FastWay Ireland

Courier service


FastWay Ireland Tracking

Our service allows you to track the parcel of FastWay Ireland or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

FastWay Ireland statuses

Status Translation into en
your parcel is on the way! our courier loaded it onto their van your parcel is on the way! our courier loaded it onto their van
your item has been delivered in accordance with our current pandemic delivery protocols your item has been delivered in accordance with our current pandemic delivery protocols
We've received your parcel in our depot. It will be out for delivery within the delivery service timeframe you requested We've received your parcel in our depot. It will be out for delivery within the delivery service timeframe you requested
We've received your parcel in our central distribution hub. It will be with you in 1-2 working days, depending on the delivery service timeframe you requested We've received your parcel in our central distribution hub. It will be with you in 1-2 working days, depending on the delivery service timeframe you requested
Your parcel has been picked up by the courier and is on it's way to its destination Your parcel has been picked up by the courier and is on it's way to its destination
We're trying to deliver this parcel but we have encountered an operational delay We're trying to deliver this parcel but we have encountered an operational delay
Contactless Signature Contactless Signature
On Board with Courier On Board with Courier
Recvd in Depot:Inbound Freight Recvd in Depot:Inbound Freight
Delivery Received in Hub Delivery Received in Hub
North Shore North Shore