezzled |
Gonderi gumruk bilgileri kayit edildi (Gelen) Record item customs information (Inb) | Shipping customs information recorded (Incoming) Record item customs information (Inb) |
Gonderi musteriden alinmistir Receive item from customer (Otb) | The shipment has been received from the customer Receive item from customer (Otb) |
Teslim Edilemedi | Not Delivered |
PTT İşyerine Girdi Alıcı Merkez Torbayı Açtı | PTT Entered the Workplace Buyer Center Opens the Bag |
Kabul edildi Receive item from customer (Otb) | Accepted Receive item from customer (Otb) |
Cihet Hazırlama Listesine Eklendi | Added to the Cihet Preparation List |
PTT İŞYERİNDE | PTT at workplace |
Send item out of sorting centre (Inb) | Send item out of sorting center (Inb) |
Gumruge sevk edildi Send item to customs (Otb) | Gumruge shipped Send item to customs (Otb) |
TESLİM EDİLEMEDİ | Could not be delivered |
Köy Dağıtımına Tabi Bekliyor | Village Waiting Subject to Distribution |
Posta Teslim Bordrosu Mübadele Servisine Geldi | Mail Delivery Payroll Arrives at the Exchange Service |
Return item from customs (Otb) Return item from customs (Otb) | Return item from customs (Otb) Return item from customs (Otb) |
Stop item import (Inb) | Stop item import (Inb) |
Gonderi gumrukten geri alindi (Giden) Return item from customs (Otb) | The shipment was reclaimed from the customs (Outbound) Return item from customs (Otb) |
Depodan Gönderi Çıkartıldı | Shipment Removed From Warehouse |
PTT İşyerine Girdi Torba Geliş Kaydı Yapıldı | PTT Entered the Workplace Bag Arrival Recorded |
Processing by destination postal office | Processing by destination postal office |
PTT İşyerine Girdi Gümrüğe Sevk Edildi | PTT Entered the Workplace and Shipped to Customs |
Item Is Pre-advised | Item Is Pre-advised |
PTT İşyerinden Çıktı İSTANBUL KİM Merkezine Sevk İşlemi Gerçekleşti | PTT Exits Workplace Shipment to ISTANBUL KIM Center |
An SMS was sent to the addressee | An SMS was sent to the addressee |
PTT İşyerine Girdi:PTT İşyerinden Çıktı Posta Teslim Bordrosu Mübadele Servisine Geldi | - |
İliçi Diğer Adrese Sevk | Referral To Other Local Address |
Gümrüğe Sevk Edildi | Shipped to Customs |
PTT İşyerine Girdi Zimmet Edildi | PTT Entered Workplace Embezzled |
Sevk Edildi | Shipped |
PTT İşyerinden Çıktı Torba Kapandı | PTT is out of the Workplace Bag Closed |
Send back to origin - Return item | Send back to origin - Return item |
Gönderi teslim edildi | The shipment has been delivered |
PTT İşyerine Girdi Torbaya Eklendi | PTT Entered the Workplace Added to the Bag |
Hold item at point of delivery (Inb) | Hold item at point of delivery (Inb) |
PTT İşyerine Girdi:PTT İşyerinden Çıktı Torba Geliş Kaydı Yapıldı | PTT Entered the Workplace: PTT Exited the Workplace Bag Arrival Recorded |
İADE-Aranılmadı | RETURN-Not Sought |
Cihetten Gönderi Çıkarıldı | Shipment From Cihet Removed |
Hold item at office of exchange (Otb) | Hold item at office of exchange (Otb) |
Hold item at office of exchange (Inb) | Hold item at office of exchange (Inb) |
PTB'den Çıkarıldı | Removed from PTB |
İADE-Kabul Edilmedi | RETURN-Not Accepted |
Gönderinin İthaline Gümrükçe İzin Verilmedi | Import of Shipment Not Permitted by Customs |
PTT İşyerinden Çıktı ANADOLU YAKASI KİM Merkezine Sevk İşlemi Gerçekleşti | PTT has left the workplace |
İSTANBUL KİM Merkezine Sevk İşlemi Gerçekleşti | Shipment to İSTANBUL KİM Center Completed |
PTT İşyerinden Çıktı ANTALYA P.İ.M Merkezine Sevk İşlemi Gerçekleşti | - |
Gönderi İleriye Sevk Edildi | Post Shipped Forward |
Dağıtıcıya Verildi-Cihet No:342808121 | Given to Distributor-Site No:342808121 |