
Courier service


EC-Firstclass Tracking

Our service allows you to track the parcel of EC-Firstclass or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

EC-Firstclass statuses

Status Translation into en
Shipment information received Shipment information received
航空公司启运 Airline departure
航空公司接收 Airline receiving
飞机进港 Plane arrives
Shipment Information Received Shipment Information Received
En tránsito hacia destino In transit to destination
Recepción en Oficina de Correos Reception at Post Office
En zona de intercambio int. hacia el país destino, previo Aduana In interchange area int. to the destination country, prior Customs
Arribo a Zona Intercambio México, en espera de ingreso a la Aduana Arrival to the Mexico Trade Zone, awaiting entry to Customs
上海市,已交承运商运输 上海市,已交承运商运输
Deposito del Cliente en el país de origen Customer deposit in the country of origin
1er visita al domicilio para entrega, no se encontró al destinatario 1st visit to the address for delivery, the recipient was not found
Inicio de la revisión aduanal en país destino Start of customs review in destination country
Entrada a revisión aduanal ADUANAL REVIEW ENTRY
Salida de revisión aduanal Customs review output
广州市,已交承运商运输 广州市,已交承运商运输
Revisión aduanal concluida en país destino Customs review completed in the destination country
Pieza devuelta al no ser recibida o reclamada por el destinatario Piece returned as it is not received or claimed by the recipient
Item was sent out from [GUANGZHOU] Logistics Centre -
Item received by [GUANGZHOU] Logistics Centre -
墨西哥,【墨西哥】安排投递 -
广州市,【广州国际邮件处理中心】已出口直封 -
Item was sent out from [SHENZHEN] Logistics Centre -
墨西哥城EMS,到达寄达地 -
Item was sent out from [SHANGHAI] Logistics Centre -
Item received by [SHENZHEN] Logistics Centre -
Processing in CK1 facility on 2017-04-01 12:54 -
Se determinó un impuesto aduanal con Boleta No.A1021763 -
上海市,到达【上海国际邮件交换站】(经转) -
广州市,离开【广州国际邮件处理中心】,下一站【上海国际邮件交换站】 -
Item received by [SHANGHAI] Logistics Centre -
广州市,【广州国际邮件处理中心】退回,备注:安检退回 -
广州市,【广州国际邮件交换站】退回 -
墨西哥,境外进口海关放行 -
广州市,到达【广州国际邮件处理中心】 -
广州市,离开【省国际东山营业部】,下一站【广州国际】 -
广州市,【省国际东山营业部】已收寄,揽投员:石志聪,电话:13927721343 -
墨西哥,离开【墨西哥】处理中心 -
墨西哥城EMS,送交境外进口海关 -
墨西哥城EMS,到达寄达地处理中心 -