Jersey Post

Empresa de mensajería


Seguimiento de envio Jersey Post

Our service allows you to track the parcel of Jersey Post or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

Estados Jersey Post

Estado Traducción al es
Item Returned from Customs Artículo devuelto de la aduana
Item Received Artículo recibido
Item received at delivery office Artículo recibido en la oficina de entrega
Item Held by Customs Artículo retenido por la aduana
Unsuccessful delivery attempt Intento de entrega fallido
Bag received in destination country Bolsa recibida en el país de destino
Item received at sorting centre -
Departed international distribution centre Centro de Distribución Internacional de Dirección
Arrived at international distribution centre Llegó al Centro Internacional de Distribución
Item being sent to customer Artículo que se envía al cliente
Item despatched Artículo enviado
Awaiting Item from sender -
Item delivered to customer -
Item Held By Customs Artículo en poder de Aduanas
Unsuccessful Delivery Attempt Intento de entrega sin éxito
Item received at inbound office of exchange -
Item assigned to Flight -
Received on Island -
Item received at outbound office of exchange -
Item Collected by Customer -
Outbound Item Despatched -
Item submitted to Customs -
Airline handover in destination country -
Item released by Customs -