
Courier service



J-Net Tracking

Our service allows you to track the parcel of J-Net or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

J-Net statuses

Status Translation into en
Outbound in sorting center Outbound in sorting center
Hand over to airline Hand over to airline
Inbound in sorting center Inbound in sorting center
Accepted by carrier Accepted by carrier
Received by line-haul Received by line-haul
Delivered Delivered
已交承运商运输 Delivered to the carrier for transportation
Import clearance success Import clearance success
Shipment information received Shipment information received
Import clearance start Import clearance start
Export clearance success Export clearance success
航空公司启运 Airline departure
航空公司接收 Airline receiving
Прием Reception
Ожидает адресата в месте вручения Awaiting the addressee at the place of delivery
飞机进港 Plane arrives
到达寄达地处理中心 Arrive at the delivery center
Arrive at destination country Arrive at destination country
到达寄达地 Arrive at the place of destination
Received by local delivery company Received by local delivery company
Shipment Information Received Shipment Information Received
Processing at sorting center Processing at sorting center
Departed from sorting center Departed from sorting center
境外进口海关放行 Customs clearance for overseas imports
Arrive at local delivery office Arrive at local delivery office
Received by logistics company Received by logistics company
送交境外进口海关 Send to overseas import customs
已完成寄达地清关 Customs clearance at the destination has been completed
Import customs clearance complete Import customs clearance complete
Carrier update Carrier update
Received by local delivery company Received by local delivery company
Package delivered Package delivered
Departure from outward office of exchange Departure from outward office of exchange
Flight Departure Flight Departure
In transit In transit
Departed from warehouse Departed from warehouse
Arrived at local delivery center Arrived at local delivery center
Shipment in transit Shipment in transit
Arrived at customs Arrived at customs
中转站转运中 Transit in transit station
Out for delivery Out for delivery
Package shipped out from warehouse Package shipped out from warehouse
Out for Delivery Out for Delivery
Принят на транзитный склад Accepted at the transit warehouse
航班起飞 Flight departure
Leaving customs Leaving customs
Delivery failed Delivery failed
Arrived at warehouse Arrived at warehouse
Received by warehouse Received by warehouse
Your parcel is transiting through our logistics platforms to be delivered to you as quickly as possible Your parcel is transiting through our logistics platforms to be delivered to you as quickly as possible
Departed from Facility Departed from Facility
Груз в пути Cargo in transit
Israel-Linehaul Arrival:Shipment has arrived at the Israel postal operator and will be delivered in the coming days Israel-Linehaul Arrival:Shipment has arrived at the Israel postal operator and will be delivered in the coming days
Arrival at inward office of exchange Arrival at inward office of exchange
Shipment on the way Shipment on the way
Delivery attempt unsuccessful Delivery attempt unsuccessful
Your parcel is at the delivery site that serves your address. We are preparing it for delivery Your parcel is at the delivery site that serves your address. We are preparing it for delivery
Awaiting for you to pick-up Awaiting for you to pick-up
Груз упакован Cargo is packed
Shipment information sent to FedEx Shipment information sent to FedEx
Departure from inward office of exchange Departure from inward office of exchange
delivered delivered
Mailman starts to deliver Mailman starts to deliver
Накладная проверена. Данные корректны. Ожидается поступление товара на склад The invoice has been verified. The data is correct. Goods are expected to arrive at the warehouse
下一站【广州国际】 Next stop【Guangzhou International】
Object in transit Object in transit
Присвоение идентификатора Assigning an identifier
Outbound failure in sorting center Outbound failure in sorting center
Successfully arrived at sorting center Successfully arrived at sorting center
Successfully leaving sorting center Successfully leaving sorting center
下一站【广州国际邮件交换站】 Next stop【Guangzhou International Mail Exchange Station】
In Transit In Transit
Груз передан на сборку The cargo has been handed over for assembly
Груз отправлен со склада хранения The cargo has been sent from the storage warehouse
Груз собирается Cargo is going
Picked up by logistic partner Picked up by logistic partner
Груз собран и готов к отправке The cargo is collected and ready for shipment
Груз собран Cargo collected
Arrival at delivery office Arrival at delivery office
东莞站点 The parcel has left the operation center Dongguan site The parcel has left the operation center
Накладная проверена. Данные корректны The invoice has been verified. Data is correct
Left departure country sorting center Left departure country sorting center
境外进口取消 Cancellation of overseas imports
Shipment confirmation Shipment confirmation
Customs Clearance in progress Customs Clearance in progress
下一站【广州国际邮件处理中心】 Next stop【Guangzhou International Mail Processing Center】
Sorting Sorting
Data received Data received
Package sent to logistics company Package sent to logistics company
En tránsito In transit
The parcel has been received The parcel has been received
delivery to local courier delivery to local courier
离开境外出口互换局(尚未抵达中国邮政) Leaving the overseas export exchange office (not yet arriving at China Post)
货物转运中 Cargo in transit
东莞站点 The parcel has been received Dongguan site The parcel has been received
Departed Facility In processing center Departed Facility In processing center
Arrive at international airport to abroad Arrive at international airport to abroad
Custom clearance completed Custom clearance completed
货物到达中国边境 The goods arrive at the Chinese border