Mexico Post

National Postal Service

Mexico Post Tracking

Our service allows you to track the parcel of Mexico Post or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

Mexico Post statuses

Status Translation into en
Entregado delivered
Entrega Delivery
En tránsito hacia destino In transit to destination
Recepción en Oficina de Correos Reception at Post Office
Con mensajero para entrega With courier for delivery
En zona de intercambio int. hacia el país destino, previo Aduana In interchange area int. to the destination country, prior Customs
Arribo a Zona Intercambio México, en espera de ingreso a la Aduana Arrival to the Mexico Trade Zone, awaiting entry to Customs
Puesta en ventanilla Window set up
Deposito del Cliente en el país de origen Customer deposit in the country of origin
Deposito del Cliente en Netherlands (the) Customer Deposit in Netherlands (the)
1er visita al domicilio para entrega, no se encontró al destinatario 1st visit to the address for delivery, the recipient was not found
Inicio de la revisión aduanal en país destino Start of customs review in destination country
Entrada a revisión aduanal ADUANAL REVIEW ENTRY
Salida de revisión aduanal Customs review output
Revisión aduanal concluida en país destino Customs review completed in the destination country
Entrega Internacional International delivery
Envío disponible en Oficina de Correos. Presentar INE y guía para la entrega Shipping available at the Post Office. Present INE and guide for delivery
Deposito del Cliente en Japan Customer deposit in Japan
Pieza depositada en valija y enviada a oficina del País destino Piece deposited in a suitcase and sent to the office of the destination country
Deposito del Cliente en Russian Federation (the) Customer Deposit in Russian Federation (The)
Pieza asignada a mensajero para entrega Piece assigned to messenger for delivery
Envío a Oficina de Destino Shipping to the Destination Office
Deposito del Cliente en Malaysia Customer deposit in Malaysia
Entrega fallida. No se localizó domicilio / destinatario Delivery failed. No address / recipient was located
Deposito del Cliente en Singapur Customer deposit in Singapore
2da visita al domicilio para entrega, no se encontró al destinatario 2nd visit to the address for delivery, the recipient was not found
Deposito del Cliente en Spain Customer deposit in Spain
Deposito del Cliente en Germany Customer Deposit in Germany
Pieza devuelta al no ser recibida o reclamada por el destinatario Piece returned as it is not received or claimed by the recipient
Deposito del Cliente en United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Irela Customer Deposit in United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Irela
Pieza devuelta por domicilio destino incorrecto Piece returned by address incorrect destination
Rectificación del domicilio al que debe entregarse el envío Rectification of the address to which the shipment must be delivered
Deposito del Cliente en Ukraine Customer deposit in Ukraine
Deposito del Cliente en Switzerland Customer deposit in Switzerland
Deposito del Cliente en France Customer deposit in France
Deposito del Cliente en India Customer deposit in India
Pieza devuelta por desconocer al destinatario en el domicilio indicado Piece returned for ignoring the recipient at the address indicated
Deposito del Cliente en Poland Customer deposit in Pole
Pieza devuelta por situación extraordinaria que no permitió la entrega Piece returned due to an extraordinary situation that did not allow delivery
Rectificación de la ruta que debe entregar el envío Rectification of the route that the shipment must deliver
Deposito del Cliente en Australia Customer deposit in Australia
Deposito del Cliente en Italy Customer deposit in Italy
Deposito del Cliente en Czech Republic (the) Customer Deposit in Czech Republic (The)
Entrada a trámite especial de AGENTE ADUANAL Entrance to special customs process
Deposito del Cliente en Kazakhstan Customer deposit in Kazakhstan
Se determinó un impuesto aduanal con Boleta No.SX2347090045 An customs tax with ballot no.sx2347090045 was determined
Deposito del Cliente en Belgium Customer deposit in Belgium
Se determinó un impuesto aduanal con Boleta No.SX2347065526 An customs tax with ballot no.sx2347065526 ​​was determined
Se determinó un impuesto aduanal con Boleta No.SX2347075758 An customs tax with ballot no.sx2347075758 was determined
Deposito del Cliente en Colombia Customer deposit in Colombia
Deposito del Cliente en Korea (the Republic of) Customer deposit in Korea (The Republic of)
Deposito del Cliente en Cyprus Customer deposit in Cyprus
Deposito del Cliente en Greece Customer deposit in Grece
Se determinó un impuesto aduanal con Boleta No.SX2347073604 An customs tax with ballot no.sx2347073604 was determined
Se determinó un impuesto aduanal con Boleta No.SX2347058657 An customs tax with ballot no.sx2347058657 was determined
Entrega fallida. No se localizó domicilio / destinatario -
Se determinó un impuesto aduanal con Boleta No.SX2347070034 An customs tax with ballot no.sx2347070034 was determined
Se determinó un impuesto aduanal con Boleta No.SX2347047717 An customs tax with ballot no.sx2347047717 was determined
Se determinó un impuesto aduanal con Boleta No.SX2347064263 An customs tax with ballot no.sx2347064263
Se determinó un impuesto aduanal con Boleta No.SX2347124800 An customs tax with ballot no.sx2347124800 was determined
Se determinó un impuesto aduanal con Boleta No.SX2347047409 An customs tax with ballot no.sx2347047409 was determined
Se determinó un impuesto aduanal con Boleta No.SX2347092448 An customs tax with ballot no.sx2347092448 was determined
Se determinó un impuesto aduanal con Boleta No.SX2347057814 An customs tax with ballot no.sx2347057814 was determined
Se determinó un impuesto aduanal con Boleta No.SX2347063064 An customs tax with ballot no.sx2347063064 was determined
Deposito del Cliente en Denmark Customer deposit in Denmark
Deposito del Cliente en Thailand Customer deposit in Thailand
Se determinó un impuesto aduanal con Boleta No.SX2347075170 An customs tax with ballot no.sx2347075170 was determined
Se determinó un impuesto aduanal con Boleta No.SX2347062321 An customs tax with ballot no.sx2347062321 was determined
Se determinó un impuesto aduanal con Boleta No.SX2347065201 An customs tax with ballot no.sx2347065201 was determined
Deposito del Cliente en Belarus -
Se determinó un impuesto aduanal con Boleta No.SX2347084039 An customs tax with ballot no.sx2347084039 was determined
Pieza devuelta porque el domicilio es un lote baldío Piece returned because the address is a vacant lot
Depósito del cliente Customer deposit
Deposito del Cliente en Latvia -
Se determinó un impuesto aduanal con Boleta No.SX2347065286 An customs tax with ballot no.sx2347065286 was determined
Deposito del Cliente en Bulgaria Customer deposit in Bulgaria
Deposito del Cliente en Sweden Customer deposit in Sweden
Deposito del Cliente en Turkey -
Se determinó un impuesto aduanal con Boleta No.SX2347063657 An customs tax with ballot no.sx2347063657 was determined
Se determinó un impuesto aduanal con Boleta No.SX2347071431 An customs tax with ballot no.sx2347071431 was determined
Pieza devuelta por cambio de domicilio del destinatario Piece returned by change of address of the recipient
Se determinó un impuesto aduanal con Boleta No.SX2347161878 An customs tax with ballot no.sx2347161878 was determined
Se determinó un impuesto aduanal con Boleta No.SX2347139662 An customs tax with ballot no.sx2347139662 was determined
Se determinó un impuesto aduanal con Boleta No.SX2347153826 An customs tax with ballot no.sx2347153826 was determined
Se determinó un impuesto aduanal con Boleta No.SX2347153538 An customs tax with ballot no.sx2347153538 was determined
Se determinó un impuesto aduanal con Boleta No.SX2347152933 An customs tax with ballot no.sx2347152933
Se determinó un impuesto aduanal con Boleta No.SX2347135938 An customs tax with ballot no.sx2347135938 was determined
Se determinó un impuesto aduanal con Boleta No.SX2347156885 An customs tax with ballot no.sx234715688 was determined
Deposito del Cliente en Moldova (the Republic of) -
Se determinó un impuesto aduanal con Boleta No.SX2347156989 An customs tax with ballot no.sx2347156989 was determined
Se determinó un impuesto aduanal con Boleta No.B0046449 -
Entrada a trámite especial de SEDENA -
Se determinó un impuesto aduanal con Boleta No.SX2347078623 An customs tax with ballot no.sx2347078623
Se determinó un impuesto aduanal con Boleta No.SX2347062344 An customs tax with ballot no.sx2347062344 was determined
Se determinó un impuesto aduanal con Boleta No.SX2347047612 An customs tax with ballot no.sx2347047612 was determined
Se determinó un impuesto aduanal con Boleta No.SX2347067535 An customs tax with ballot no.sx2347067535 was determined
Se determinó un impuesto aduanal con Boleta No.SX2347062075 An customs tax with ballot no.sx2347062075 was determined
Se determinó un impuesto aduanal con Boleta No.SX2347065891 An customs tax with ballot no.sx2347065891 was determined
Se determinó un impuesto aduanal con Boleta No.SX2347049203 An customs tax with ballot no.sx2347049203 was determined
Deposito del Cliente en Mauritius Customer deposit in Mauritius