Hungary Post

Servicio Postal Estatal y Nacional


Seguimiento de envio Hungary Post

Our service allows you to track the parcel of Hungary Post or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

Estados Hungary Post

Estado Traducción al es
Receive item at delivery office Recibir el artículo en la oficina de entrega
Submittal for redirecting or returning Envío para redirigir o devolver
Send item out for physical delivery Envíe el artículo para entrega física
Successfully delivered Entregado exitosamente
Receive item at office of exchange Recoge el objeto de una oficina de reparto
Received by destination post Recibido por correo de destino
Insert item into bag Inserte elemento en la bolsa
Receive item from customer Recibe elemento de cliente
Forwarding to domestic delivery network Reenvío a la red de distribución nacional
Receive item at sorting centre Recibir artículo en el centro de clasificación
Customs Clearance Processing Complete Procesamiento de despacho de aduanas completo
Acceptance completed Aceptación completada
Sender prepared the item El remitente preparó el artículo
Item under cargo transportation Artículo bajo transporte de carga
Item announced Artículo anunciado
End of customs clearance Fin del despacho de aduana
Return item from customs Devolver el artículo de la aduana
Online payment available Pago en línea disponible
Hold item at office of exchange Mantenga el artículo en la oficina de cambio
Send item out of sorting centre Enviar artículo fuera del centro de clasificación
Allocated to postman Asignado al cartero
Forwarding for delivery Reenvío para entrega
Returned to sender Devuelto al remitente
Mail item available for collection at post office Artículo de correo disponible para su recogida en la oficina de correos
Unsuccessful item delivery attempt intento fallido de entrega
The item can be picked up at the post office indicated on the (paper, e-mail, SMS) notification El artículo se puede recoger en la oficina de correos indicada en la notificación (papel, correo electrónico, SMS)
Handover for international transport Entrega para transporte internacional
Inserting item into export receptacle Insertar artículo en el receptáculo de exportación
Arrival for processing -
Handover to destination Post Entrega al puesto de destino
Received by destination Post Recibido por correo de destino
Unsuccessful delivery attempt Intento de entrega fallido
Cannot be delivered (not collected) No se puede entregar (no recoger)
Closure of allocation data -
Request for documents for customs clearance -
Processing on leaving premises -
Successfully delivered at address -
Receiving item from abroad in Office of Exchange -
Cancel item export -
Receiving EPG parcel from abroad -
Recording successful delivery in internal system -
Send item to customs -
Redirected to addressee's new address -
Processing on arrival at premises -
A küldemény a kézbesítőnél van -
Cannot be delivered (refused acceptance) -
Record item reason for retention by customs -
Remove item from bag -
Cannot be delivered, return to sender -
Receptacle preparation - itemised consignment -
Vámadatok lekérdezése -
Stop item import -
Forwarded to delivery network -
Adressee notified -
Forwarding to domestic network -
Posta customs clearance -
National Tax and Customs Administration accepted the submitted customs clearance order -
Cannot be delivered (wrong address) -
Allocated to postman (data) -
Import cancellation, return to sender Importar cancelación, devolver al remitente
Successful delivery at post office -
Deposited at post office by postman -
Request for information for customs clearance -
Cannot be delivered (delivery prevented) -
Cannot be delivered (addressee unknown) -
Phone call discussion with the addressee -
Feladónak visszakézbesítve -
Returned for repeated delivery -
Cannot be delivered -
Cannot be delivered (directed to National Logistics Centre for safekeeping) -
Cannot be delivered (addressee moved) -
On way to addressee (in transit) -