Shopee Xpress Philippines

Empresa de mensajería


Seguimiento de envio Shopee Xpress Philippines

Our service allows you to track the parcel of Shopee Xpress Philippines or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

Estados Shopee Xpress Philippines

Estado Traducción al es
Your parcel has been received by sorting center Su paquete ha sido recibido por Sorting Center
Your parcel has been delivered Su paquete ha sido entregado
Order has been created Se ha creado el orden
Your parcel has been picked up Tu paquete ha sido recogido
Your parcel has been received by delivery hub Su paquete ha sido recibido por el centro de entrega
Your parcel is being delivered by courier Su paquete está siendo entregado por Courier
Your parcel has been received by drop off point Su paquete ha sido recibido por el punto de entrega
Your parcel has been received by pickup hub Su paquete ha sido recibido por Pickup Hub
Your parcel is being transported to [SOC 3] -
Your parcel is being transported to [Bacolod DC] -
Your parcel is being transported to [SOC 5] -
Your parcel is being transported to [SOC 4] -
Your parcel is being transported to [Silay Hub] -
Your parcel is being transported to [Davao DC] -
Your parcel is being transported to [Surallah Hub] -
Your parcel is being transported to [Bansud Hub] -
Your parcel is being transported to [Batangas Hub] -
Your parcel is being transported to [San Rafael Hub] -
Your parcel is being transported to [Cebu Hub] -
Your parcel is on-hold. Reason: [Buyer Requested to Reschedule or Not On Location] -
Your parcel is being transported to [Imus Hub] -
Your parcel is being transported to [Dumaguete Hub] -
Your parcel is being transported to [Bais Hub] -
Your parcel is being transported to [Labo Hub] -
Your parcel is being transported to [Sipocot Hub] -
Your parcel is being transported to [Santa Cruz Hub] -
Your parcel is being transported to [San Francisco Hub] -
Your parcel is being transported to [Malolos Hub] -
Your parcel is being transported to [Mandaue DC] -