Tunisian Post

National Postal Service



Tunisian Post Tracking

Our service allows you to track the parcel of Tunisian Post or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

Tunisian Post statuses

Status Translation into en
Send item abroad (EDI-received) Send item abroad (EDI-received)
Send item out for physical delivery (Inb) Send item out for physical delivery (Inb)
Receive item at collection point for pick-up (Inb) Receive item at collection point for pick-up (Inb)
Receive item at sorting centre (Inb) Receive item at sorting center (Inb)
Send item out of sorting centre (Inb) Send item out of sorting center (Inb)
Envoyer vers le prochain point de traitement Send to next processing point
Envoyer vers le prochain point de traitement (Inb) Send to the next processing point (Inb)
recevoir envoi au bureau echange (Inb) receive shipment to exchange office (Inb)
Recevoir les envois aux bureaux echanges (Otb) Receive shipments at exchange offices (Otb)
Inserer envoi dans le sac (Otb) Insert shipment in the bag (Otb)
Recevoir les envois du client (Otb) Receive customer shipments (Otb)
Recevoir envoi Receive shipment
Expedié envoi vers sa destination Dispatched shipment to its destination
Recevoir envoi au bureau de livraison (Inb) Receive shipment at the delivery office (Inb)
Hold item at point of delivery (Inb) Hold item at point of delivery (Inb)
Envoi Livré -
Hold item at office of exchange (Otb) Hold item at office of exchange (Otb)
Remettre envoi a la douane (Inb) Submit shipment to customs (INB)
Recevoir nouveau envoi Receive new shipment
Veille Internationale (Export) International Watch (Export)
Recevoir envoi au bureau de livraison Receive shipment at the delivery office
Retour des envois de la douane Return of shipments from customs
Retour des envois de la douane (Inb) Return of shipments from customs (Inb)
Remis a l agent de livraison Delivered to the delivery agent
Remis a l agent de livraison (Inb) Handed over to the delivery agent (Inb)
Echec de tentative de livraison (Inb) Delivery attempt (INB)
Envoies retenus par le douane (Inb) Shipments held by customs (Inb)
Events type -
Reception des colis sous douane Reception of parcels under customs control
Envoyer Hors Sac vers le prochain point de traitement Send Out of Bag to the next processing point
envoyer les colis a l' ADT -
Envoyer les envois a la douane (Otb) Send customs shipments (OTB)
Envoie retenus par le douane (Inb) -
Enregister motif de retention par la douane (Otb) Register reason for retention by customs (Otb)
Colis visité -
Inserer envoi dans un sac domestique Insert shipment into a domestic bag
Tenir l'envoi au point de livraison Hold shipment at point of delivery
Envoyer Les colis aux centres douaniers -
Veille Nationale (ADT) -
Envoyer le courrier en instance -
Exempt (Inb) -
Avis Généré -
Reception des envois au Centre de traitement (Otb et National) -
envoyer le courrier en instance -
reception des colis au BR -
envoie export international -
Reception des Paquets -
En -
Envoi Lettre/Paquet C -
Colis au coffre Fort -
Exception de Livraison -
Envoi Instance Rebut -