Ireland Post

Servicio Postal Estatal y Nacional


Seguimiento de envio Ireland Post

Our service allows you to track the parcel of Ireland Post or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

Estados Ireland Post

Estado Traducción al es
Your delivery has been sorted Su entrega ha sido ordenada
Your delivery was received by An Post in -
We have your post in Tenemos tu publicación en
Your post is out for delivery Su publicación está fuera para la entrega
We delivered your post Entregamos tu publicación
We have received a notification about your incoming item from the sender Hemos recibido una notificación sobre su artículo entrante del remitente
We have your item in -
Your item is out for delivery Tu artículo está listo para la entrega
We delivered your item -
Your post has left An Post Tu publicación ha dejado una publicación
We have your post and are getting it ready for delivery -
We tried to deliver your post Intentamos entregar tu publicación
Your post was accepted in Tu publicación fue aceptada en
Your item has left An Post -
Your delivery was received in Su entrega fue recibida en
Your delivery is in -
Your delivery has left our handling partner in Su entrega ha dejado a nuestro compañero de manejo en
Your post is going to a sorting office for delivery in Su publicación va a una oficina de clasificación para la entrega en
Your item was accepted in -
Your post is with our delivery partner in -
Your item is going to a sorting office for delivery in -
We have your item and are getting it ready for delivery -
We tried to deliver your item -
A customs charge has been applied to this item and details have been sent to you. The fee can be paid on our website, or at your local post office -
We could not deliver your post. We will try to return it to the sender -
We could not deliver your item. We will try to return it to the sender -
You can collect your post from -
Customs charges have been paid. Your item will be processed and delivered as soon as possible -
Your item is with our delivery partner in -
Your post has been sent to the wrong delivery office. We will still get it to you. It is now in -
You can collect your item from -
Your item was delivered Tu artículo fue entregado
Your item is in our delivery partner's office in -
Your delivery has been received in -
Your post is in our delivery partner's office in -
You have rejected customs charges on this item. As such, the item will be returned to sender -
Your post is leaving a sorting office for delivery in -