Parcel Force

National Postal Service


Parcel Force Tracking

Our service allows you to track the parcel of Parcel Force or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

Parcel Force statuses

Status Translation into en
Delivered Delivered
Out for Delivery Out for Delivery
Released from customs Released from customs
Arrived in destination country Arrived in destination country
Returned to sender Returned to sender
Collected Collected
Prepared for export Prepared for export
Attempted delivery Attempted delivery
Sorted for export Sorted for export
On route to hub On route to hub
Tracked in destination country Tracked in destination country
Exported from the UK Exported from the UK
Sorted Sorted
Awaiting Customs clearance Awaiting Customs clearance
Received at delivery depot Received at delivery depot
Despatched to the UK Despatched to the UK
Delivery attempted Delivery attempted
Prepared for despatch to the UK Prepared for despatch to the UK
Prepared for delivery Prepared for delivery
Arrived in the UK Arrived in the UK
Redelivery Scheduled Redelivery Scheduled
Received in destination country Received in destination country
Delivery scheduled Delivery scheduled
Held in depot Held in depot
Addressee to collect from depot Addressee to collect from depot
Returned to Depot Returned to Depot
Prepared for export by air Prepared for export by air
Awaiting payment of customs charges Awaiting payment of customs charges
On route to delivery depot On route to delivery depot
Customs charges raised Customs charges raised
Revised Customs charges raised Revised Customs charges raised
Received at incorrect delivery depot Received at incorrect delivery depot
Address problem - insufficient address Address problem - insufficient address
Your delivery today - interactive SMS sent to recipient Your delivery today - interactive SMS sent to recipient
Address problem - require senders instruction -
Collected by the addressee Collected by the addressee
Address problem (insufficient address) Address problem (insufficient address)
Delivery delayed and rescheduled Delivery delayed and rescheduled
Collection attempted - parcel not available Collection attempted - parcel not available
Address problem - sender contacted Address problem - sender contacted
Held in depot for redelivery Held in depot for redelivery
Addressee advised to collect from Post Office Addressee advised to collect from Post Office
Returned to sender - Customs charges unpaid Returned to sender - Customs charges unpaid
Collection attempted - customer not available Collection attempted - customer not available
Delivery attempted - premises closed Delivery attempted - premises closed
Addressee requested later delivery Addressee requested later delivery
Second delivery attempt scheduled Second delivery attempt scheduled
Return to sender in the UK - not collected by addressee Return to sender in the UK - not collected by addressee
Address problems (insufficient address) Address problems (insufficient address)
Secure parcel tracked out of depot -
Parcel/packaging damage observed and noted Parcel/packaging damage observed and noted
Awaiting clearance - information needed from addressee Awaiting clearance - information needed from addressee
Delivery attempted - refused by addressee -
Delivery attempted - premises unoccupied Delivery attempted - premises unoccupied
Address problem (address insufficient) -
Returned to sender - senders request Returned to sender - senders request
Address problem (unable to locate premises) Address problem (unable to locate premises)