GLS Romania

Courier service


GLS Romania Tracking

Our service allows you to track the parcel of GLS Romania or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

GLS Romania statuses

Status Translation into en
Coletul urmeaza sa fie livrat in cursul zilei The package is to be delivered during the day
Coletul a ajuns în centrul de expedieri The package arrived at the shipping center
Datele au fost introduse in sistemul electronic. Coletul nu a fost predat catre GLS The data were entered into the electronic system. The package was not handed over to GLS
Coletul a fost livrat The package has been delivered
Coletul a fost predat către GLS The package was handed over to GLS
Coletul este depozitat in depozitul GLS The package is stored in the GLS warehouse
Coletul a fost ridicat The package has been picked up
Nelivrat. Destinatarul nu se afla la adresa Not delivered. The recipient is not at the address
Coletul a fost returnat expeditorului The package was returned to the sender
Nelivrat. Destinatarul a refuzat coletul Not delivered. The recipient refused the package
Coletul este depozitat in depozitul GLS si va fi livrat la o alta data The package is stored in the GLS warehouse and will be delivered at another time
Scanare de verificare Verification scan
Curierul a primit solicitarea de a prelua coletul in cursul zilei The courier received the request to pick up the package during the day
Optiunea de livrare a fost inregistrata The delivery option has been registered
Eticheta coletului a fost creata The package label has been created
Nelivrat. Adresa este gresita sau incompleta Not delivered. The address is wrong or incomplete
Nelivrat din cauza lipsei de bani Not delivered due to lack of money
Nelivrat. Sunt necesare informa?ii despre adresa Not delivered. Address information is required
Coletul este depozitat in depozitul GLS. Destinatarul va prelua coletul personal The package is stored in the GLS warehouse. The recipient will pick up the personal package
Intrare in depozit Entrance to the warehouse
Nelivrat Undelivered
Coletul a fost redirectionat catre adresa solicitata The package has been redirected to the requested address
Nelivrat. Destinatarul este in concediu Not delivered. The recipient is on vacation
Solicitare de ridicare anulata. Nu existau bunuri care sa fie preluate Cancellation request canceled. There were no goods to be taken over
Nelivrat. Inchis pentru receptionare colete Not delivered. Closed for receiving parcels
Coletul nu a fost ridicat. Clientul nu se afla la adresa The package was not picked up. The customer is not at the address
Coletul nu a fost ridicat, deoarece bunurile nu erau ambalate The package was not picked up because the goods were not packed
Coletul a fost livrat la persoana imputernicita The package was delivered to the authorized person
Redirectionat Redirected
Coletul a parasit centrul de expedieri The package has left the shipping center
Coletul va fi livrat in cursul serii The package will be delivered during the evening
P&S/P&R-Cerere de ridicare anulata P & S / P & R-Lifting request canceled
Nu este trimis spre livrare Not sent for delivery
Nelivrat. Coletul e fost refuzat din cauza livrarii intarziate -
Nelivrat. Lipsesc informa?iile despre livrare -
Coletul a fost livrat la ParcelShop -
Nelivrat. Intervalul orar a fost depasit -
Coletul nu a fost ridicat. Sunt necesare informa?ii despre adresa -
Manea Angelica -
Lilla Jaszevnovics -
Solicitare de ridicare anulata. Bunurile au fost trimise prin alte mijloace -
Coletul a ajuns în centrul de expedieri ?i a fost sortat manual -
Coletul a ajuns la ParcelShop -
Datele despre colet au fost ?terse din sistemul electronic GLS -
20141112090222 -
Coletul a fost livrat in cutia postala -