
Courier service


Colissimo Tracking

Our service allows you to track the parcel of Colissimo or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

Colissimo statuses

Status Translation into en
Delivered Delivered
Shipment in transit Shipment in transit
Your parcel is transiting through our logistics platforms to be delivered to you as quickly as possible Your parcel is transiting through our logistics platforms to be delivered to you as quickly as possible
Votre envoi est en cours d'acheminement vers sa destination Your shipment is on its way to its destination
Your parcel is at the delivery site that serves your address. We are preparing it for delivery Your parcel is at the delivery site that serves your address. We are preparing it for delivery
Your item is on its way to its destination Your item is on its way to its destination
Votre envoi a été déposé par l'expéditeur chez notre partenaire postal dans son pays d'origine Your shipment has been deposited by the sender at our postal partner in his country of origin
Votre envoi est sur le site de départ dans le pays d'origine avant son transport international Your shipment is at the departure site in the country of origin before its international transport
Votre envoi est en cours d'acheminement dans son pays d'origine Your shipment is in transit to its country of origin
Your Colissimo will soon be handed over to us! It is being prepared by the sender. If you have any questions, you can contact your sender or their customer service Your Colissimo will soon be handed over to us! It is being prepared by the sender. If you have any questions, you can contact your sender or their customer service
Votre envoi est sur le site qui dessert votre adresse. Nous préparons sa distribution Your shipment is on the site that serves your address. We are preparing its distribution
Your parcel has been delivered Your parcel has been delivered
Released from customs Released from customs
Votre envoi vient d'arriver en France Your shipment has just arrived in France
Votre courrier est en cours d'acheminement vers sa destination Your mail is being routed to its destination
Votre envoi a été distribué dans la boîte à lettres Your shipment has been delivered to the mailbox
Votre envoi a été remis à notre partenaire postal par l'expéditeur Your shipment has been delivered to our postal partner by the sender
Votre envoi vient de quitter son pays d'expédition Your shipment has just left its country of dispatch
Your parcel will soon be handed over to us! It is being prepared by the sender Your parcel will soon be handed over to us! It is being prepared by the sender
Votre envoi est en cours de traitement pour un départ imminent du pays d'expédition Your shipment is being processed for an imminent departure from the country of dispatch
Your parcel has been delivered to your letter box Your parcel has been delivered to your letter box
Votre courrier est arrivé dans le site en vue de sa distribution Your mail has arrived on the site for distribution
Your parcel is transiting through our logistics platforms Your plot is transitting through Our logistics platforms
Your item has just arrived in France Your Item Has Just Arrived in France
Your parcel has been delivered in your letter box Your parcel has been delivered in your letter box
Votre courrier est déposé dans la boîte à lettres du destinataire Your mail is left in the recipient's mailbox
Your parcel is ready to be forwarded from its shipping region. It will be given to the carrier for forwarding Your parcel is ready to be forwarded from its shipping region. It will be given to the carrier for forwarding
Votre courrier a été distribué à l'adresse (au destinataire, ou directement dans sa boîte à lettres, au gardien) Your mail has been delivered to the address (to the recipient, or directly to their mailbox, to the custodian)
Votre envoi a été distribué Your shipment has been delivered
Your parcel has been delivered to a postal point Your parcel has been delivered to a postal point
Votre envoi n'a pas pu être distribué. Pour plus d'informations, reportez-vous à l'avis de passage que le facteur a déposé dans la boîte à lettres Your shipment could not be delivered. For more information, refer to the transit advice note that the postman left in the letterbox
Your parcel has arrived in the recipient s country Your parcel has arrived in the recipient s country
Your parcel has been dropped off by the sender in a postal point YOUR PARTEL HAS BEEN DROPPED OFF BY THE SENDER IN A POSTAL POINT
Your parcel is transiting through our network to be delivered to you as quickly as possible Your parcel is transiting through our network to be delivered to you as quickly as possible
Your parcel has arrived in the recipient's country Your parcel has arrived in the Recipient's Country
Votre envoi est disponible en point de retrait. Il y sera conservé pendant 15 jours et sera remis au destinataire sur présentation d'une pièce d'identité Your shipment is available at a pick-up point. It will be kept there for 15 days and will be returned to the recipient upon presentation of an identity document.
Your parcel is clearing customs Your parcel is clearing customs
Your parcel is on its way to its country of origin Your parcel is on its way to its country of origin
Your parcel has arrived in France Your parcel has arrived in France
Sorted at delivery location Sorted at delivery location
Votre courrier a été remis à La Poste par l'expéditeur Your mail has been delivered to La Poste by the sender
Your parcel has left its country of origin. It is currently being routed Your parcel has left its country of origin. It is currently being routed
Votre colis est dans le site de livraison qui dessert votre adresse. Nous le préparons pour le mettre en livraison Your package is in the delivery site that serves your address. We prepare it for delivery
Votre envoi est en cours de dédouanement Your shipment is in customs clearance
Votre envoi a été accepté par les autorités douanières, il poursuit son acheminement Your shipment has been accepted by the customs authorities, it continues to move
Votre envoi vient de quitter son pays d'origine Your shipment has just left its country of origin
Your parcel has been deposited with our postal partner in its country of origin by the sender Your parcel has been deposited with our postal partner in its country of origin by the sender
An error has occurred regarding the delivery of your parcel. We are doing everything we can to get it back on track An error has occurred regarding the delivery of your parcel. We are doing everything we can to get it back on track
Votre envoi n'a pas pu être distribué ce jour. Il sera remis en distribution au plus tôt. Nous vous prions d'accepter nos excuses Your shipment could not be delivered on this day. It will be put back into distribution as soon as possible. Please accept our apologies
Votre envoi a été remis à La Poste par l'expéditeur Your shipment has been delivered to La Poste by the sender
Votre envoi est dédouané Your shipment is customs cleared
We came by but we couldn t give you your parcel. It will be sent to your pick-up point We came by but we couldn t give you your parcel. It will be sent to your pick-up point
Votre envoi n'a pas pu être distribué ce jour et sera remis en livraison au plus tôt. Le choix de la date de relivraison ou d'un point de retrait est possible jusqu'à minuit sur notre site internet Your shipment could not be delivered today and will be delivered as soon as possible. The choice of the redelivery date or a pick-up point is possible until midnight on our website.
Your parcel could not be delivered. It will be sent out for delivery the next working day Your parcel could not be delivered. It will be sent out for delivery the next working day
Your parcel is available at your pick-up point for a period of 15 days. Don t put off picking it up! It will be given to you upon presentation of an identity document Your parcel is available at your pick-up point for a period of 15 days. Don t put off picking it up! It will be given to you upon presentation of an identity document
Votre envoi est en cours de dédouanement. Il poursuit son acheminement Your shipment is in the process of customs clearance. He continues his journey
Your parcel has been delivered to your caretaker Your parcel has been delivered to your caretaker
Votre courrier a été distribué à son destinataire contre sa signature Your mail has been delivered to its recipient against his signature
We came by but your parcel could not be delivered. It will be forwarded to a pick-up point We Came by but your parcel could not be delivered. It will be forwarded to a pick-up point
Votre envoi n'a pas pu être distribué ce jour en raison d'une situation exceptionnelle indépendante de notre volonté. Il sera remis en distribution au plus tôt Your shipment could not be delivered today due to an exceptional situation beyond our control. It will be put back into distribution as soon as possible
Your parcel cannot be delivered today. It will be delivered as soon as possible Your parcel cannot be delivered today. It will be delivered as soon as possible
Une erreur s'est produite dans l'acheminement de votre envoi. Nous mettons tout en œuvre pour qu'il reprenne son parcours et vous prions d'accepter nos excuses An error has occurred in the routing of your shipment. We are doing everything we can to get it back on track and please accept our apologies.
Votre colis a été déposé par l'expéditeur chez notre partenaire postal dans son pays d'origine Your package has been deposited by the sender at our postal partner in its country of origin
Votre colis est dédouané et il est en cours d'acheminement vers le pays de destination Your package is customs cleared and it is on its way to the country of destination
Arrival at outbound gateway Arrival at outbound gateway
Parcel in transit Parcel in transit
Your parcel was left at a post office too late to leave today. It will leave tomorrow (or the next working day in case of Sundays or public holidays) Your parcel was left at a post office too late to leave today. It will leave tomorrow (or the next working day in case of Sundays or public holidays)
Your parcel is on its way Your plot is on its way
Arrival at inbound gateway Arrival at inbound gateway
Your parcel is available at your pick-up point for a period of 15 days. Don't put off picking it up! It will be given to you upon presentation of an identity document Your parcel is available at your Pick-up point for a period of 15 days. DON'T PUT OFF PICKING IT UP! IT WILL BE GIVEN TO YOU UPON PRESENTATION OF AN IDENTITY DOCUMENT
Your parcel cannot be delivered today due to exceptional circumstances beyond our control. It will be delivered tomorrow (or the next working day in case of Sundays or public holidays) Your parcel cannot be delivered today due to exceptional circumstances beyond our control. It will be delivered tomorrow (or the next working day in case of Sundays or public holidays)
Your package has been dropped off at a postal point Your package has been dropped off at a postal point
Shipment Out for Delivery Shipment Out for Delivery
Votre envoi est retourné à l'expéditeur suite à un refus du destinataire Your shipment is returned to the sender following a refusal by the recipient
Votre envoi n'a pas pu être distribué ce jour et sera mis à disposition au bureau de poste. Une relivraison à l'adresse ou en point de retrait peut également être choisie avant minuit sur notre site internet Your package could not be delivered today and will be made available at the post office. A redelivery to the address or pick-up point can also be chosen before midnight on our website.
Votre courrier est disponible en point de retrait. Il y sera conservé pendant 15 jours et sera remis au destinataire sur présentation d'une pièce d'identité Your mail is available at a pick-up point. It will be kept there for 15 days and will be returned to the recipient upon presentation of an identity document.
Votre envoi n'a pas été retiré par son destinataire en point de retrait dans les délais impartis. Il est retourné à l'expéditeur Your shipment was not collected by its recipient at the collection point within the time limits. It is returned to the sender
Votre courrier n'a pas pu être distribué ce jour. Il sera remis en distribution au plus tôt. Nous vous prions d'accepter nos excuses Your mail could not be delivered on this day. It will be put back into distribution as soon as possible. Please accept our apologies
Votre envoi vient d'arriver au pays de destination Your shipment has just arrived in the destination country
Your parcel has been dropped off by the sender at a postal outlet. Unfortunately, it was too late for it to leave today. It will leave tomorrow (excluding Sundays and public holidays) Your parcel has been dropped off by the sender at a postal outlet. UNFORTUNATELY, it was too for it to leave tODAY. It Will Leave Tomorrow (Excluding Sunday and Public Holidays)
Une erreur s'est produite dans l'acheminement de votre courrier. Nous mettons tout en œuvre pour qu'il reprenne son parcours et vous prions d'accepter nos excuses An error has occurred in the routing of your mail. We are doing everything we can to get it back on track and please accept our apologies.
Votre envoi est en cours d'acheminement vers le site de distribution Your shipment is being sent to the distribution site
Your parcel cannot be delivered today due to exceptional circumstances beyond our control. It will be delivered in the coming days Your Parcel Cannot Be Delivered Today Due To Exceptional Circumstances Beyond Our Control. IT Will Be Delivered in The Coming Days
Your parcel has been delivered to its sender following a return Your parcel has been delivered to its sender following a return
Your parcel could not be delivered Your parcel could not be delivered
Votre envoi n'a pas pu être distribué ce jour et sera mis à disposition au bureau de poste. Le choix d'une date de relivraison ou d'un point de retrait est possible jusqu'à minuit sur notre site internet Your package could not be delivered today and will be made available at the post office. The choice of a redelivery date or a pick-up point is possible until midnight on our website.
Votre envoi est prêt à quitter son territoire d'expédition. Il va être remis au transporteur pour acheminement Your shipment is ready to leave its shipping territory. It will be handed over to the carrier for routing
The delivery address is incomplete and we cannot deliver your parcel. We are looking for additional information to ensure the safe delivery of your parcel. Please contact our customer service to provide the necessary additional information The delivery address is incomplete and we cannot deliver your parcel. We are looking for additional information to ensure the safe delivery of your parcel. Please contact our customer service to provide the necessary additional information
Shipment left at receiver's disposal at local post office or Parcel shop Shipment left at receiver's disposal at local post office or Parcel shop
Your parcel has been dropped off by the sender at a postal outlet. Unfortunately, it was too late for it to leave today. It will leave tomorrow (or the next working day in case of Sundays or public holidays) YOUR PARTEL HAS BEEN DROPPED OFF by The Sender at Postal Outlet. UNFORTUNATELY, IT WAS TOO LATE FOR IT TO LEAVE TODAY. IT Will Leave Tomorrow (Or The Next Working Day in Case of Sundays Or Public Holidays)
Votre envoi a été remis en lot au destinataire. Nous attendons la confirmation de sa réception Your shipment has been batch delivered to the recipient. We are awaiting confirmation of its receipt
Votre envoi a été remis en lot au destinataire. Nous attendons la confirmation de sa réception Your shipment has been batch delivered to the recipient. We are awaiting confirmation of its receipt
Votre envoi a été distribué au gardien ou à l'accueil Your shipment has been delivered to the custodian or reception
Une seconde présentation de votre courrier est programmée A second presentation of your mail is scheduled
Votre colis est arrivé dans le pays du destinataire Your package has arrived in the recipient's country
Votre envoi est arrivé au bureau de distribution du pays de destination Your shipment has arrived at the delivery office in the destination country
Your parcel could not be delivered. It will be sent out for delivery tomorrow (excluding Sundays and public holidays) Your plot could not be delivered. It will be smell out for Delivery Tomorrow (Excluding Sunday and Public Holidays)
Shipment Returned to Sender Shipment Returned to Sender
Your parcel will be delivered to your address tomorrow (or the next working day in case of Sundays or public holidays) Your parcel will be delivered to your address tomorrow (or the next working day in case of Sundays or public holidays)
Home delivery is currently suspended in your area. Your parcel will be sent to your usual pick-up point Home delivery is currently suspended in your area. Your parcel will be sent to your usual pick-up point