Empresa de mensajería


Seguimiento de envio ITELLA

Our service allows you to track the parcel of ITELLA or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

Estados ITELLA

Estado Traducción al es
In transit En tránsito
In transit En tránsito
The shipment has been delivered El envío ha sido entregado
Item in sorting Elemento en clasificación
Item has departed from country of origin El artículo ha salido del país de origen
Item has been registered El artículo ha sido registrado
Item arrived in the destination country El artículo llegó al país de destino.
The item is in transport -
Item is in transport in country of origin -
We have tried to reach the recipient by SMS Hemos intentado comunicarnos con el destinatario por SMS.
Item delivered to the recipient Artículo entregado al destinatario
The item is not yet in Posti El artículo aún no está en Posti
Item ready for pick up at a Post Office collection point against a notice of arrival or item code. Pick up from parcel point with locker code Artículo listo para ser recogido en un punto de recolección de la oficina de correos contra un aviso de llegada o código de artículo. Recogida en el punto de paquete con código de taquilla
The item is on its way to the destination country El artículo está en camino al país de destino.
We have tried to reach the recipient again by SMS Hemos intentado comunicarnos con el destinatario nuevamente por SMS.
Item is in delivery transportation -
We have tried to reach the recipient by mail -
We have tried to reach the recipient by email Hemos intentado comunicarnos con el destinatario por correo electrónico.
Item has arrived to destination country El artículo ha llegado al país de destino.
We have tried to reach the recipient via OmaPosti -
The recipient’s phone number is not in service -
Item posted in country of origin Artículo publicado en el país de origen
Item in process in office of exchange Artículo en proceso en oficina de cambio
Item received for transport Artículo recibido para transporte
We have tried to reach the recipient again by email Hemos intentado comunicarnos con el destinatario nuevamente por correo electrónico.
Delivery may be delayed by one day -
Item has not been collected.Returned to sender -
Delivery attempt made -
Pickup point confirmed -
The delivery time has been scheduled with the recipient -
The delivery time will soon be scheduled with the recipient -
Item is routed to an outlet because it requires a personal handover -
A delivery time has been scheduled with the recipient -
The shipment has created, but not handed over to Itella -
Delivery attempt made, but the recipient was not reached. Delivery will be attempted again at a later time -
Ready for pickup -
The shipment is in sorting -
A sorting error has occurred in the delivery of the shipment. The delivery may be delayed. No recipient action required -
Disturbance in postal transport - unfortunately, delivery may be delayed -
An attempt has been made to reach the customer -
The delivery type change request could not be completed because the shipment has already been taken into process -
The delivery type could not be changed because the item is already in processing -
The item could not be delivered because the recipient’s address is incorrect -
The delivery time has been agreed with the recipient -