China Post

National Postal Service


China Post Tracking

Our service allows you to track the parcel of China Post or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

China Post statuses

Status Translation into en
离开 go away
已出口直封 Has been exported straight seal
到达 Arrivals
Delivered Delivered
已交承运商运输 Delivered to the carrier for transportation
航空公司启运 Airline departure
航空公司接收 Airline receiving
飞机进港 Plane arrives
到达寄达地处理中心 Arrive at the delivery center
到达寄达地 Arrive at the place of destination
到达(经转) Arrival (transit)
境外进口海关放行 Customs clearance for overseas imports
已妥投 Already voted
Arrival at Processing Center Arrival at Processing Center
送交境外进口海关 Send to overseas import customs
Arrival at Regional Sorting Center Arrival at Regional Sorting Center
已完成寄达地清关 Customs clearance at the destination has been completed
离开处理中心 Leave the processing center
安排投递 Arrange delivery
已到达投递局 Arrived at the delivery office
Arrival at Destination Arrival at Destination
退回,备注:安检退回 Return, Remarks: Security check returned
Flight Departure Flight Departure
Received by the carrier Received by the carrier
已到达 Arrived
Arrival at the Destination Arrival at the Destination
退回 Left customs
到达境外经转局 Arrive at overseas transit bureau
境外进口海关留存待验 The foreign import customs keep it for inspection
中转站转运中 Transit in transit station
已收寄,揽投员:刘晓怡,电话:15626211295 Received and mailed, solicitor: Liu Xiaoyi, Tel: 15626211295
Out for Delivery Out for Delivery
送交承运商 Delivery to carrier
Item Presented to Customs Item Presented to Customs
Departure from International Sorting Center Departure from International Sorting Center
航班起飞 Flight departure
到达二级处理中心 Arrive at the secondary processing center
航班到达 Flight arrival
Item Returned from Customs Item Returned from Customs
离开,下一站【广州国际邮件交换站】(经转) Depart, next stop [Guangzhou International Mail Exchange Station] (transit)
已收寄,揽投员:石志聪1,电话:17724217935 Received and sent, solicitor: Shi Zhicong 1, Tel: 17724217935
Arrival at Delivery Office Arrival at Delivery Office
离开,下一站【上海国际邮件交换站】(经转) Departure, next stop【Shanghai International Mail Exchange Station】(Transit)
送交出口海关 Send to export customs
Hangzhou,Arrival at Regional Sorting Center Hangzhou,Arrival at Regional Sorting Center
Hangzhou,Departure from Regional Sorting Center Hangzhou,Departure from Regional Sorting Center
到达境外自提点 Arrive at the overseas pickup point
Hangzhou,Dispatched from Office of Exchange Hangzhou,Dispatched from Office of Exchange
Hangzhou,Handed over to the Carrirer Hangzhou,Handed over to the Carrirer
Hangzhou,Depature from Local Sorting Center Hangzhou,Depature from Local Sorting Center
Hangzhou,Package Received Hangzhou,Package Received
RU,Item Returned from Customs RU,Item Returned from Customs
RU,Arrival at Delivery Office RU,Arrival at Delivery Office
RU,Departure from International Sorting Center RU,Departure from International Sorting Center
Customs Clearance Completed Customs Clearance Completed
Hangzhou,Item Returned from Customs Hangzhou,Item Returned from Customs
已收寄,揽投员:马景和1,电话:13927721343 Received and mailed, solicitors: Ma Jinghe 1, Tel: 13927721343
Harbin,Arrival at Regional Sorting Center Harbin,Arrival at Regional Sorting Center
Harbin,Departure from Regional Sorting Center Harbin,Departure from Regional Sorting Center
已收寄,揽投员:何江源,电话:13760742734 Received, solicitor: He Jiangyuan, Tel: 13760742734
已收寄,揽投员:甘爽 Received and sent, soliciting investors: Gan Shuang
Acceptance Acceptance
RU,Delivered RU,Delivered
出口海关/放行 Export customs/release
出口互换局留存 Retained by the Export Exchange Bureau
Scheduled for Delivery Scheduled for Delivery
送交进口海关 Send to import customs
Hangzhou,揽投配发 Haangzhou, grabbing
Held by import Customs Held by import Customs
离开,下一站【北京国际邮件交换站】(经转) Departure, next stop【Beijing International Mail Exchange Station】(Transit)
离开境外经转局 Leaving the overseas transit bureau
已收寄,揽投员:林哲,电话:15080009270 Has been received, the investigator: Lin Zhe, Tel: 15080009270
Hangzhou,Item Presented to Customs Hangzhou,Item Presented to Customs
Harbin,Dispatched from Office of Exchange Harbin,Dispatched from Office of Exchange
已收寄,揽投员:邹建辉,电话:17724217935 Received and mailed, solicitor: Zou Jianhui, Tel: 17724217935
进口海关放行 Import customs clearance
Transiting via the transit Airport Transiting via the transit Airport
Dispatching Dispatching
离开,下一站【合肥国际邮件处理中心】(经转) Leaving, next stop [Hefei International Mail Processing Center] (transit)
已收寄,揽投员:苏栩桦,电话:13927721343 Received, solicitor: Su Xuhua, Tel: 13927721343
Harbin,Item Presented to Customs Harbin,Item Presented to Customs
Heihe,Hand over to the Carrier Heihe,Hand over to the Carrier
邮件在境内转运中 Mail is in transit in China
Harbin,Item Returned from Customs Harbin,Item Returned from Customs
退回妥投 Return
已收寄,揽投员:石志聪2,电话:17724217935 Received and mailed, solicitor: Shi Zhicong 2, Tel: 17724217935
In Transit In Transit
Guangzhou,Arrival at Regional Sorting Center Guangzhou,Arrival at Regional Sorting Center
离开,下一站【郑州国际邮件交换站】(经转) Depart, next stop [Zhengzhou International Mail Exchange Station] (transit)
已收寄,揽投员:许燕 Received and sent, soliciting investment: Xu Yan
计划交航空公司运输 Plan to be transported by airlines
Arrival at Transit Sorting Center Arrival at Transit Sorting Center
已收寄,揽投员:王立晨,电话:18519362377 Received and mailed, solicitor: Wang Lichen, Tel: 18519362377
Harbin,Depature from Local Sorting Center Harbin,Depature from Local Sorting Center
离开,下一站【重庆国际邮件交换站】(经转) Depart, next stop [Chongqing International Mail Exchange Station] (transit)
已收寄,揽投员:胡飞,电话:15072323257 Received, solicitor: Hu Fei, Tel: 15072323257
已收寄,揽投员:李俊,电话:13984189953 Received and mailed, solicitor: Li Jun, Tel: 13984189953
Harbin,Package Received Harbin,Package Received
已收寄,揽投员:汤聪,电话:18744914589 Received and sent, solicitor: Tang Cong, Tel: 18744914589
Guangzhou,Departure from Regional Sorting Center Guangzhou,Departure from Regional Sorting Center