Shopee Xpress Brazil

Empresa de mensajería


Seguimiento de envio Shopee Xpress Brazil

Our service allows you to track the parcel of Shopee Xpress Brazil or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

Estados Shopee Xpress Brazil

Estado Traducción al es
Your parcel has been received by sorting center Su paquete ha sido recibido por Sorting Center
Your parcel has been delivered Su paquete ha sido entregado
Order has been created Se ha creado el orden
Your parcel has been picked up Tu paquete ha sido recogido
Your parcel has been received by delivery hub Su paquete ha sido recibido por el centro de entrega
Your parcel is being delivered by courier Su paquete está siendo entregado por Courier
Your parcel has been received by drop off point Su paquete ha sido recibido por el punto de entrega
Your parcel has been received by pickup hub Su paquete ha sido recibido por Pickup Hub
Your parcel has been received by Hub Su paquete ha sido recibido por Hub
Parcel pickup on-hold. Reason:[I have no more space in the trunk] PAGE COMBRACIÓN ACTUAL. Razón: [No tengo más espacio en el baúl]
Your parcel is being transported to [SoC_SP_Santana] Su paquete está siendo transportado a [SOC_SP_SANTANA]
Your parcel is being transported to [SoC_PE_Recife] Su paquete está siendo transportado a [SOC_PE_recife]
Your parcel is being transported to [SoC_PR_Curitiba] Su paquete está siendo transportado a [SOC_PR_CURITIBA]
Your parcel is being transported to [SoC_RJ_Rio de Janeiro] Su paquete está siendo transportado a [SOC_RJ_RIO DE JANEIRO]
Your parcel is being transported to [SoC_MG_Betim] Su paquete está siendo transportado a [SOC_MG_BETIM]
Your parcel is being transported to [SoC_BA_Salvador] Su paquete está siendo transportado a [SOC_BA_SALVADOR]
Your parcel is being transported to [SoC_SP_Ribeirao] Su paquete está siendo transportado a [SOC_SP_RIBEIRAO]
Your parcel is being transported to [SoC_SP_Campinas] -
Your parcel is being transported to [SoC_SP_Cravinhos] Su paquete está siendo transportado a [SOC_SP_CRAVINHOS]
Parcel is forwarded to our partner [] -
Parcel has arrived at transit station -
Your parcel is being transported to [SoC_SP_Guarulhos] Su paquete está siendo transportado a [SOC_SP_GUARULHOS]
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_CE_Fortaleza_Cajazeiras] -
Your parcel is being transported to [SoC_MG_Contagem] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_MG_Contagem] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_RJ_São João do Meriti_Venda Velha] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_DF_Brasília_SAAN] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_RN_Natal] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_PE_Recife_Cabo de Santo Agostinho] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_ES_Vila Velha_Polo Empresarial Novo México] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_PB_João Pessoa] -
Your parcel is being returned to the sorting center -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_GO_Goiânia_ St. Empresarial] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_SP_Ribeirao Preto] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_RJ_Rio de Janeiro_Campo Grande] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_BA_Salvador_Vila Laura] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_BA_Salvador_Jardim Cajazeiras] Su paquete se transporta a [LM HUB_BA_SALVADOR_JARDIM CAJAZEIRAS]
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_BA_Feira de Santana] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_BA_Feira de Santana] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_PA_Belém] Su paquete está siendo transportado a [LM HUB_PA_BELÉ]
Your parcel is on-hold. Reason: [Buyer not at home] Tu paquete está en espera. Razón: [Comprador no en casa]
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_SP_Sorocaba_Região Norte] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_PE_Recife_Imbiribeira] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_RS_Campo Bom_Distrito Industrial Norte] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_MG_Teófilo Otoni] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_PE_Recife_Olinda] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_AL_Maceió] -
Your parcel is lost -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_BA_Vitória da Conquista] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_MG_Juiz de Fora_Distrito Industrial] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_MG_Uberlândia] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_RS_Porto Alegre_Floresta] Su paquete se transporta a [LM HUB_RS_PORTO ALEGRE_FLORESTA]
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_RJ_São Gonçalo_Guaxindiba] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_ES_Cachoeiro de Itap] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_BA_Itabuna] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_BA_Itabuna] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_PI_Teresina] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_BA_Lauro de Freitas] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_SE_Aracaju] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_MS_Campo Grande] Su paquete está siendo transportado a [LM HUB_MS_CAMPO GRANDE]
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_MG_Divinópolis] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_MG_Varginha_Fausto Ribeiro] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_MG_Ipatinga] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_MG_Sete Lagoas] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_RS_Santa Maria] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_SP_Embu das Artes_Jardim São Luiz] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_RJ_Rio de Janeiro_São Cristóvão] Su paquete está siendo transportado a [LM HUB_RJ_RIO DE JANEIRO_São Cristóvão]
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_BA_Santo Antônio de Jesus] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_PR_Londrina_Parque ABC II] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_SP_Artur Alvim] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_SP_Osasco_Bonfim] Su paquete se transporta a [LM HUB_SP_OSASCO_BONFIM]
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_SP_Santos_Praia Grande] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_SP_Limeira_Jardim Campo Belo] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_SC_Florianópolis_Distrito Industrial] Su paquete está siendo transportado a [LM HUB_SC_FLORIANOPOLIS_DISTRITO INDUSTRIAL]
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_PE_Juazeiro] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_SP_São José do Rio Preto] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_RJ_Macae_ Imboassica] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_SP_Araçatuba] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_RJ_Cps dos Goytacazes] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_SP_Jundiaí] -
Your parcel is being returned to seller -
Your parcel is on-hold. Reason: [Address cannot be found] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_SP_São Bernardo do Campo_Alvinopolis] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_PR_Maringá_Parque Industrial] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_SP_Bauru_Centro] -
Your parcel has been returned -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_SP_Marília] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_SP_São Paulo_Granja Julieta] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_MG_Montes Claros] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_RJ_Petrópolis] -
Your parcel is on-hold. Reason: [Out of the route] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_RS_Caxias do Sul] Su paquete se transporta a [LM HUB_RS_CAXIAS DO SUL]
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_SP_Mauá_Vila Nossa Senhora das Vitórias] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_RJ_Cabo Frio_Jd Flamb] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_PR_Ponta Grossa] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_MA_São Luís] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_SC_Chapecó_Eldorado] Su paquete está siendo transportado a [LM HUB_SC_CHAPECÓ_ELDORADO]
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_PR_Curitiba_Cidade Industrial] -
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_PR_Cidade Industrial] Su paquete está siendo transportado a [LM HUB_PR_CIDADE INDUSTRIAL]
Your parcel is being transported to [LM Hub_SP_Taubaté] -