Yanwen Logistics

Courier service



Yanwen Logistics Tracking

Our service allows you to track the parcel of Yanwen Logistics or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

Yanwen Logistics statuses

Status Translation into en
Delivered Delivered
已交承运商运输 Delivered to the carrier for transportation
Shipment information received Shipment information received
航空公司启运 Airline departure
航空公司接收 Airline receiving
飞机进港 Plane arrives
到达寄达地处理中心 Arrive at the delivery center
到达寄达地 Arrive at the place of destination
Received by local delivery company Received by local delivery company
В транзитном городе In a transit city
Shipment Information Received Shipment Information Received
Отправлен в транзитный город Sent to a transit city
Processing information input Processing information input
Processing at sorting center Processing at sorting center
Yanwen Pickup scan Yanwen Pickup scan
Objeto em trânsito - por favor aguarde Object in transit - please wait
Departed from sorting center Departed from sorting center
Leaving from departure country/region Leaving from departure country/region
Yanwen facility - Outbound Yanwen facility - Outbound
Arrived at departure transport hub Arrived at departure transport hub
境外进口海关放行 Customs clearance for overseas imports
已妥投 Already voted
Arrived at destination Arrived at destination
Arrived at linehaul office Arrived at linehaul office
Received by logistics company Received by logistics company
Departed Departed
送交境外进口海关 Send to overseas import customs
Принят в городе отправителя Accepted in the sender's city
Arrived in transit country/region Arrived in transit country/region
已完成寄达地清关 Customs clearance at the destination has been completed
Import customs clearance complete Import customs clearance complete
Departed from departure country/region Departed from departure country/region
Left destination country/region sorting center Left destination country/region sorting center
Departed from transit country/region Departed from transit country/region
Arrived at Facility Arrived at Facility
Received by local delivery company Received by local delivery company
Вручен Handed over
Package delivered Package delivered
Accepted for transportation by postal service Accepted for transportation by postal service
Arrived Arrived
Departed from destination country/region sorting center Departed from destination country/region sorting center
Item is ready for transport Item is ready for transport
Departure from outward office of exchange Departure from outward office of exchange
Flight Departure Flight Departure
Отправлен в город получателя Sent to the recipient city
Arrival at export hub Arrival at export hub
Departure to country of destination Departure to country of destination
Objeto postado Posted object
Export customs clearance started Export customs clearance started
Import customs clearance started Import customs clearance started
In transit In transit
Export customs clearance complete Export customs clearance complete
Parcel is handled Parcel is handled
退回 Left customs
Departed from warehouse Departed from warehouse
Arrived at local delivery center Arrived at local delivery center
Objeto recebido pelos Correios do Brasil Object received by the Brazilian Post
Received Received
Objeto saiu para entrega ao destinatário Object left for delivery to recipient
Принят в городе получателя. Готов к выдаче Accepted in the city of the recipient. Ready to issue
Fiscalização aduaneira finalizada Customs inspection completed
Objeto entregue ao destinatário Object delivered to recipient
到达境外经转局 Arrive at overseas transit bureau
At destination country/region sorting center At destination country/region sorting center
Item is announced / bpost received the information Item is announced / bpost received the information
境外进口海关留存待验 The foreign import customs keep it for inspection
Arrived at customs Arrived at customs
中转站转运中 Transit in transit station
The item is ready for shipment The item is ready for shipment
Out for delivery Out for delivery
Item delivered Item delivered
Port of departure - Departure Port of departure - Departure
The item is pre-advised to PostNL The item is pre-advised to PostNL
Out for Delivery Out for Delivery
Your shipment has been delivered to the postal operator of the country of destination and will be delivered in the coming days Your shipment has been delivered to the postal operator of the country of destination and will be delivered in the coming days
送交承运商 Delivery to carrier
Consignment received at the PostNL Acceptance Centre Consignment received at the PostNL Acceptance Centre
Port of destination - Arrival Port of destination - Arrival
Left from departure country/region Left from departure country/region
Leaving transit country/region Leaving transit country/region
Отправлено Sent
Поступило в обработку Received for processing
Принято от отправителя Received from sender
Создан Created by
Departure from International Sorting Center Departure from International Sorting Center
Your shipment has arrived at the postal operator of the country of destination and will be delivered in the coming days Your shipment has arrived at the postal operator of the country of destination and will be delivered in the coming days
The item is on transport to the country of destination The item is on transport to the country of destination
Arrived at USPS Regional Facility Arrived at USPS Regional Facility
The item has been processed in the country of destination The item has been processed in the country of destination
Parcel data received Parcel data received
航班起飞 Flight departure
The item has arrived in the country of destination The item has arrived in the country of destination
Departed USPS Regional Facility Departed USPS Regional Facility
Принято в обработку в учреждении международного почтового обмена Accepted for processing at the office of international postal exchange
航班到达 Flight arrival
Arrived at pick-up point. Package available for collection Arrived at pick-up point. Package available for collection
Departed from customs Departed from customs
Leaving customs Leaving customs
Arrived at linehual office Arrived at linehual office
Posting/Collection Posting/Collection