South Korea Post

National Postal Service


South Korea Post Tracking

Our service allows you to track the parcel of South Korea Post or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

South Korea Post statuses

Status Translation into en
발송 send
도착 arrive
발송교환국에 도착 Arrive at the sending office of exchange
발송준비 Preparation
운송사 인계 Take over the carrier
교환국 도착 arrived transfer country
통관 및 분류 Customs clearance and classification
항공사 인수 Airline takeover
항공기 출발(예정,한국시간) Aircraft departure (scheduled, Korean time)
상대국 도착 Arrival in the other country
상대국 인계 Take over the partner country
배달완료 Delivery completed
미배달 Undelivered
통관검사대기 Waiting for customs clearance
발송교환국에도착 Arrival at the Shipping Exchange Bureau
배달준비 Ready for delivery
선박출항(예정)일 Ship departure (planned) date
발송완료 Shipment completed
접수 Receipt
운송업체인계 Forwarding to the transport company
항공보안반송 Air security return
반송 Return
접수취소 -
반송교부 Celebration
선박입항(예정)일 Ship arrival (planned) date
동물검역대기 Animal quarantine waiting
반환청구 -
&n -
발송교환 shipping exchange
상대국 -
&nb -
�� -
교환국 -
& &
통관검사대기(식물검역대기) Waiting for customs clearance inspection (plant quarantine waiting)
발송교 -
발송교환국에 도 -
항공기 출발(예정 -
발송교환국 sending exchange office
항공기 출발 -
배달완료< -
항공기 출발(예정,한국시� Departure from the aircraft (scheduled, Korea
발�� -
발송준비</ -
선박출항(�� -
선박입항(예 Ship entry (example
상대국 인� -
상� -
항공기 출발(예정,한국시 -
&nbsp -
발송교환국에 to the country of exchange
상대국 도 -
항�� -
항공기 출발(� Departure of the aircraft (
보관 -
&nbs -
이관 -
발송< -