Pitney Bowes

Courier service



Pitney Bowes Tracking

Our service allows you to track the parcel of Pitney Bowes or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

Pitney Bowes statuses

Status Translation into en
Delivered Delivered
In transit In transit
Out for Delivery Out for Delivery
In Transit In Transit
In Transit with Destination Carrier In Transit with Destination Carrier
Tracking Details Uploaded Tracking Details Uploaded
Delivery attempt Delivery attempt
Customs Cleared Customs Cleared
Processing at the Global Shipping Center Processing at the Global Shipping Center
Customs Documentation and Labeling Customs Documentation and Labeling
Shipped from the Global Shipping Center to International Destination Shipped from the Global Shipping Center to International Destination
Arrived at the Global Shipping Center Arrived at the Global Shipping Center
Delivery Attempt - Note Left/Scheduled Delivery Attempt - Note Left/Scheduled
In transit - Exception In transit - Exception
Awaiting Pickup Awaiting Pickup
Delay at the Global Shipping Center Delay at the Global Shipping Center
Unable to Deliver Unable to Deliver
Delivery Attempt Delivery Attempt
Exception: Undeliverable Exception: Undeliverable
Out for Delivery to the Global Shipping Center Out for Delivery to the Global Shipping Center
Awaiting Pickup - Note Left Awaiting Pickup - Note Left
In Transit Origin Country In Transit Origin Country
IMKGBA:LPGBA000000281869413&awb=1Z30W6326810693086 IMKGBA:LPGBA000000281869413&awb=1Z30W6326810693086
WNRKEB:LPKEN000000860683360 -
WNDGBA:WNM030528958 -
WNDGBA:WNM030544584 -
NJPGBAE:4204681892612927005172000013389753 NJPGBAE:4204681892612927005172000013389753
WNRKEB:LPKEN000000860006869 -
DHLGBA:2838236881 -
ICPKENE:LPKEN000000912758905 -
WNRKEB:LPKEN000000855667345 -
DPPGBAE:691728139 DPPGBAE:691728139
WNDGBA:WNM030723271 -
APPKEB:34653849 APPKEB:34653849
DHLEKB:7899008806 -
AMXKEB:33876150490 AMXKEB:33876150490
CPPKEB:4011220532393119 CPPKEB:4011220532393119
DCPKENE:W71383513 -
COPKENE:5A000017455468040 -
Return Documentation and Labeling -
DHLGBA:4363519440 -
WNDGBA:WNM031007091 -
AGPKENE:0003688263 AGPKENE:0003688263
AGPGBAE:33A3U1364484 -
AMXKEB:33875769325 -
IMKGBA:LPGBA000000290026781&awb=999943902505 IMKGBA:LPGBA000000290026781&awb=999943902505
Exception - Return to Sender -
INTGBA:ABC=ABC35373096&KC=LPGBA000000289240211&AN=E1h1iunucvG -
COPGBAE:6H000022657093500 -
WNDGBA:WNM030967716 -
INTGBA:ABC=ABC35724513&KC=LPGBA000000291454305&AN=E1h1iunucvG INTGBA:ABC=ABC35724513&KC=LPGBA000000291454305&AN=E1h1iunucvG
WNDGBA:WNM030962838 -
Returned Parcel Shipped -
INTEBK:ABC=ABC37366588&KC=LPKEN000001053471241&AN=R1X1KuXuir1 -
AGPKENE:0003697983 -
WNDGBA:WNM031001006 -
WNDGBA:33344948700 -
WNDGBA:WNM030492167 -
AGPGBAE:33A3N1366977 AGPGBAE:33A3N1366977
AMXKEB:33876158245 -
WNRKEB:LPKEN000000885065353 -
WNDGBA:WNM030681086 -
WNRKEB:LPKEN000000898480169 -
Delivered - Parcel Picked Up by Consignee Delivered - Parcel Picked Up by Consignee
AGPKENE:0003327317 AGPKENE:0003327317
DHLEKB:5055419843 DHLEKB:5055419843
WNRKEB:LPKEN000000857320695 -
WNRKEB:LPKEN000000856209337 -
WNDGBA:WNM030547373 -
INTGBA:ABC=ABC34620346&KC=LPGBA000000284045839&AN=E1h1iunucvG -
WNRKEB:LPKEN000000909867966 -
WNDGBA:WIL000271754 WNDGBA:WIL000271754
INTEBK:ABC=ABC34343573&KC=LPKEN000000852206022&AN=R1X1KuXuir1 -
AGPKENE:33YWG1059424 AGPKENE:33YWG1059424
WNDGBA:WNM030488595 -
AGPKENE:0003243802 AGPKENE:0003243802
DHLEKB:6424103173 -
WNDGBA:33344919075 -
WNDGBA:WNM030424860 -
WNDGBA:WNM030135823 -
AGPKENE:33YWG1050077 AGPKENE:33YWG1050077
INTGBA:ABC=ABC34284595&KC=LPGBA000000280999153&AN=E1h1iunucvG -
WNRKEB:LPKEN000000855662064 -
AMXKEB:33875466590 -
WNDGBA:7443955211 WNDGBA:7443955211
WNRKEB:LPKEN000000877430508 -
In Transit Destination Country -
WNDGBA:WNM030732698 -
INTGBA:ABC=ABC33343632&KC=LPGBA000000273012386&AN=E1h1iunucvG -
LVNKEB:LPKEN000000785269634 LVNKEB:LPKEN000000785269634
AGPKENE:0003430635 -
WNRKEB:LPKEN000000811083579 -
INTGBA:ABC=ABC33955088&KC=LPGBA000000278307294&AN=E1h1iunucvG -
NJPGBAE:4201705092748927005172000013466597 NJPGBAE:4201705092748927005172000013466597
AMXKEB:32787759804 -
WNDGBA:WNM030926416 -
WNDGBA:9L27716727014 -
AMXKEB:32788188974 AMXKEB:32788188974