Pitney Bowes

Empresa de mensajería



Seguimiento de envio Pitney Bowes

Our service allows you to track the parcel of Pitney Bowes or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

Estados Pitney Bowes

Estado Traducción al es
Delivered Entregado
In transit En tránsito
Out for Delivery Fuera para entrega
In Transit En tránsito
In Transit with Destination Carrier En tránsito con el transportista de destino
Tracking Details Uploaded Detalles de seguimiento cargados
Delivery attempt Intento de entrega
Customs Cleared Despacho de aduanas
Processing at the Global Shipping Center Procesamiento en el Centro de envío global
Customs Documentation and Labeling Documentación y etiquetado aduanero
Shipped from the Global Shipping Center to International Destination Enviado desde el Centro de envío global a destino internacional
Arrived at the Global Shipping Center Llegó al Centro de envío global
Delivery Attempt - Note Left/Scheduled -
In transit - Exception En tránsito - Excepción
Awaiting Pickup Esperando recogida
Delay at the Global Shipping Center Retraso en el Centro de envío global
Unable to Deliver -
Delivery Attempt Intento de entrega
Exception: Undeliverable -
Out for Delivery to the Global Shipping Center Listo para entrega al Centro de envío global
Awaiting Pickup - Note Left Esperando recogida: nota a la izquierda
In Transit Origin Country -
IMKGBA:LPGBA000000281869413&awb=1Z30W6326810693086 -
WNRKEB:LPKEN000000860683360 -
WNDGBA:WNM030528958 -
WNDGBA:WNM030544584 -
NJPGBAE:4204681892612927005172000013389753 -
WNRKEB:LPKEN000000860006869 -
DHLGBA:2838236881 -
ICPKENE:LPKEN000000912758905 -
WNRKEB:LPKEN000000855667345 -
DPPGBAE:691728139 -
WNDGBA:WNM030723271 -
APPKEB:34653849 -
DHLEKB:7899008806 -
AMXKEB:33876150490 -
CPPKEB:4011220532393119 -
DCPKENE:W71383513 -
COPKENE:5A000017455468040 -
Return Documentation and Labeling -
DHLGBA:4363519440 -
WNDGBA:WNM031007091 -
AGPKENE:0003688263 -
AGPGBAE:33A3U1364484 -
AMXKEB:33875769325 -
IMKGBA:LPGBA000000290026781&awb=999943902505 -
Exception - Return to Sender -
INTGBA:ABC=ABC35373096&KC=LPGBA000000289240211&AN=E1h1iunucvG -
COPGBAE:6H000022657093500 -
WNDGBA:WNM030967716 -
INTGBA:ABC=ABC35724513&KC=LPGBA000000291454305&AN=E1h1iunucvG -
WNDGBA:WNM030962838 -
Returned Parcel Shipped -
INTEBK:ABC=ABC37366588&KC=LPKEN000001053471241&AN=R1X1KuXuir1 -
AGPKENE:0003697983 -
WNDGBA:WNM031001006 -
WNDGBA:33344948700 -
WNDGBA:WNM030492167 -
AGPGBAE:33A3N1366977 -
AMXKEB:33876158245 -
WNRKEB:LPKEN000000885065353 -
WNDGBA:WNM030681086 -
WNRKEB:LPKEN000000898480169 -
Delivered - Parcel Picked Up by Consignee -
AGPKENE:0003327317 -
DHLEKB:5055419843 -
WNRKEB:LPKEN000000857320695 -
WNRKEB:LPKEN000000856209337 -
WNDGBA:WNM030547373 -
INTGBA:ABC=ABC34620346&KC=LPGBA000000284045839&AN=E1h1iunucvG -
WNRKEB:LPKEN000000909867966 -
WNDGBA:WIL000271754 -
INTEBK:ABC=ABC34343573&KC=LPKEN000000852206022&AN=R1X1KuXuir1 -
AGPKENE:33YWG1059424 -
WNDGBA:WNM030488595 -
AGPKENE:0003243802 -
DHLEKB:6424103173 -
WNDGBA:33344919075 -
WNDGBA:WNM030424860 -
WNDGBA:WNM030135823 -
AGPKENE:33YWG1050077 -
INTGBA:ABC=ABC34284595&KC=LPGBA000000280999153&AN=E1h1iunucvG -
WNRKEB:LPKEN000000855662064 -
AMXKEB:33875466590 -
WNDGBA:7443955211 -
WNRKEB:LPKEN000000877430508 -
In Transit Destination Country -
WNDGBA:WNM030732698 -
INTGBA:ABC=ABC33343632&KC=LPGBA000000273012386&AN=E1h1iunucvG -
LVNKEB:LPKEN000000785269634 -
AGPKENE:0003430635 -
WNRKEB:LPKEN000000811083579 -
INTGBA:ABC=ABC33955088&KC=LPGBA000000278307294&AN=E1h1iunucvG -
NJPGBAE:4201705092748927005172000013466597 -
AMXKEB:32787759804 -
WNDGBA:WNM030926416 -
WNDGBA:9L27716727014 -
AMXKEB:32788188974 -