Norsk Global

Empresa de mensajería


Seguimiento de envio Norsk Global

Our service allows you to track the parcel of Norsk Global or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

Estados Norsk Global

Estado Traducción al es
Out for delivery Fuera para entrega
Out for Delivery Fuera para entrega
Item out for delivery Objeto fuera para entregar
Arrived at sort facility Llegó a la instalación de clasificación
Customs Cleared Despacho de aduanas
Label created Etiqueta creada
Label not received Etiqueta no recibida
Departed sort facility Instalación de clasificación abandonada
Item out for Delivery Objeto fuera para entregar
Item in transit with Carrier -
Being processed at destination Siendo procesado en destino
Processed at UK Hub Procesado en UK Hub
Driver collected Conductor recogido
Consolidation arrived at gateway La consolidación llegó a la pasarela
Accepted at Origin Facility Aceptado en la instalación de origen
Departed UK Hub -
Item scanned in container -
Item Grouped at Partner facility -
Returned to customer -
Customs: Clearance release Aduanas: Lanzamiento de la liquidación.
Incorrect address: Address does not exist -
Item Scanned at Post facility -
Prepared for export / in transit -
Accepted at Carrier Facility -
Standard customs procedure/under inspection Procedimiento aduanero estándar/bajo inspección
Returned to Customer -
Denied Party Screening -
Paperwork and Customs Held - NO ROAD SERVICE TO THIS DESTINATION -
Private address problem: Consignee not in -
Paperwork & Customs: Held - no invoice -
Shipment held by agent: Track file open -
Item scanned in container Comment: Item scanned - In Container -
Customs – Receiver to pay clearance charges -
Departed UK facility Instalaciones del Reino Unido Salido
Denied Party Screening Comment: This shipment has been returned to us due to failing denied party screening and either consignee or shipper could possibly be a match on one of the Sanction lists. Please reconfirm consignees and shippers contact details (full first and last name as in passport) and also consignee’s passport copy. Please forward the required information. If we do not receive requested information/paperwork within 5 working days, this shipment will need to either be collected or will be returned to yourselves at your own cost. Thank you, Kind regards -
Paperwork & Customs: Held - Tax ID -
Paperwork & Customs: Held - Tariff Code Required -
Carrier delay: Misrouted by carrier -
Paperwork and Customs Held - NO ROAD SERVICE TO THIS DESTINATION Comment: Hello, Please be advised that this shipment is on hold with us for no road service to this destination please advise further instructions. Please forward the required information. If we do not receive requested information/paperwork within 5 working days, this shipment will need to either be collected or will be returned to yourselves at your own cost. Thank you, Kind regard -
Paperwork & Customs: Held - Tax ID Comment: Please be advised that this shipment has been held at Norsk due to not having a Tax ID present on the Invoice -
Partial scanned in container Comment: Item scanned - In Container -
Processed at UK Hub Comment: All items scanned - Goods IN -
Partial Processed at UK Hub Comment: Item scanned - Goods IN -
Return arrived at Norsk Hub -
Shipment held by agent: Track file open Comment: Please be advised this shipment has been processed for return back to origin and any return charges incurred will be added to your account -
Product & packing contents: Held - restricted item: perfumery -
Departed UK Hub Comment: Item scanned - Goods Out -
Processed at UK Hub Comment: DWS All items scan - Goods IN -
Paperwork & Customs: Held - Itemised invoiced required Comment: Please be advised that this shipment has been held at Norsk due to the invoice not having an itemised breakdown of the shipment contents -
Customs: Clearance delay Retraso en el despacho de aduanas
Flight arrived Comment: QR1082 25.06.21 DOH-KWI Vuelo llegado Comentario: QR1082 25.06.21 DOH-KWI
Delayed departure Comment: QR0010 22.06.21 LHR-DOH// QR8594 23.06.21 DOH-KWI offloaded due to capacity Comentario de salida retrasado: QR0010 22.06.21 LHR-DOH // QR8594 23.06.21 DOH-KWI descargado debido a la capacidad
Paperwork & Customs: Held - Unable to Deliver -
Delayed departure Comment: SV110 03.01.22 LHR-RUH -
Delayed departure Comment: Awaiting approval -
Stopped: Detailed inspection -
Paperwork & Customs: Held - better address required -