
Empresa de mensajería


Seguimiento de envio SyTrack

Our service allows you to track the parcel of SyTrack or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

Estados SyTrack

Estado Traducción al es
Delivered Entregado
Departed Salido
Arrived at Facility Llegó a la instalación
Departed Sunyou Facility Salida de la instalación de Sunyou
Departed HONG KONG Airport Salida del aeropuerto de HONG KONG
Arrived Llegado
In transit En tránsito
Arrived at Destination Country Airport Llegó al aeropuerto del país de destino
Out for Delivery Fuera para entrega
Arrived at destination country airport Llegó al aeropuerto del país de destino
Returned Devuelto
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to Algeria Información previa al envío enviada a Argelia
Sent to Algeria Enviado a Argelia
In Transit to Next Facility En tránsito a la siguiente instalación
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to Morocco Información previa al envío enviada a Marruecos
Sent to Morocco Enviado a Marruecos
Departed from Port of Origin Partido del puerto de origen
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to Bangladesh Información previa al envío enviada a Bangladesh
Delivered. Thank you for using Sunyou Entregado. Gracias por usar Sunyou
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to Russian Federation -
Sent to Bangladesh Enviado a Bangladesh
Arrived at Regional Facility Llegó a la instalación regional
Arrived at the Port of Origin Llegó al puerto de origen
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to Kazakhstan -
Customs Clearance was completed Se completó la autorización aduanera
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to Brazil Información previa al envío enviada a Brasil
Sent to Kazakhstan -
Sent to Russian Federation -
Customs Clearance in progress Despacho Aduanero en curso
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to Mexico Información previa al envío enviada a México
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to Ukraine -
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to Chile Información previa al envío enviada a Chile
Sent to Mexico Enviado a México
Delivery in Progress Entrega en curso
Sent to Brazil Enviado a Brasil
Sent to Brazil Enviado a Brasil
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to Israel Información previa al envío enviada a Israel
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to Peru Información previa al envío enviada a Perú
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to Belarus -
Sent to Ukraine -
Sent to Chile Enviado a Chile
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to Colombia Información previa al envío enviada a Colombia
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to Sri Lanka Información previa al envío enviada a Sri Lanka
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to Pakistan -
Sent to Peru Enviado a Perú
Sent to Israel Enviado a Israel
Sent to Colombia Enviado a Colombia
Sent to Pakistan -
Sent to Sri Lanka Enviado a Sri Lanka
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to Czech Republic Información previa al envío enviada a República Checa
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to Poland Información previa al envío enviada a Polonia
Delivery in progress Entrega en curso
Sent to Belarus -
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to Uzbekistan -
Departed Regional Facility Instalación Regional Partida
Sent to Uzbekistan -
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to Lithuania Información previa al envío enviada a Lituania
Reason: Other Razón: Otro
Sent to Czech Republic Enviado a República Checa
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to United States Información previa al envío enviada a Estados Unidos
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to Italy Información previa al envío enviada a Italia
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to Indonesia Información previa al envío enviada a Indonesia
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to Azerbaijan -
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to Nigeria Información previa al envío enviada a Nigeria
Sent to Lithuania Enviado a Lituania
Sent to Poland Enviado a Polonia
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to Moldova Información previa al envío enviada a Moldavia
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to Germany Información previa al envío enviada a Alemania
Returned to sender Devuelto al remitente
Sent to Azerbaijan -
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to Reunion Información previa al envío enviada a Reunión
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to France Información previa al envío enviada a Francia
Sent to United States Enviado a los Estados Unidos
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to Serbia Información previa al envío enviada a Serbia
Sent to Nigeria Enviado a Nigeria
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to Canada Información previa al envío enviada a Canadá
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to South Africa -
Sent to Reunion Enviado a Reunión
Sent to Indonesia Enviado a Indonesia
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to Belgium Información previa al envío enviada a Bélgica
Delivery exception excepcion de entrega
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to Lebanon -
Sent to Serbia Enviado a Serbia
Sent to Italy Enviado a Italia
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to Latvia -
Sent to Germany Enviado a Alemania
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to Hungary Información previa al envío enviada a Hungría
Sent to Lebanon -
Sent to South Africa Enviado a Sudáfrica
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to Oman -
Sent to Belgium Enviado a Bélgica
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to United Kingdom Información previa al envío enviada a Reino Unido
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to Slovakia Información previa al envío enviada a Eslovaquia
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to Spain Información previa al envío enviada a España
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to Greece Información previa al envío enviada a Grecia
Sent to Oman -
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to Portugal Información previa al envío enviada a Portugal
Sent to Canada Enviado a Canadá
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to Tunisia Información previa al envío enviada a Túnez
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to Macedonia -