DPD Germany

Courier service



DPD Germany Tracking

Our service allows you to track the parcel of DPD Germany or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

DPD Germany statuses

Status Translation into en
Delivered Delivered
In transit In transit
Out for delivery Out for delivery
Out for Delivery Out for Delivery
Order information has been transmitted to DPD Order information has been transmitted to DPD
At parcel delivery centre At parcel delivery centre
The parcel is on the way to the delivery address The parcel is on the way to the delivery address
The parcel was delivered The parcel was delivered
Your parcel has arrived at the parcel delivery centre Your parcel has arrived at the parcel delivery centre
The parcel is on it's way to your parcel delivery centre The parcel is on it's way to your parcel delivery centre
Loading Loading
DPD has received your parcel DPD has received your parcel
Parcel handed to DPD Parcel handed to DPD
Delivered by driver to Pickup parcelshop Delivered by driver to Pickup parcelshop
Unfortunately we have not been able to deliver your parcel Unfortunately we have not been able to deliver your parcel
The consignee has collected the parcel at a Pickup parcelshop The consignee has collected the parcel at a Pickup parcelshop
Parcel handed to Pickup parcelshop by consignor Parcel handed to Pickup parcelshop by consignor
Picked up from Pickup parcelshop by consignee Picked up from Pickup parcelshop by consignee
We're sorry but your parcel couldn't be delivered as arranged We're sorry but your parcel couldn't be delivered as arranged
The parcel was delivered %s, %s The parcel was delivered %s, %s
Pick-up from the Pickup parcelshop by DPD driver Pick-up from the Pickup parcelshop by DPD driver
Parcel redirected Parcel redirected
Transfer to Pickup parcelshop by DPD driver Transfer to Pickup parcelshop by DPD driver
Parcel cleared by customs Parcel cleared by customs
Goods issue at sender Goods issue at sender
Collected by consignee from Pickup parcelshop Collected by consignee from Pickup parcelshop
Picked up from Pickup parcelshop by consignee.Evidence Picked up from Pickup parcelshop by consignee.Evidence
The parcel was delivered %1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY, %2$tR The parcel was delivered %1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY, %2$tR
The data of your delivery specifications has been transmitted The data of your delivery specifications has been transmitted
Back at parcel delivery centre after an unsuccessful delivery attempt Back at parcel delivery centre after an unsuccessful delivery attempt
["Your parcel has arrived at the parcel delivery centre."] ["Your parcel has arrived at the parcel delivery centre."]
Deferred Deferred
["The parcel is on the way to the delivery address."] ["The parcel is on the way to the delivery address."]
In transit. (Return to sender) In transit. (Return to sender)
["DPD has received your parcel."] ["DPD has received your parcel."]
["The parcel is on it's way to your parcel delivery centre."] ["The parcel is on it's way to your parcel delivery centre."]
Parcel undergoing customs clearance Parcel undergoing customs clearance
Parcel redirected. (Return to sender) Parcel redirected. (Return to sender)
Redirected to the following Pickup parcelshop: Redirected to the following Pickup parcelshop:
["Order information has been transmitted to DPD."] ["Order information has been transmitted to DPD."]
["In transit."] ["In transit."]
At parcel delivery centre. (Return to sender) At parcel delivery centre. (Return to sender)
Delivered. (Return to sender) Delivered. (Return to sender)
The parcel will be retrieved by Pickup Parcelshop The parcel will be retrieved by Pickup Parcelshop
Parcel in customs clearance: Consignee information or import details missing Parcel in customs clearance: Consignee information or import details missing
Parcel in customs clearance: Telephone number or contact person missing or incorrect Parcel in customs clearance: Telephone number or contact person missing or incorrect
Parcel in customs clearance: Parcel in customs clearance:
["Delivered by driver to Pickup parcelshop."] ["Delivered by driver to Pickup parcelshop."]
Parcel in customs clearance: Payment of duties and taxes received Parcel in customs clearance: Payment of duties and taxes received
["Out for delivery."] ["Out for delivery."]
Out for delivery. (Return to sender) Out for delivery. (Return to sender)
["At parcel delivery centre."] ["At parcel delivery centre."]
Delivery / one-off authorisation to deposit Delivery / one-off authorisation to deposit
In transit.(Return to sender) In transit.(Return to sender)
["The parcel was delivered."] ["The parcel was delivered."]
["Loading."] ["Loading."]
Delivered.(Return to sender) Delivered.(Return to sender)
Parcel in customs clearance: Shipment cleared through customs Parcel in customs clearance: Shipment cleared through customs
Parcel in customs clearance: Shipment undergoing customs clearance Parcel in customs clearance: Shipment undergoing customs clearance
Parcel was paid online Parcel was paid online
["The consignee has collected the parcel at a Pickup parcelshop."] ["The consignee has collected the parcel at a Pickup parcelshop."]
At parcel delivery centre.(Return to sender) At parcel delivery centre.(Return to sender)
Parcel redirected.(Return to sender) Parcel redirected.(Return to sender)
The consignee did not collect the parcel The consignee did not collect the parcel
Parcel in customs clearance: Held at customs for unknown reasons -
["Parcel handed to DPD"] ["Parcel handed to DPD"]
Collection request is confirmed and being carried out Collection request is confirmed and being carried out
Parcel redirected. (Refusal to accept delivery (no reason given).) Parcel redirected. (Refusal to accept delivery (no reason given).)
Auftragsdaten übermittelt Auftragsdaten übermittelt
Parcel in customs clearance: Payment of duties and taxes or information received Parcel in customs clearance: Payment of duties and taxes or information received
Your parcel has been delivered to a Pickup parcelshop Your parcel has been delivered to a Pickup parcelshop
The parcel was delivered 2022-01-14, 12:44 -
The parcel was delivered 14.01.2022, 12:44 -
Parcel in customs clearance: Storage time exceeded, parcel will be returned Parcel in customs clearance: Storage time exceeded, parcel will be returned
In transit. (Refusal to accept delivery (no reason given).) In transit. (Refusal to accept delivery (no reason given).)
Linked to mobile parcel label: -
At parcel delivery centre. (Refusal to accept delivery (no reason given).) -
The parcel was delivered 03.08.2023, 10:13 The parcel was delivered 03.08.2023, 10:13
The parcel was delivered 01.09.2021, 15:38 The parcel was delivered 01.09.2021, 15:38
Parcel in customs clearance: Not forwarded on the inbound day Parcel in customs clearance: Not forwarded on the inbound day
Delivered. (Refusal to accept delivery (no reason given).) Delivered. (Refusal to accept delivery (no reason given).)
Out for delivery. (Refusal to accept delivery (no reason given).) Out for delivery. (Refusal to accept delivery (no reason given).)
Out for delivery.(Return to sender) Out for delivery.(Return to sender)
The parcel was delivered 01.09.2021, 11:47 -
The parcel was delivered 15.12.2021, 13:26 -
The parcel was delivered 27.10.2021, 10:24 -
The parcel was delivered 19.08.2021, 14:40 The parcel was delivered 19.08.2021, 14:40
The parcel was delivered 06.04.2021, 14:42 -
Parcel in customs clearance: Customs inspection Parcel in customs clearance: Customs inspection
Parcel in customs clearance: Off-loaded Parcel in customs clearance: Off-loaded
The parcel was delivered 16.09.2021, 12:21 The parcel was delivered 16.09.2021, 12:21
The parcel was delivered 08.08.2022, 13:20 -
The parcel was delivered 2022-02-10, 12:39 -
The parcel was delivered 31.08.2022, 15:22 -
The parcel was delivered 2022-06-02, 09:48 -
The parcel was delivered 2022-05-10, 11:31 -
The parcel was delivered 2022-04-19, 08:51 -
The parcel was delivered 02.08.2023, 13:38 The parcel was delivered 02.08.2023, 13:38
The parcel was delivered 02.06.2022, 09:48 -