Equick China

Courier service



Equick China Tracking

Our service allows you to track the parcel of Equick or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

Equick statuses

Status Translation into en
Departure to country of destination Departure to country of destination
In transit In transit
Out for delivery Out for delivery
The item has arrived in the country of destination The item has arrived in the country of destination
First parcel scan along Poste Italiane’s logistic network First parcel scan along Poste Italiane’s logistic network
Delivered by post man Delivered by post man
delivered delivered
Released from customs Released from customs
Shipping Label Created Shipping Label Created
The shipment has been delivered The shipment has been delivered
Acceptance completed Acceptance completed
In delivery In delivery
Parcel handed to DPD Parcel handed to DPD
Parcel delivered Parcel delivered
Parcel received and processed Parcel received and processed
Inbound Gateway Scan Inbound Gateway Scan
Delivery successful Delivery successful
Outbound Gateway Scan Outbound Gateway Scan
Delivery Depot - Out for delivery Delivery Depot - Out for delivery
Arrived at Equick operation center Arrived at Equick operation center
Departed from Original Depot Departed from Original Depot
Departed from Equick operation center Departed from Equick operation center
Picked up from shipper Picked up from shipper
Departed from original airport Departed from original airport
Arrived at original airport Arrived at original airport
Arrived at Shenzhen depot Arrived at Shenzhen depot
Shipped Shipped
Arrived at International airport Arrived at International airport
Carrier Prealert Carrier Prealert
Depart transithub Depart transithub
Arrive transithub Arrive transithub
Arrived at SHA Depot Arrived at SHA Depot
Under delivery (at the courier/postman ) Under delivery (at the courier/postman )
Received code: Out for delivery Received code: Out for delivery
Accepted by the shipper Accepted by the shipper
Customs handling completed Customs handling completed
Customs cleared without inspection Customs cleared without inspection
Ready to Ship Ready to Ship
Your package has arrived at our regional agency Your package has arrived at our regional agency
Your package is being delivered Your package is being delivered
Your package has been delivered to a mailbox Your package has been delivered to a mailbox
Parcel arrives at warehouse Parcel arrives at warehouse
Your package is supported by a private package. It will be sent to our regional distribution agency Your package is supported by a private package. It will be sent to our regional distribution agency
Parcel out for delivery Parcel out for delivery
Package arrived at agent’s depot Package arrived at agent’s depot
Delivery completed Delivery completed
The shipment has been picked up from sender The shipment has been picked up from sender
Arrived in destination country (warehouse/logistic center) Arrived in destination country (warehouse/logistic center)
Shipment is ready for pick up from sender Shipment is ready for pick up from sender
Shipment info entered the system Shipment info entered the system
Arrived at a location or has been scanned at terminal / hub Arrived at a location or has been scanned at terminal / hub
Prealerted Prealerted
Shipping in delivery: Delivery in progress: The shipment left the FAN Courier hub Bucuresti to the destination hub on 03.11.2023 06:50 Shipping in delivery: Delivery in progress: The shipment left the FAN Courier hub Bucuresti to the destination hub on 03.11.2023 06:50
Notification received, we start the process when getting item from the sender Notification received, we start the process when getting item from the sender
The package has arrived at sorting terminal Jönköping The package has arrived at sorting terminal Jönköping
At delivery centre At delivery centre
Shipping in delivery: Delivery in progress: The shipment left the FAN Courier hub Bucuresti to the destination hub on 03.11.2023 07:34 Shipping in delivery: Delivery in progress: The shipment left the FAN Courier hub Bucuresti to the destination hub on 03.11.2023 07:34
Item handed over to delivery man Item handed over to delivery man
The package has arrived at sorting terminal Uppsala The package has arrived at sorting terminal Uppsala
Shipping in delivery: Delivery in progress: The shipment was taken over by the courier from the city Bucuresti on 03.11.2023 08:59 Shipping in delivery: Delivery in progress: The shipment was taken over by the courier from the city Bucuresti on 03.11.2023 08:59
Shipping in delivery: Delivery in process: Last shipment status: Delivery in process on 03.11.2023 08:59 Shipping in delivery: Delivery in process: Last shipment status: Delivery in process on 03.11.2023 08:59
Returned to Original depot -
Your package has now been delivered by Early Bird. If the package did not fit in the mailbox, it has been hung in a bag on your mailbox or door Your package has now been delivered by Early Bird. If the package did not fit in the mailbox, it has been hung in a bag on your mailbox or door
Shipping in delivery: Delivery in progress: The shipment was taken over by the courier from the city Bucuresti on 24.11.2023 09:33 Shipping in delivery: Delivery in progress: The shipment was taken over by the courier from the city Bucuresti on 24.11.2023 09:33
Shipping in delivery: Delivery in progress: The shipment left the FAN Courier hub HUB intl Arad to the destination hub on 23.11.2023 15:37 Shipping in delivery: Delivery in progress: The shipment left the FAN Courier hub HUB intl Arad to the destination hub on 23.11.2023 15:37
Shipping in delivery: Delivery in process: Last shipment status: Delivery in process on 24.11.2023 09:33 Shipping in delivery: Delivery in process: Last shipment status: Delivery in process on 24.11.2023 09:33
Shipping in delivery: Delivery in process: Last shipment status: Delivery in process on 27.10.2023 09:23 Shipping in delivery: Delivery in process: Last shipment status: Delivery in process on 27.10.2023 09:23
Shipping in delivery: Delivery in progress: The shipment was taken over by the courier from the city Bucuresti on 27.10.2023 09:23 Shipping in delivery: Delivery in progress: The shipment was taken over by the courier from the city Bucuresti on 27.10.2023 09:23
Shipping in delivery: Delivery in progress: The shipment left the FAN Courier hub Bucuresti to the destination hub on 27.10.2023 06:45 Shipping in delivery: Delivery in progress: The shipment left the FAN Courier hub Bucuresti to the destination hub on 27.10.2023 06:45
Shipping in delivery: Delivery in progress: The shipment was taken over by FAN Courier on 26.10.2023 17:00 Shipping in delivery: Delivery in progress: The shipment was taken over by FAN Courier on 26.10.2023 17:00
Shipping in delivery: Delivery in progress: The shipment left the FAN Courier hub Timisoara to the destination hub on 26.10.2023 16:51 Shipping in delivery: Delivery in progress: The shipment left the FAN Courier hub Timisoara to the destination hub on 26.10.2023 16:51
Delivery may delay due to Holiday Delivery may delay due to Holiday