Ural Express

Empresa de mensajería



Seguimiento de envio Ural Express

Our service allows you to track the parcel of Ural Express or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

Estados Ural Express

Estado Traducción al es
Outbound in sorting center Saliente en centro de clasificación
Inbound in sorting center Entrante en el centro de clasificación
Shipment information received información del envío recibida
Передано курьеру Transferido al mensajero
Отправление зарегистрировано Salida registrada
Передано в службу доставки Transferido al servicio de entrega
Отправлено в ваш город Enviado a tu ciudad
Received Package details -
Parcel arrive at warehouse -
Parcel out of warehouse -
Готово к выдаче Listo para emitir
ID data collected -
Pre-Clearance process Proceso de autorización previa
Customs cleared -
Отправление зареги�трировано -
Прибыло в ваш город Llegué a tu ciudad
Отправление выдано Envío emitido
DEP Flight departure -
Проблема -
Package landed in destination country -
Parcel delivered Paquete entregado
Parcel in domestic transit -
Parcel arrive at the border -
Parcel arrived destination country -
Arrived at the Moscow distribution center -
Land and air transportation -- takeoff -
Land and air transportation - land -
Success Collect -
Personal tax and duty clearance warning -
包裹转运中 -
Выполнено Hecho
Personal Declaration information missing -
null null
Отправление аннулировано -
Отправление не востребовано Salida no reclamada
Aviation security success -
Package arrived destination country -
Successful export declaration -
Passport provided by receiver is invalid -
Return to warehouse -
Package out of warehouse -
Возврат готов к передаче отправителю El reembolso está listo para enviarse al remitente
交航 -
Возврат передан отправителю El reembolso ha sido enviado al remitente.
Package Arrive at warehouse -
Возврат принят на складе Devoluciones aceptadas en stock
交航 -
Return finish -
Parcel is held by customs: receiver has to pay a customs duty -
Parcel is held by customs -
Customs refused parcel release -
Receiver should provide a passport number -
包裹转�中 -
The parcel leaves Moscow HUB -
The pracel arrive at the transit warehouse -
Arrive at the Moscow HUB -
Package out of foreign warehouse -
Express Arrive at The Job Center -
Package arrive at the border -