Canada Post

Servicio Postal Estatal y Nacional

Seguimiento de envio Canada Post

Our service allows you to track the parcel of Canada Post or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

Estados Canada Post

Estado Traducción al es
Delivered Entregado
Out for delivery Fuera para entrega
Item arrived El artículo llegó
Item processed Artículo procesado
Electronic information submitted by shipper Información electrónica enviada por el remitente
Item out for delivery Objeto fuera para entregar
Item was released by Customs and is now with Canada Post for processing El artículo fue liberado por la Aduana y ahora está en Canada Post para su procesamiento.
Item in transit Artículo en tránsito
Delivered to your community mailbox, parcel locker or apt./condo mailbox Entregado a su buzón de correo comunitario, casillero de paquetes o buzón de apartamento / apartamento
Item accepted Artículo aceptado
Item departed Artículo abandonado
Shipment picked up by Canada Post Envío recogido por Canada Post
Delivered to recipient's front door Entregado en la puerta principal del destinatario
Item has been presented to Canada Border Services Agency for customs review El artículo ha sido presentado a la Agencia de Servicios Fronterizos de Canadá para revisión de aduanas.
Delivery preference - Front door -
International item has left originating country and is en route to Canada El artículo internacional ha dejado el país de origen y está en camino a Canadá
International item mailed in originating country -
International item processed in originating country -
Notice card left indicating where and when to pick up item Tarjeta de aviso a la izquierda que indica dónde y cuándo recoger el artículo
Item has arrived in Canada and will be presented for review El artículo ha llegado a Canadá y se presentará para su revisión
Shipment received at originating postal facility Envío recibido en la instalación postal de origen
Shipment arrived in Canada and will be presented for customs review El envío llegó a Canadá y se presentará para la revisión de aduanas
Item available for pickup at Post Office Artículo disponible para recoger en la oficina de correos
Item accepted at the Post Office Artículo aceptado en la oficina de correos
Signature available Firma disponible
Item successfully delivered Artículo entregado con éxito
Item in transit to Post Office -
Item picked up by Canada Post -
International item being forwarded to destination country Artículo internacional que se envía al país de destino
International shipment has arrived in a foreign country El envío internacional ha llegado a un país extranjero
Delivery preference - Deliver to post office -
Item has arrived in foreign country El artículo ha llegado al país extranjero
Item re-routed due to processing error; Possible delay Artículo reenviado debido a un error de procesamiento; Posible retraso
Delivered to recipient's side door -
Item has arrived at the delivery office in the destination country El artículo ha llegado a la oficina de entrega en el país de destino
International item is in transit to the delivery office El artículo internacional está en tránsito a la oficina de entrega
Delivery preference - Side door -
Item presented to customs Artículo presentado a la aduana
Verifying recipient's address; Possible delay Verificar la dirección del destinatario; Posible retraso
Item rescheduled for delivery next business day -
Delivery may be delayed due to extreme weather conditions -
Delivered to your concierge or building manager -
Label correction applied Corrección de etiqueta aplicada
Item out for Delivery Objeto fuera para entregar
Redirection requested Redirección solicitada
Delivered to mailroom -
Delivery preference - Front desk or superintendent -
Item has been sent to customs in the destination country El artículo ha sido enviado a la aduana en el país de destino
Customer addressing error found; attempting to correct. Possible delay -
International item released from Customs for processing by Canada Post -
Item held by Customs -
Customs has released item to post office Aduana ha lanzado el artículo a la oficina de correos
Photo available -
Final Notice; Item will be returned to sender if not collected within 10 days -
Item redirected to recipient's new address Artículo redirigido a la nueva dirección del destinatario
Item has been returned and is enroute to the Sender -
Item has been released by Customs -
Return item accepted at Post Office -
Return label created -
Delivered to recipient's safe drop location -
Expected delivery date updated -
Item on hold Artículo en espera
Delivered to recipient's delivery partner -
International item has been forwarded onwards to destination El artículo internacional se ha reenviado al destino
Delivery preference - Garage -
Item is now available for pickup El artículo ya está disponible para recoger
Recipient not located at address provided. Item being returned to sender -
International item has arrived at transit destination El artículo internacional ha llegado al destino de tránsito
Item available for pick-up -
Item was unclaimed by recipient. Item being returned to sender -
Duty and taxes paid online -
Item returned to Post from Customs -
Item on hold at recipient's request -
Item on hold; Possible delay -
Item cannot be delivered; more details to be provided -
Refused by Customs. Item being returned to sender -
Delivery scheduled for next business day -
Item on hold at a secure facility; contact Customer Service -
Item successfully returned to the concierge or building manager -
International item has arrived in a foreign country -
Attempted delivery. Item rescheduled for delivery next business day -
International item was undeliverable. Item being returned to sender -
Delivery may be delayed due to power outage -
Item could not be redirected -
International item processed in origin country -