BUFFALO International Logistics

Courier service


BUFFALO International Logistics Tracking

Our service allows you to track the parcel of BUFFALO International Logistics or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

BUFFALO International Logistics statuses

Status Translation into en
Delivered Delivered
In transit In transit
Dispatching Dispatching
Voice SMS sent Failed, will send again Voice SMS sent Failed, will send again
Voice SMS sent Success, picked, answered Voice SMS sent Success, picked, answered
Tax Paid Tax Paid
tax notice sent, SMS sent Success, Email sent Success tax notice sent, SMS sent Success, Email sent Success
Awaiting departure confirmation Awaiting departure confirmation
Order confirmed with supplier Order confirmed with supplier
Scanned in at Buffalo China warehouse: [Shenzhen] Scanned in at Buffalo China warehouse: [Shenzhen]
Int'l shipping Int'l shipping
CN Outbound CN Outbound
cleared cleared
Arrival South Africa customs Arrival South Africa customs
Scanned in at SA warehouse:[Airport DC] Scanned in at SA warehouse:[Airport DC]
Dispatched Dispatched
Processing Intl Operations Processing Intl Operations
Order Confirmed Order Confirmed
International Shipping International Shipping
Arrival at South Africa customs Arrival at South Africa customs
BUFFALO Airport Warehouse received BUFFALO Airport Warehouse received
Clearance finished Clearance finished
Transiting from [Airport DC] to [JHBDC]。 Transiting from [Airport DC] to [JHBDC]。
Your parcel was picked up Your parcel was picked up
Client Received Client Received
In Transit from [AIRDC] to [JHBDC] In Transit from [AIRDC] to [JHBDC]
Onboard the parcel is onboard the Courier vehicle Onboard the parcel is onboard the Courier vehicle
Voice SMS sent Failed, will send in day 2 Voice SMS sent Failed, will send in day 2
Bag inbound scan into [ ZA WH] Bag inbound scan into [ ZA WH]
Voice SMS sent Success, Unanswered, will send again Voice SMS sent Success, Unanswered, will send again
Outbound from BUFFALO China warehouse Outbound from BUFFALO China warehouse
Out on Line Haul Out on Line Haul
Pack completed in [AIRDC] Pack completed in [AIRDC]
Parcel Label Printed Parcel Label Printed
Processing in [JHBDC] Processing in [JHBDC]
Scan into branch Scan into branch
Transit to thirdparty Express Transit to thirdparty Express
Voice SMS sent Success, Unanswered, will send in day 2 Voice SMS sent Success, Unanswered, will send in day 2
Out on Delivery Out on Delivery
Created waybill Created waybill
Bad address Bad address
Bag inbound scan into [JHBDC] Bag inbound scan into [JHBDC]
Clearance finished, tax notice sent, SMS sent Success, Email sent Success Clearance finished, tax notice sent, SMS sent Success, Email sent Success
Scanned in at Buffalo China warehouse: [GuangZhou] Scanned in at Buffalo China warehouse: [GuangZhou]
On Hold Parcel Created On Hold Parcel Created
Receive in [ ZA WH] Receive in [ ZA WH]
BUFFALO [ ZA WH] received BUFFALO [ ZA WH] received
Your parcel is currently in transit between our 'Johannesburg' and 'Cape Town' depots Your parcel is currently in transit between our 'Johannesburg' and 'Cape Town' depots
Scanned in at Buffalo China warehouse: [guangzhou] Scanned in at Buffalo China warehouse: [guangzhou]
The parcel has been left in the North Bay 2 and will be delivered on the next scheduled delivery The parcel has been left in the North Bay 2 and will be delivered on the next scheduled delivery
Transit to BUFFALO [JHBDC] Transit to BUFFALO [JHBDC]
Consignment details captured Consignment details captured
Your parcel has been received in the Cape Town depot Your parcel has been received in the Cape Town depot
Loaded on manifest to Durban facility Loaded on manifest to Durban facility
The parcel has been left in the South Bay 2 and will be delivered on the next scheduled delivery The parcel has been left in the South Bay 2 and will be delivered on the next scheduled delivery
Floor check at Durban facility Floor check at Durban facility
Parcel on the route to departure port China Parcel on the route to departure port China
The parcel has been left in the East Bay and will be delivered on the next scheduled delivery The parcel has been left in the East Bay and will be delivered on the next scheduled delivery
The parcel has been left in the North Bay and will be delivered on the next scheduled delivery The parcel has been left in the North Bay and will be delivered on the next scheduled delivery
Checked in at Durban facility Checked in at Durban facility
The parcel has been left in the South Bay and will be delivered on the next scheduled delivery The parcel has been left in the South Bay and will be delivered on the next scheduled delivery
The parcel has been left in the East Bay 2 and will be delivered on the next scheduled delivery The parcel has been left in the East Bay 2 and will be delivered on the next scheduled delivery
Proof of delivery details captured Proof of delivery details captured
Unable to Deliver We are currently unable to effect delivery Unable to Deliver We are currently unable to effect delivery
Voice SMS sent Success, picked, not fully answered Voice SMS sent Success, picked, not fully answered
SMS with tax sent SMS with tax sent
Packed Into bag (In Trip) Packed Into bag (In Trip)
Scanned in at SA warehouse:[ ZA WH] Scanned in at SA warehouse:[ ZA WH]
Email with tax sent Email with tax sent
Processing in [PTADC] Processing in [PTADC]
Wrong address, notified client via SMS Wrong address, notified client via SMS
Loaded for delivery from Durban facility Loaded for delivery from Durban facility
The parcel has been left in the West Bay 2 and will be delivered on the next scheduled delivery The parcel has been left in the West Bay 2 and will be delivered on the next scheduled delivery
Transiting from [Airport DC] to [PretoriaDC]。 Transiting from [Airport DC] to [PretoriaDC]。
Transit to BUFFALO [Cape TownDC] Transit to BUFFALO [Cape TownDC]
Parcel collected Parcel collected
Transit to BUFFALO [DurbanDC] Transit to BUFFALO [DurbanDC]
Enter China warehouse: Shenzhen : Enter China warehouse: Shenzhen :
Your parcel is currently in transit between our 'Johannesburg' and 'Durban' depots Your parcel is currently in transit between our 'Johannesburg' and 'Durban' depots
We have experienced a problem with your parcel which is currently under query at our depot We have experienced a problem with your parcel which is currently under query at our depot
Bag inbound scan into [PretoriaDC] Bag inbound scan into [PretoriaDC]
Out of warehouse Out of warehouse
Your parcel is currently in transit between our 'Johannesburg' and 'Pretoria' depots Your parcel is currently in transit between our 'Johannesburg' and 'Pretoria' depots
Clearance(CN) Clearance(CN)
Your parcel has been received in the Durban depot Your parcel has been received in the Durban depot
The parcel has been left in the West Bay and will be delivered on the next scheduled delivery The parcel has been left in the West Bay and will be delivered on the next scheduled delivery
Delivery Exception: Consignee not available Delivery Exception: Consignee not available
Int'l Shipping...() Int'l Shipping...()
Received In Branch Polokwane Received In Branch Polokwane
The parcel has been left in the South Bay 1 and will be delivered on the next scheduled delivery The parcel has been left in the South Bay 1 and will be delivered on the next scheduled delivery
Returned to Depot Returned to Depot
POD created POD created
Inbound Manifest to hub Inbound Manifest to hub
Your parcel is currently in transit between our 'Johannesburg' and 'Nelspruit' depots Your parcel is currently in transit between our 'Johannesburg' and 'Nelspruit' depots
At the Destination At the Destination