Norway Post

Servicio Postal Estatal y Nacional


Seguimiento de envio Norway Post

Our service allows you to track the parcel of Norway Post or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

Estados Norway Post

Estado Traducción al es
The shipment has been sent from origin country El envío ha sido enviado desde el país de origen.
The shipment has been collected El envío ha sido recogido
The shipment has arrived at the export terminal El envío ha llegado a la terminal de exportación.
The shipment has been sorted and forwarded El envío ha sido clasificado y reenviado.
The shipment has arrived in destination country El envío ha llegado al país de destino.
The shipment has been delivered El envío ha sido entregado
The shipment has been loaded for delivery El envío se ha cargado para su entrega.
The shipment has arrived at terminal and will be forwarded El envío ha llegado a la terminal y será reenviado.
The shipment was too large to be delivered in your mailbox. You will be notified when you can collect it at your pick-up point El envío era demasiado grande para entregarlo en su buzón. Se le notificará cuando pueda recogerlo en su punto de recogida.
The shipment has cleared export customs El envío ha pasado por la aduana de exportación.
The shipment is in transit El envío está en tránsito
Shipment is in export customs clearance -
The shipment has been handed in at terminal and forwarded El envío ha sido entregado en la terminal y reenviado.
The shipment being processed for import El envío se procesa para la importación.
No shipment has been received yet, only notification of the shipment Aún no se ha recibido ningún envío, solo notificación del envío
Unfortunately your packet could not be delivered to your mailbox. You will be notified when you can collect it at your pick-up point -
The shipment has been handed in to Bring El envío ha sido entregado a Bring
The shipment has cleared customs and sent to the recipient El envío ha despejado de aduanas y enviado al destinatario.
The shipment has arrived at terminal El envío ha llegado a la terminal
The shipment has been delivered to your mailbox -
Delivery attempted Intento de entrega
Sent to customs clearance -
The shipment has been sent from the import terminal -
The shipment is forwarded from transit country El envío se reenvía desde el país de tránsito.
The shipment has arrived at transit country El envío ha llegado al país de tránsito.
The shipment has been returned because the recipient did not collect it within the deadline -
The shipment has been sorted El envío ha sido ordenado
The shipment has arrived at pickup point -
The shipment is in customs clearance El envío está en despacho de aduanas.
The shipment has been returned to sender -
The consignment has been updated with customs documentation El consignación se ha actualizado con la documentación de aduanas.
The shipment has cleared customs El envío ha despejado aduanas.
The shipment was unfortunately misdirected, but has been forwarded to the correct destination -
The shipment is delivered as agreed with the sender -
We have received notification about the shipment, currently located at the sender or on its way to Bring's terminal. The tracking is updated when the shipment has arrived at terminal -
The recipient has a new address. The shipment has been re-addressed and forwarded to the recipient -
The shipment has been handed in at terminal -
The consignment cannot be delivered due to missing invoice. The recipient will be contacted El envío no se puede entregar debido a la factura faltante. El destinatario será contactado.
The shipment has been loaded on truck -
The address is unknown. The consignment will be returned to sender -
The deadline for collection has expired. The consignment has been returned to sender -
Customs documents received from customer Documentos de aduanas recibidos del cliente.
The shipment has arrived at <a target="_blank" title="See where you may find REMA 1000 Grorud" href="" class="sporing-lightbox-postoffice">REMA 1000 Grorud</a> -
An attempt was made to deliver the consignment, but the mailbox was full -
This service is not traceable, so you will not find more tracking information about the shipment Este servicio no es rastreable, por lo que no encontrará más información de seguimiento sobre el envío
The shipment was sent to the wrong address. It has now been forwarded to the correct address -
The shipment may be delayed due to external factors beyond our control -
The shipment is delivered as agreed with the recipient -
The consignment is being processed for export -
The shipment has arrived at Obs Mariero -
The shipment has arrived at Rema 1000 Holmestrand -
The shipment is delayed and will be delivered to the recipient later -
The shipment has arrived at Extra Lørenfallet -
The shipment has arrived at <a target="_blank" title="See where you may find REMA 1000 Olsrød Park" href="" class="sporing-lightbox-postoffice">REMA 1000 Olsrød Park</a> -
The shipment has been returned to sender due to an incomplete address El envío ha sido devuelto al remitente debido a una dirección incompleta.
The shipment has arrived at St. Olavs plass postkontor El envío ha llegado a St. Olavs plass postkontor
Delivery of the shipment has been attempted, but was not marked with correct floor number. You will be notified when you can collect the shipment at your pick-up point Se ha intentado la entrega del envío, pero no se marcó con el número de piso correcto. Se le notificará cuando pueda recolectar el envío en su punto de recogida.
The shipment is unfortunately delayed during transport and will be forwarded at the first opportunity -
The consignment is being processed for import customs clearance, and some documentation is missing. The recipient will be contacted -
The shipment has arrived at <a target="_blank" title="See where you may find St. Olavs plass postkontor" href="" class="sporing-lightbox-postoffice">St. Olavs plass postkontor</a> -
The shipment has arrived at <a target="_blank" title="See where you may find REMA 1000 Torshov" href="" class="sporing-lightbox-postoffice">REMA 1000 Torshov</a> -
The shipment has arrived at <a target="_blank" title="See where you may find Rodeløkka postkontor" href="" class="sporing-lightbox-postoffice">Rodeløkka postkontor</a> -
Delivery of the shipment has been attempted, but the address is unfortunately unknown. The recipient has been notified -
The shipment has arrived at <a target="_blank" title="See where you may find Coop Prix Jondal" href="" class="sporing-lightbox-postoffice">Coop Prix Jondal</a> -
The shipment has arrived at Extra Skøyenåsen -
The shipment has been returned -
The shipment has arrived at <a target="_blank" title="See where you may find REMA 1000 Rosenhoff" href="" class="sporing-lightbox-postoffice">REMA 1000 Rosenhoff</a> -
The shipment has arrived at Elisenberg postkontor -
The shipment has been returned and delivered to the sender -
The shipment has arrived at Coop Prix Olderdalen -
The shipment has arrived at Meny Åsane Storsenter -
The shipment will be delayed due to external factors beyond Bring’s control El envío se retrasará debido a factores externos fuera del control de Bring.
The shipment has arrived at <a target="_blank" title="See where you may find SPAR Klavestadhaugen" href="" class="sporing-lightbox-postoffice">SPAR Klavestadhaugen</a> -
The shipment has arrived at <a target="_blank" title="See where you may find Obs Mariero" href="" class="sporing-lightbox-postoffice">Obs Mariero</a> -
The shipment has arrived at <a target="_blank" title="See where you may find Extra Halden" href="" class="sporing-lightbox-postoffice">Extra Halden</a> -
The shipment has arrived at Coop Prix Jondal -
The shipment has arrived at <a target="_blank" title="See where you may find Extra Madla" href="" class="sporing-lightbox-postoffice">Extra Madla</a> -
The shipment has arrived at <a target="_blank" title="See where you may find Stavanger Sentrum postkontor" href="" class="sporing-lightbox-postoffice">Stavanger Sentrum postkontor</a> -
The shipment has arrived at Majorstuen postkontor -
The shipment has arrived at <a target="_blank" title="See where you may find REMA 1000 Hallset" href="" class="sporing-lightbox-postoffice">REMA 1000 Hallset</a> -
The shipment has arrived at <a target="_blank" title="See where you may find Extra Spydeberg" href="" class="sporing-lightbox-postoffice">Extra Spydeberg</a> -
Pickup notification has been sent by e-mail -
The shipment has arrived at <a target="_blank" title="See where you may find Extra Skøyenåsen" href="" class="sporing-lightbox-postoffice">Extra Skøyenåsen</a> -
The shipment has arrived at <a target="_blank" title="See where you may find Ski Storsenter kundeservice" href="" class="sporing-lightbox-postoffice">Ski Storsenter kundeservice</a> -
The shipment has arrived at <a target="_blank" title="See where you may find Extra Gulset" href="" class="sporing-lightbox-postoffice">Extra Gulset</a> -
Pickup notification has been sent by SMS -
The shipment has arrived at <a target="_blank" title="See where you may find Extra Breivika" href="" class="sporing-lightbox-postoffice">Extra Breivika</a> -
Sendingen er innlevert terminal -
The shipment has arrived at <a target="_blank" title="See where you may find Bunnpris Tjensvoll" href="" class="sporing-lightbox-postoffice">Bunnpris Tjensvoll</a> -
The shipment has arrived at <a target="_blank" title="See where you may find Coop Mega Nærbø" href="" class="sporing-lightbox-postoffice">Coop Mega Nærbø</a> -
Unfortunately the consignment has been delayed -
The shipment has arrived at REMA 1000 Grorud -
The shipment has arrived at Meny Vågsbygd -
The shipment has arrived at <a target="_blank" title="See where you may find MENY Røa" href="" class="sporing-lightbox-postoffice">MENY Røa</a> El envío ha llegado a <a Target = "_ Blank" title = "ver dónde puede encontrar Meny røa" href = "" class = "Ventendiendo -lightBox-Postoffice "> Meny Røa </a>
The shipment has arrived at <a target="_blank" title="See where you may find REMA 1000 Holmlia" href="" class="sporing-lightbox-postoffice">REMA 1000 Holmlia</a> -
The shipment has arrived at <a target="_blank" title="See where you may find REMA 1000 Tøyen (Hagegata 23)" href="" class="sporing-lightbox-postoffice">REMA 1000 Tøyen (Hagegata 23)</a> -
The shipment has arrived at <a target="_blank" title="See where you may find Nydalen postkontor" href="" class="sporing-lightbox-postoffice">Nydalen postkontor</a> -
The shipment has arrived at Longyearbyen postkontor -
The shipment has arrived at Rema 1000 Holmlia -
The shipment has arrived at Grønland postkontor -