Croatia Post

National Postal Service


Croatia Post Tracking

Our service allows you to track the parcel of Croatia Post or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

Croatia Post statuses

Status Translation into en
Pošiljka je otpremljena u inozemstvo The shipment is processed in the country
Pošiljka je zaprimljena Shipping is accepted
Pošiljka je otpremljena prema unutrašnjem prometu The consignment is reimbursed by road transport
Pošiljka je prispjela iz inozemstva The consignment also contributed from the country
Dostava na adresu je u tijeku Delivery to the address is at the ticket
Pošiljka je uručena primatelju Shipment is addressed to the friend
Pošiljka je u pripremi za otpremu u inozemstvo The prank is at the Priprem behind Otpre at the Inozemstvo
Pošiljka je otpremljena Pranka is otpremljena
Pokušaj dostave pošiljke Try to deliver the shipment
Pošiljku možete preuzeti u poštanskom uredu You can pick up the delivery at the post office
Pošiljka je prispjela The pag
Pošiljka je u pripremi za otpremu The pag is at the Priprem behind Otpre
Pošiljatelj je unio podatke, pošiljka još nije predana Hrvatskoj pošti Škiljatelj is Unio subtitle, Još Nije Predan Hrvatskoj Posti
Pošiljka je otpremljena na Carinu The consignment is issued to Carina
Pošiljka je najavljena Shipping is included
Pošiljka je uručena Shipment is intended
Pošiljka je vraćena s Carine Shipping is returned with Carine
U obradi In the ceremony
Pošiljka nije uručena Shipment not delivered
Pošiljka je zadržana na Carini The consignment is detained at Carini
Povratnica/dostavnica je vraćena Return / delivery is returned
Pošiljka je uručena pošiljatelju Shipment is intended for the sender
Pošiljka preuzeta iz paketomata Sonziljka Excuse from Paketomata
Pošiljatelj je pohranio pošiljku u paketomat Proofelj is the Postiljku border at Paketomat
Pošiljka preusmjerena u paketomat Shipping forwarded to packages
Pošiljka predana u paketomat Shipment sold in packets
Pošiljka je zadržana The consignment is detained
Pošiljka preusmjerena na novu adresu Ponusmjerena on Nova address
Pošiljka preusmjerena u poštanski ured Shipping forwarded to the post office
Pošiljka je zaprimlje The delivery note is accepted
Pošiljka je otp The shipment is otp
Po& -
Pošiljka -
Pokušaj dostave poš Try to get a mail
Pošiljka je otpremljena u i Pranka is otpremljena u i