Latvia Post

Servicio Postal Estatal y Nacional


Seguimiento de envio Latvia Post

Our service allows you to track the parcel of Latvia Post or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

Estados Latvia Post

Estado Traducción al es
Item delivered Objeto entregado
Parcel notify received Notificación de paquete recibido
Parcel data received Datos de paquetes recibidos
Parcel collected at transit location Paquete recogido en el lugar de tránsito
Parcel has arrived at transit location El paquete ha llegado al lugar de tránsito
Parcel sent to destination country Paquete enviado al país de destino
Parcel delivered to client Paquete entregado al cliente
Parcel has arrived in last mile El paquete ha llegado en la última milla
Parcel has gone thought last mile customs El paquete ha pasado por la aduana de última milla
Parcel received in the post office Paquete recibido en la oficina de correos
Parcel has been delivered to final post office in last mile El paquete se ha entregado a la oficina de correos final en la última milla
Item received at office of exchange Artículo recibido en oficina de cambio
Item posted / received from customer Artículo publicado / recibido del cliente
Item sent abroad Artículo enviado al extranjero
Item received at delivery office Artículo recibido en la oficina de entrega
Electronic notification of receipt of the shipment sent to the addressee Notificación electrónica de recepción del envío enviada al destinatario
Shipment information sent to customs Información de envío enviada a la aduana
Item received at location -
Item received from customer (XML) Artículo recibido del cliente (XML)
Item sent abroad (EDI-received) Artículo enviado al extranjero (recibido mediante EDI)
Record recipient information Registrar la información del destinatario
Hold item at point of delivery Mantenga el artículo en el punto de entrega
Return item from customs Devolver el artículo de la aduana
Hold item at office of exchange Mantenga el artículo en la oficina de cambio
Item sent to customs Artículo enviado a la aduana
Item sent to next processing place Artículo enviado al siguiente lugar de procesamiento
Item arrived at office of exchange El artículo llegó a la oficina de intercambio
Unsuccessful item delivery attempt intento fallido de entrega
Update item Actualizar artículo
Item sent to location Artículo enviado a la ubicación
Item arrived at sorting centre El artículo llegó al centro de clasificación
Item registered in e-Customs system -
Customs clearance completed, item to be delivered to recipient -
Item information received Información del artículo recibida
Item sent to B6-101 Artículo enviado a B6-101
Item sent to delivery Artículo enviado a la entrega
E-Mail sent as Advice of Arrival -
Electronic notification (SMS) - pick-up invitation sent to recipient -
Electronic notification (e-mail) - pick-up invitation sent to recipient -
Item received at collection point for pick-up -
Advice of Arrival sent to PO for delivery Aviso de llegada enviado a PO para su entrega
Item awaiting next planned cycle Artículo que espera el próximo ciclo planificado
Item sent to the Customs Artículo enviado a la aduana
Item returned from Customs Artículo devuelto desde la aduana
Item sent to delivery facility Artículo enviado a la instalación de entrega
Unsuccessful delivery attempt Intento de entrega fallido
Item readressed -
Item sent to next processing place Riga 57 Post office -
Electronic notification of receipt of the shipment re-sent to the addressee -
SMS notification of customs clearance has been sent to the addressee -
Item arrived at delivery facility El artículo llegó a la instalación de entrega
Item sent to next processing place Place of issue of postal items Riga 57 -
Item sent to next processing place Riga 21 Post office -
Item sent to next processing place Liepaja 16 Post office -
Item sent to next processing facility Artículo enviado a la próxima instalación de procesamiento
Item sent to next processing place Vestulu skirosanas cehs / Latvijas sektors -
Item sent to next processing place Riga 58 Post office -
Item sent to next processing place PC Jelgava Post office -
Item sent out for physical delivery -
Item arrived at pick-up point El artículo llegó al punto de recogida
Item sent to next processing place Jelgava - 7 Post office -
Item sent to the processing facility Artículo enviado a la instalación de procesamiento
Item sent to next processing place Marupe Post office -
A printed notification of customs clearance has been sent to the addressee -
Item handed over for delivery Artículo entregado para la entrega
Cancel item export -
Item sent to next processing place Riga 69 Post office -
Item sent to next processing place Daugavpils Post office No. 17 -
Item sent to location for returning items to sender -
Item sent to next processing place Riga 5 Post office -
Item sent to location (Outb.) Starptautiska – Austrumu sektors Artículo enviado a la ubicación (Salida) Starptautiska - Austrumu sektors
Item received at sorting centre -
Item sent to next processing place Riga 16 Post office -
Item sent to next processing place Riga 39 Post office -
Item sent to next processing place Daugavpils 1 Post office -
Item sent to next processing place Riga 83 Post office -
Item sent to next processing place Riga 9 Post office -
Item sent to location (Outb.) Riga, Vestulu cehs – LC/AO -
Item sent to next processing place Olaine Post office -
Unsuccessful item delivery attempt Non delivery reason: The addressee is not present at the time of delivery Action: Information sent to the addressee -
Item sent to next processing place Riga 15 Post office -
Item sent to next processing place Riga 35 Post office -
Item sent to next processing place Riga 67 Post office -
Item sent to next processing place Riga 55 Post office -
Item sent to next processing place Liepaja 14 Post office -
Item sent to next processing place Riga 3 PP -
Item sent to next processing place Riga 84 Post office -
Item received from customs -
Item sent to next processing place Riga Post office No. 24 -
Item sent to next processing place Riga 29 Post office -
Item sent to next processing place Riga 4 Post office -
Item sent out of sorting centre -
Item sent to next processing place Daugavpils 10 Post office -
Item sent to next processing place Ventspils 2 Post office -
Unsuccessful item delivery attempt Non delivery reason: Shipment misdirected Action: Item forwarded/redirected -
Item received at delivery office Riga 57 Post office -
Item sent to next processing place Salaspils Post office -
Item sent to next processing place Kauguri Post office -
Item sent to next processing place Sūtījumu izsniegšana punkts Liepāja-1 -