Uni Uni Express

Courier service



Uni Uni Express Tracking

Our service allows you to track the parcel of Uni Uni Express or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

Uni Uni Express statuses

Status Translation into en
Delivered Delivered
Arrived at Facility Arrived at Facility
Out for delivery Out for delivery
Picked up Picked up
Item arrived Item arrived
Item processed Item processed
Electronic information submitted by shipper Electronic information submitted by shipper
On the way On the way
Item out for delivery Item out for delivery
Item was released by Customs and is now with Canada Post for processing Item was released by Customs and is now with Canada Post for processing
Item in transit Item in transit
Delivered to your community mailbox, parcel locker or apt./condo mailbox Delivered to your community mailbox, parcel locker or apt./condo mailbox
Item departed Item departed
Shipment arriving On-Time Shipment arriving On-Time
Order received Order received
Arrival scan Arrival scan
Notice card left indicating where and when to pick up item Notice card left indicating where and when to pick up item
Gateway transit in Gateway transit in
Gateway transit out Gateway transit out
Processing Exception, Regional Transportation Delay Processing Exception, Regional Transportation Delay
At local facility At local facility
Failed delivery, retry later Failed delivery, retry later
Parcel returned to warehouse, ready for pickup Parcel returned to warehouse, ready for pickup
Pre-Shipment Pre-Shipment
Failed delivery attempt, returning to the warehouse. (Contact Failed) Failed delivery attempt, returning to the warehouse. (Contact Failed)
Parcel return to sender Parcel return to sender
On vehicle for delivery On vehicle for delivery
Left origin facility Left origin facility
Parcel returned to warehouse Parcel returned to warehouse