PTS Worldwide Express

Empresa de mensajería


Seguimiento de envio PTS Worldwide Express

Our service allows you to track the parcel of PTS Worldwide Express or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

Estados PTS Worldwide Express

Estado Traducción al es
Delivered Entregado
Departed from sorting center Partió del centro de clasificación
Shipment in transit Cargamento en camino
Out for Delivery Fuera para entrega
Departed from Facility Partió de la instalación
Scheduled for Delivery Programado para entrega
Arrived at destination facility Llegó a la instalación de destino
Shipment Data Received Datos de envío recibidos
Arrived at sorting center Llegó al centro de clasificación
Shipment Picked Up Envío recogido
Arrived at Sorting Center Llegó al centro de clasificación
Shipped from Origin Enviado desde origen
Shipment Reached Center Centro de envío alcanzado
Cleared Customs Despachadas de aduana
Airline Transfer Process Proceso de transferencia de aerolínea
Export from Turkey Exportación de Turquía
Customs Inspection Inspección de aduanas
Shipment in Transit Cargamento en camino
Customs Clearence in Progress Despacho de aduanas en curso
Attempted delivery,delivery not possible Intento de entrega, entrega no posible
Shipment Delivered to Operations Center Envío entregado al centro de operaciones
Returned to Shipper Volver al expedidor
Customs inspection Inspección de aduanas
Delivered to parcelshop.Awaiting pickup Entregado a la tienda de paquetería. En espera de ser recogido.
Received from Cargo Recibido de Carga
Transfer Delay -
Enrouted to PTS OC by Izmir SUB Enrutado a PTS OC por Izmir SUB
Confiscated by the Customs -
Delivery Attempted, Premises Closed Intento de entrega, instalaciones cerradas
Approved by the Destination Agency -
Misrouted -
Handover Entregar
Return To Shipper from Origin Devolver al remitente desde el origen
Accepted by PTS Sub in Ankara -
Accepted by PTS Sub -
Shipped by PTS Sub from Ankara -
Delivery at a Later Date Requested -
Delivery to Another Address Requested -
Shipped by PTS Sub to PTS -
Not Received In The Specified Time -
Holiday -
Attempted delivery,delivery no Intento de entrega, entrega no
Returned to Cologne Operation Center -
Departed from Facili Partió de Facili
At Park -
Cologne - Germany Colonia, Alemania
Bad Address, Please Contact to PTS Dirección incorrecta, comuníquese con PTS
Export from Exportar desde
Airline Tr -
Ar -
Airline T -
Shipment Data Recei -
Shipment Delivered to Opera -
Reminder SMS / Email Sent -
Returned to Operation Center -
Arrived at sorti -
Handed over to Subcontractor -
Departed fr -
Airline Tra -
Departed from Faci -
Airline Transf -
Delivered to Agency -
SMS / Email Sent -
Delivered to Broker as Requested -
Arrived at destination fac -
Recipient Refused Delivery Destinatario se negó la entrega