
Empresa de mensajería


Seguimiento de envio Joomlogistics

Our service allows you to track the parcel of Joomlogistics or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

Estados Joomlogistics

Estado Traducción al es
Delivered Entregado
Shipment information received información del envío recibida
Package delivered Paquete entregado
Sorting Clasificación
Delivery in progress Entrega en curso
Flight departure Salida del vuelo
Order is created, JL is waiting for check-in at the warehouse Se crea el pedido, JL está esperando el check-in en el almacén
Package has been registered at a warehouse in Dongguan El paquete se ha registrado en un almacén en Dongguan
Arrived at the place of delivery Arribo al lugar de entrega
Arrived at oversea distribution center -
Depart from oversea distribution center -
Sent to the destination city -
Package has been checked El paquete ha sido revisado
The package is being processed at the sorting centre -
Package has been transferred to the consolidation centre El paquete ha sido transferido al centro de consolidación
The order has been handed to the postal carrier -
Package has left China and is on its way to the destination country -
The package is being processed by the carrier -
Depart from warehouse -
The package has arrived in the destination country -
Delivered to the customs terminal Entregado en la terminal de aduanas.
Arrive at the customs clearance port -
Customs clearance was successful -
Border clearance completed -
Package consolidated Paquete consolidado
International flight has departed El vuelo internacional se ha ido
International flight has departed El vuelo internacional se ha ido
Package is at the sorting centre -
Package has left the sorting centre -
Package accepted at the Joom Logistics sorting centre in Yiwu city Paquete aceptado en el Centro de clasificación de Joom Logistics en la ciudad de Yiwu
Package prepared Paquete preparado
Package has arrived at the delivery point -
Package received paquete recibido
Export from Turkey Exportación de Turquía
Departure from airport Salida desde el aeropuerto
The package has left the warehouse -
The package was handed over to the carrier -
Departed on outbound flight Partió en vuelo de ida
The package has been assigned to a carrier -
Package is at the 5Post sorting centre -
Import of international mail -
Shipment Delivered to Operations Center Envío entregado al centro de operaciones
Package has successfully passed customs clearance -
Departed from carrier's sorting centre -
The parcel is ready for shipment from the sorting center -
Parcel has arrived at destination country El paquete ha llegado al país de destino
Package has arrived at customs El paquete ha llegado a la aduana
Express has picked up the shipment Express ha recogido el envío
Departed from international sorting centre -
Customs clearance of the parcel started (unitrade broker) -
The parcel is processed at the sorting center -
The parcel has successfully passed the customs clearance -
Package accepted at the Joom Logistics sorting centre in Hong Kong -
Parcel arrived at customs -
Readdressing -
Landed at transit hub Aterrizado en el centro de tránsito
Order transferred to SF Express -
Parcel accepted at the Joom Logistics sorting centre in Shenzhen -
Departed from Joom Logistics sorting centre -
Data from the trading platform received -
Package departed from warehouse -
Package passed to DHL Paquete pasado a DHL
Package handed over to the 5Post carrier -
Customs clearance -
On currier delivery -
Information about the package has been passed to a carrier -
Package is waiting for you at the store. Get it now -
arrived at facility - partner Llegó a la instalación - socio
The parcel has left the warehouse -
Parcel received -
Dispatched to the destination country -
delivered to the nova post -
Arrived to the country of destination -
Departed from Hong Kong -
Departed from DHL sorting centre Partido del centro de clasificación DHL
Other -
Your package is on its way. It will arrive at the Russian Post sorting centre soon -
Handed over to the Boxberry carrier -
flight landed vuelo aterrizado
Cargo arrived at the transit airport -
ready for departure Listo para la salida
Received by recipient -
Package was handed over to the postal service -
Your package is still on its way. It will arrive at the Russian Post sorting centre soon -
Customs clearance finished -
In the process of customs clearance -
Enrouted to PTS OC by Izmir SUB Enrutado a PTS OC por Izmir SUB
self picked up by dhl Self lo recogido por DHL
At a transit airport -
Arrived at Destination facility for delivery, will be delivered shortly Llegó a las instalaciones de destino para la entrega, se entregará en breve
Package will be shipped to the country of destination soon -
Package has passed through customs El paquete ha pasado por la aduana
Accepted for delivery -
Uplift from transit hub Elevación desde el centro de tránsito