
Empresa de mensajería


Seguimiento de envio SpeedX

Our service allows you to track the parcel of SpeedX or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

Estados SpeedX

Estado Traducción al es
Arrival Llegada
Package received paquete recibido
Returned to shipper Volver al expedidor
Shipping label created Etiqueta de envío creada
Package is out for delivery El paquete está fuera para la entrega
Package was successfully delivered El paquete se entregó con éxito
Delivery complete Entrega completa
Route Assigned Ruta asignada
Scan complete Escanear completo
Pick up complete Recoger completo
Package assigned to a driver and will go out soon Paquete asignado a un conductor y saldrá pronto
Package returned to sorting center Paquete devuelto al centro de clasificación
Failed Attempt - Business Closed. The package is undeliverable and will be returned to the facility Intento fallido - Negocio cerrado. El paquete no es entregable y será devuelto a la instalación
Failed Attempt - No Access / No Safe Location. The package is undeliverable and will be returned to the facility Intento fallido: sin acceso / Sin ubicación segura. El paquete no es entregable y será devuelto a la instalación
Failed Attempt - Invalid Address. The package is undeliverable and will be returned to the facility -
Non-Arrival Verification - Parcel Has Not Been Recevied Verificación no de llegada: el paquete no se ha recibido
Returned to sorting center -
Not Delivered- No Access/ No Safe Location. The package is undeliverable and will be returned to the facility -