
Empresa de mensajería



Seguimiento de envio i-parcel

Our service allows you to track the parcel of i-parcel or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

Estados i-parcel

Estado Traducción al es
Delivered Entregado
In transit En tránsito
Out for delivery Fuera para entrega
Out for Delivery Fuera para entrega
Delivery attempted Intento de entrega
Package details received electronically from Seller -
Received at i-Parcel -
Exported i-Parcel and in transit to country of destination -
Arrived at destination and will be entered into the delivery stream after successful clearance -
Package arrived in the destination country -
With Customs for Clearance -
Cleared, awaiting forwarding from customs warehouse -
Processed at delivery hub -
An airline delay has occurred. We are adjusting plans and working to deliver your package as soon as possible -
Additional information is required -
Held In Customs For Inspection -
Completed customs clearance process -
Your shipment has been flagged for review of the contents prior to export -
The address received for your shipment is being reviewed to ensure accurate delivery -
Your package has been delayed due to external factors beyond our control. We are adjusting delivery plans as quickly as possible -
Package details manifested, but no physical arrival within timeframe -
Processed at transit hub -
Your item has been delayed. Please contact customer support -
Processed through transit hub -
Delivered to Shipping Vendor Store -
Your package has been returned to the internet retailer -
Entered into local delivery system -
Incomplete Name Provided. Please contact our support team to resolve -
Consumer provided KYC Details to In-Country Broker -