Albania Post

National Postal Service


Albania Post Tracking

Our service allows you to track the parcel of Albania Post or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

Albania Post statuses

Status Translation into en
Mberritje objekti ne destinacion / Receive item at location (Otb) Object arrival at destination / Receive item at location (Otb)
Skanuar per transport / Scan to transport Scan to transport
Objekti u nxor nga thesi per perpunim / Receive item at location (Inb) Object removed from the bag for processing / Receive item at location (Inb)
Futje objekti ne thes per brenda vendit / Insert item into domestic bag Insert item into domestic bag / Insert item into domestic bag
U pranua objekt nga jashte / Receive item from abroad (EDI-received) Received item from abroad (EDI-received)
Objekti u fut ne thes dhe u dergua jashte / Insert item into bag (Otb) and sent abroad The item was inserted into the bag and sent out / Insert item into bag (Otb) and sent abroad
Objekti u dorezua / Deliver item (Inb) Delivered item (Inb)
Objekti u dergua ne zyren destinacion / Send item to domestic location (Inb) The object was sent to the destination office / Send item to domestic location (Inb)
Ne pritje per dorezim / Waiting to be delivered Waiting to be delivered
Objekti ka dalë për dorëzim në adresë / Item out for physical delivery The item has been released for delivery to the address / Item out for physical delivery
Objekti u pranua ne zyren e shkembimit / Receive item at office of exchange (Otb) The item was received at the exchange office / Receive item at office of exchange (Otb)
Pranim objekti nga klienti / Receive item from customer Receive item from customer
Objekti dhene postierit per dorezim / Handover item to delivery agent Object given to the postman for delivery / Handover item to delivery agent
Tentative e pasuksesshme ne shperndarjen e objektit / Unsuccessful attemp at delivering the object (Inb) Unsuccessful attemp at delivering the object (Inb)
Objekti u pranua ne zyren e shkembimit / Receive item at office of exchange (Inb) The item was accepted at the exchange office / Receive item at office of exchange (Inb)
Objekti u rikthye ne origjine / Object returned to sender Object returned to sender
Zhbllokim objekti ne dogane / Custom unblocked Custom unblocked object
Objekti ndodhet ne dogane / Send item to customs (Inb) The object is in customs / Send item to customs (Inb)
Objekti ndodhet ne dogane / Send item to customs (Otb) The object is in customs / Send item to customs (Otb)
Dalja e objektit nga dogana / Return item from customs (Otb) Return item from customs (Otb)
Ndalim objekti nga dogana / Shipment held by custom (Në pritje të pagesës së detyrimit) Shipping held by custom (Awaiting payment of duty)
Objekti ndodhet në zyrën e Doganës / Sigurisë / Item presented to export Customs / Security The object is located in the Customs / Security office / Item presented to export Customs / Security
Objekti u pranua ne zyren e shperndarjes / Receive item at delivery office (Inb) The object was received at the delivery office / Receive item at delivery office (Inb)
Objekti doli nga dogana / Return item from customs (Inb) Return item from customs (Inb)
Regjistrimi i informacionit doganor te objektit / Record item customs information (Inb) Record of the Customs Information of the Object / Record Item Customs Information (INB)
Exporti I objektit postar jashte vendit, është anulluar / Export Cancellation Exports of the postal facility abroad, has been canceled / Export Cancellation
Ndalim objekti nga dogana / Shipment held by custom (Në pritje të paraqitjes së marrësit tek agjenti doganor) -
Mberritj Arrival
Marrë nga korrieri / With delivery courier -
Nisur nga origjina / Departed Facility in TIRANA-ALB -
Dhene per procesim te metejshem (TNT)/Given for further processing(TNT) Given for further processing (TNT) / Given for Further Processing (TNT)
Skanuar per Scanned for
Mberritje objekti n Object arrival n
Skanuar per tra -
Dorëzuar PORTINERIA A/ Delivered - Signed for by PORTINERIA A -
Mbërritur në qendrën e shpërndarjes / Arrived at Delivery Facility in MILAN-ITA -
Dorëzuar ANNA DI GENI/ Delivered - Signed for by ANNA DI GENI -
Mbërritur në qendrën e shpërndarjes / Arrived at Delivery Facility in VERONA-ITA -
Marrësi nuk ndodhet në adresë,mbajtur në zyrë / Delivery attempted; recipient not home -
Dorëzuar BROOLL CHIAR/ Delivered - Signed for by BROOLL CHIAR -
Futje objekti ne thes per brenda vendit / Inser Inserting the object in the bag for inside the country / Inser
Regjistrimi i arsyes se bllokimit te objektit nga dogana / Record item reason for retention by customs (Otb) Recording the reason for blocking the object from Customs / Record Item Reason for retentt by Customs (OTB)
Futje objekti ne thes per brenda vendit / Insert item in Insert item in the bag for inside the country / Insert item in
Futje objekti ne thes per brenda vendit / In Insertion of the object in the bag for inside the country / In
Objekti u fut ne thes dhe u dergua jashte / Insert item into bag (Otb) and sent The item was inserted into the bag and sent out / Insert item into bag (Otb) and sent
Objekti u fut ne thes dhe u dergua jashte / Ins -
Futje objekti ne thes per brenda vendit / Insert item into domestic bag </ -
Objekti u dorezua / D The object was delivered / d
Dorezim i objektit nga TNT/ Delivered item by TNT -
Mb uk
Ne pritj Ne pritj
Objekti u d Objects and d
Mberritje objekti ne destinacion / Receive item at location (Ot Object arrival at destination / Receive item at location (Ot
Objekti u nxor nga thesi per per The object was taken out of the bag for per
Skanuar per transpor Scanned for transport
Mberritje objekti ne destinacion / Receive item at l Object arrival at destination / Receive item at l
U pranua objekt nga jash Object accepted from outside