Empresa de mensajería


Seguimiento de envio GLS

Our service allows you to track the parcel of GLS or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

Estados GLS

Estado Traducción al es
The parcel has reached the parcel center El paquete ha llegado al centro de paquetes.
The parcel data was entered into the GLS IT system; the parcel was not yet handed over to GLS Los datos de la parcela se ingresaron en el sistema de TI GLS; el paquete aún no se ha entregado a GLS
The parcel has been delivered El paquete ha sido entregado
The parcel is expected to be delivered during the day Se espera que el paquete se entregue durante el día.
The parcel was handed over to GLS El paquete fue entregado a GLS
Data received Datos recividos
The parcel has been picked up El paquete ha sido recogido
The parcel has left the parcel center El paquete ha salido del centro de paquetes.
The parcel is stored in the parcel center El paquete se almacena en el centro de paquetes.
The parcel could not be delivered as the consignee was absent El paquete no se pudo entregar porque el destinatario estaba ausente
The parcel has been returned to sender El paquete ha sido devuelto al remitente.
The driver has received the order to pick up the parcel during the day El conductor ha recibido el pedido para recoger el paquete durante el día.
The parcel is stored in the parcel center to be delivered at a new delivery date El paquete se almacena en el centro de paquetería para ser entregado en una nueva fecha de entrega.
The parcel label for the pickup has been produced Se ha elaborado la etiqueta del paquete para la recogida.
The parcel was provided by the sender for collection by GLS El paquete fue proporcionado por el remitente para que GLS lo recoja.
The parcel could not be delivered as the recipient refused acceptance El paquete no se pudo entregar porque el destinatario rechazó la aceptación.
The parcel has reached the parcel center and was sorted manually El paquete ha llegado al centro de paquetes y fue ordenado manualmente
The parcel has been delivered at the ParcelShop (see ParcelShop information) El paquete se ha entregado en ParcelShop (consulte la información de ParcelShop)
The parcel has been picked up by GLS GLS ha recogido el paquete
The parcel could not be delivered as further address information is needed El paquete no se pudo entregar porque se necesita más información sobre la dirección
The parcel has reached the ParcelShop El paquete ha llegado a ParcelShop
The changed delivery option has been saved in the GLS system and will be implemented as requested La opción de entrega modificada se ha guardado en el sistema GLS y se implementará según lo solicitado
The parcel is stored in the GLS parcel center. The consignee has agreed to collect the goods himself El paquete se almacena en el centro de paquetes GLS. El destinatario se ha comprometido a recoger la mercancía él mismo.
The parcel has been delivered / dropped off El paquete ha sido entregado / entregado
The parcel could not be delivered due to wrong or incomplete address El paquete no se pudo entregar debido a una dirección incorrecta o incompleta
The parcel could not be delivered as the consignee had no cash available/suitable El paquete no se pudo entregar porque el destinatario no tenía efectivo disponible / adecuado
Check scan Comprobar escaneo
other Otro
Handing over the parcel to the recipient at the GLS ParcelShop Entrega del paquete al destinatario en GLS ParcelShop
The parcel has been delivered at the neighbour´s (see signature) El paquete ha sido entregado en casa del vecino (ver firma)
Inbound scan Escaneo entrante
The pickup request has been cancelled as there were no goods to be picked up La solicitud de recogida se ha cancelado porque no había mercancías que recoger.
The parcel could not be picked up as the goods to be picked up were not packed El paquete no se pudo recoger porque la mercancía a recoger no estaba embalada.
The parcel is stored in the parcel center. It cannot be delivered as further address information is needed El paquete se almacena en el centro de paquetes. No se puede entregar ya que se necesita información de dirección adicional
The parcel is stored in the final parcel center. It could not be delivered as the consignee was absent -
The parcel was released by customs El paquete fue entregado por la aduana.
The consignee was informed by mail about the delivery/pickup attempt -
Your parcel was delivered with an electric vehicle Su paquete fue entregado con un vehículo eléctrico
The parcel could not be picked up as the customer was absent El paquete no se pudo recoger porque el cliente estaba ausente
The parcel has reached the parcel center, the parcel label is not readable El paquete ha llegado al centro de parcelas, la etiqueta de paquetes no es legible
The parcel could not be delivered as the reception was closed El paquete no se pudo entregar porque la recepción estaba cerrada
The parcel could not be delivered as a new delivery date has been agreed El paquete no se pudo entregar como una nueva fecha de entrega se ha acordado
The parcel is stored in the final parcel center. It could not be delivered as further address information is needed El paquete se almacena en el último centro de paquetes. No se pudo entregar ya que se necesita información de dirección adicional
The parcel has been loaded into the transport vehicle by the shipper El paquete ha sido cargado en el vehículo de transporte por el remitente.
The parcel could not be delivered as the consignee is on holidays El paquete no se pudo entregar porque el destinatario está de vacaciones.
The parcel could not be delivered due to exceeded time frame -
The parcel data have been deleted from the GLS IT system Los datos de la parcela se han eliminado del sistema GLS IT
The customs documents are being prepared Se están preparando los documentos aduaneros
The parcel has been delivered to the parcel box El paquete ha sido entregado a la caja de paquetes
The parcel could not be delivered due to missing delivery note El paquete no se pudo entregar por falta de albarán de entrega
The parcel is stored in the parcel center until the agreed date -
The parcel could not be delivered because an access code is required for the door -
The parcel is stored in the final parcel center. It could not be delivered as the consignee refused acceptance -
The parcel is stored in the final parcel center to be delivered at a new delivery date -
The parcel is being delivered as requested -
The parcel has been delivered into the ParcelLocker -
The parcel could not be delivered as the consignee has moved -
The parcel is stored in the parcel center. It cannot be delivered as the reception is closed -
The parcel has been delivered to the GLS parcel station El paquete ha sido entregado en la estación de paquetería GLS.
The changed delivery option has been saved -
The parcel could not be delivered due to traffic problems -
Outbound scan Escaneo saliente
The parcel has been delivered at a post office -
The parcel is stored in the final parcel center. It could not be delivered due to traffic problems -
The parcel is stored in the final parcel center. It could not be delivered as the reception was closed El paquete se almacena en el último centro de paquetes. No se pudo entregar cuando la recepción se cerró
Delivered Handed over to consignee via PS-App -
Not out for delivery No para la entrega
The express parcel has reached the hub -
Van scan Escaneo de furgoneta
The express parcel has left the hub -
The express parcel is in the delivery vehicle and will be delivered at the agreed time -
The express parcel has reached the destination center -
Delivery scan -
Customs clearance is delayed until the consignee´s approval is available -
The parcel is stored in the final parcel center to be picked up by the consignee -
The parcel is stored in the parcel center to be picked up by the consignee -
The parcel has been forwarded to a GLS partner for delivery -
The parcel is stored in the final parcel center. It could not be delivered as the consignee is on holidays -
The parcel could not be picked up as further address information is needed No se pudo recoger el paquete porque se necesita más información sobre la dirección
The parcel is stored in the parcel center. It cannot be delivered as the consignee is on holidays -
The parcel is stored in the final parcel center. It could not be delivered as the consignee had no cash available -
The parcel could not be picked up as the reception was closed -
Customs clearance is delayed due to missing or inaccurate customs documents El despacho de aduana se retrasa debido a documentos aduaneros faltantes o inexactos
Customs clearance is delayed due to a missing invoice El despacho de aduana se retrasa debido a una factura faltante
The parcel is stored in the parcel center. It cannot be delivered as the goods are excluded from transport by GLS terms & conditions -
For the shipment a customs export notice was created -
Domestic linehaul -
For the shipment a customs export declaration was created -
Customs clearance is delayed due to incomplete documents -
Shipment without data -
The parcel could not be delivered in the ParcelShop -
The express parcel has left the start center -
Customs Consignment via Customs Portal -
Customs clearance is delayed as the goods are excluded from transport by GLS terms & conditions -
The parcel is stored in the final parcel center. It could not be delivered as the consignee has moved -
The parcel is stored in the parcel center. It cannot be delivered due to missing documents -
The parcel is stored in the parcel center. It cannot be delivered as the consignee has moved -
The parcel could not be delivered due to wrong PIN entry -
The consignee refused parcel acceptance in the ParcelShop El consignatario rechazó la aceptación de la parcela en el paquete
Parcel in warehouse Paquete en el almacén