Bosnia and Herzegovina Post

National Postal Service


Bosnia and Herzegovina Post Tracking

Our service allows you to track the parcel of Bosnia and Herzegovina Post or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

Bosnia and Herzegovina Post statuses

Status Translation into en
Record item customs information (Inb) Record item customs information (Inb)
Otprema pošiljke u inostranstvo (EDI poruka ) Shipment abroad (EDI message)
Ubacivanje pošiljke u vreću - IZVOZ Putting the shipment in the bag - EXPORT
Prijem pošiljke od korisnika Receipt of shipment from the user
Prispijeće pošiljke u Izmjenicnu poštu - UVOZ Shipments will arrive at the Exchange Mail - IMPORT
Prispijeće pošiljke u Izmjeničnu poštu - IZVOZ Shipments will arrive at the Exchange Mail - EXPORT
Uručenje pošiljke Delivery of the shipment
Otprema pošiljke Shipment shipment
Prispijeće pošiljke Shipments will arrive
Prispijeće pošiljke u dostavnu poštu - UVOZ Shipments will arrive at the delivery post - IMPORT
Vraćanje pošiljke sa carine - UVOZ Return of shipment from customs - IMPORT
Vraćanje pošiljke sa Carine - IZVOZ Return of shipment from Customs - EXPORT
Otprema pošiljke na Carinu - IZVOZ Shipment to Customs - EXPORT
Otprema pošiljke iz centra prerade - UVOZ Shipment of the shipment from the processing center - IMPORT
Prispijeće pošiljke u centar prerade - UVOZ Shipments will arrive at the processing center - IMPORT
Pošiljka uručena Shipment delivered
Otprema pošiljke u uvozu prema: Shipping consignments imported by:
Otprema pošiljke iz Izmjenicne pošte - UVOZ prema: 78003 Banja Luka Shipment from the Exchange Mail - IMPORT to: 78003 Banja Luka
Pošiljka nije uručena Shipment not delivered
Otprema pisama na carinu - UVOZ Shipment of letters to customs - IMPORT
Otprema pošiljke iz Izmjenicne pošte - UVOZ prema: 88003 Mostar Shipment from the Exchange Mail - IMPORT to: 88003 Mostar
Neuspješan pokušaj uručenja Unsuccessful delivery attempt
Pošiljka pripremljena za isporuku u pošti Shipment prepared for delivery at the post office
Uplata otkupnine Redemption payment
Otprema pošiljke na Carinu - UVOZ Shipment Shipment at Customs - Import
Otprema pošiljke u uvozu prema: 75200 Tuzla Shipment of shipment in import according to: 75200 Tuzla
Otprema paketa na carinu - UVOZ Shipment of packages to customs - IMPORT
Prispijeće pošiljke Brza pošta od HP Mostar Express shipments will arrive from HP Mostar
Otprema pošiljke u uvozu prema: 71200 Sarajevo (tranzit) Shipment of imported goods to: 71200 Sarajevo (transit)
Otprema pošiljke Brza pošta prema Poštama Srpske Dispatch of the shipment Express mail to the Post of Srpska
Otprema pošiljke u uvozu prema: 71000 Sarajevo (dostava-pisma) Shipment of imported goods to: 71000 Sarajevo (delivery-letters)
Otprema pošiljke iz Izmjenicne pošte - UVOZ prema: 75200 Tuzla Shipment from the Exchange Mail - IMPORT to: 75200 Tuzla
Otprema EMS pošiljaka na carinu - UVOZ -
Otprema paketa iz Izmjenicne pošte - UVOZ prema: 78003 Banja Luka Shipment of packages from the Alternative Post - IMPORT according to: 78003 Banja Luka
Pošiljka pripremljena za isporuku Shipment prepared for delivery
Neuspješan pokušaj uručenja - Isporuka ce se pokušati narednog radnog dana -
Otprema pošiljke iz Izmjenicne pošte - UVOZ prema: 71000 Sarajevo (dostava-pisma) Shipment from Alternating Post - IMPORT according to: 71000 Sarajevo (delivery-letters)
Neuspješan pokušaj uručenja - Pošiljka preusmjerena -
Pošiljka na dostavi Shipment on shipping
Otprema EMS pošiljke iz Izmjenicne pošte - UVOZ prema: 78003 Banja Luka -
Otprema pošiljke iz Izmjenicne pošte - UVOZ prema: 72200 Zenica Shipment Shipment from Amartail - Import According to: 72200 Zenica
Otprema pošiljke u uvozu prema: 71122 Sarajevo (dostava - paketi) Shipment of imported goods to: 71122 Sarajevo (delivery - packages)
Otprema pošiljke iz Izmjenicne pošte - UVOZ prema: 77200 Bihać Shipment from the Exchange Mail - IMPORT to: 77200 Bihać
Otprema pošiljke iz Izmjenicne pošte - UVOZ prema: 72270 Travnik Shipment from Alternating Post - IMPORT according to: 72270 Travnik
Otprema paketa iz Izmjenicne pošte - UVOZ prema: 88003 Mostar Shipment of packages from the Exchange Mail - IMPORT to: 88003 Mostar
Neuspješan pokušaj uručenja - Pošiljka zadržana, primalac obaviješten Unsuccessful attempt to deliver - the consignment retained, the recipient informed
Otprema pošiljke u uvozu prema: 71000 Sarajevo (dostava-EMS) Shipment Shipment in imports according to: 71000 Sarajevo (Shipping-EMS)
Zadržavanje pošiljke u dostavnoj pošti - UVOZ Consignment Retention in Delivery - Import
Zadržavanje pošiljke u Izmjeničnoj pošti - IZVOZ -
Otprema pošiljke u uvozu prema: 72200 Zenica Shipment Shipment in imports according to: 72200 Zenica
Otprema pošiljke iz Izmjenicne pošte - UVOZ prema: 88200 Mostar Shipment from the Exchange Mail - IMPORT to: 88200 Mostar
Pošiljka preuzeta od korisnika Shipment taken from the user
Obustava uvoza pošiljke -
Otprema EMS pošiljke iz Izmjenicne pošte - UVOZ prema: 88003 Mostar -
Prispijeće pošiljke u dostavnu poštu - UVOZ< -
Vađenje pošiljke iz vreće - IZVOZ -
Pokušana dostava-ostavljena obavijest Attempted delivery-notification left
Otprema pošiljke Brza pošta prema HP Mostar Shipment Shipment Quick Post by HP Mostar
Otprema pošiljke u uvozu prema: 71004 Sarajevo (dostava-EMS) -