XL Express

Courier service



XL Express Tracking

Our service allows you to track the parcel of XL Express or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

XL Express statuses

Status Translation into en
Delivered Delivered
Your consignment has been delivered Your consignment has been delivered
Your consignment is on its way to your state or region and will be on board for delivery once it has been received Your consignment is on its way to your state or region and will be on board for delivery once it has been received
InTransit InTransit
We have received the information for your consignment from the shipper We have received the information for your consignment from the shipper
Your consignment has been received in our depot Your consignment has been received in our depot
Refused Refused
Your consignment is onboard for delivery today with one of our drivers Your consignment is onboard for delivery today with one of our drivers
Transhipped Transhipped
DataReceived DataReceived
ReceivedInMELB ReceivedInMELB
OnBoardForDelivery OnBoardForDelivery
ReceivedInSYDN ReceivedInSYDN
ConnoteScannedScannedDelivered ConnoteScannedScannedDelivered
ConnoteScannedOntoMetroRun ConnoteScannedOntoMetroRun
ReceivedInPRTH -
RTSd -
ReceivedInBRIS ReceivedInBRIS
ReceivedInPRTH -
PickupRequested -
ReceivedInADEL -
Short -
ReceivedInSydneyDepot -
ReceivedInMelbourneDepot -
InFreightOffice -
ReceiverClosed ReceiverClosed
RTSd Ref:RMS210218503 RTSd Ref:RMS210218503
RTSd Ref:RMM1356810 -
RTSd Ref:RMB137751 -
RTSd Ref:RMS27510 -
InDepotAwaitingReturn Ref:RMA161760077 -
RTSd Ref:RMS130077 -
RTSd Ref:RMM139103 -
NoFreight NoFreight
RTSd Ref:RMS130598 -
RTSd Ref:RMS132804 -
InDepotAwaitingReturnRef:RMM167079 -
InDepot -
CheckAddress -
RTSd Ref:RMS2101644910 -
RTSd Ref:RMS136573 -
BOOKEDIN 28/05/21 0830 -
Ref:RMP626143 -
BOOKEDIN 25/06/21 1140 BOOKEDIN 25/06/21 1140
BOOKEDIN 30/06/21 0830 -
RTSd Ref:RMM147945 -
RTSd Ref:RMM152707 RTSd Ref:RMM152707
RTSd Ref:RMS1183910 -
RTSd Ref:RMS124217 -
RTSd Ref:RMS210189037 -
RTSd Ref:RMM145059 -
BULK 22/07/21 0730 -
DeliveryScheduled -
RTSd Ref:RMS150038 -